Unused File


The heart of a lover, the soul of a writer
Jul 17, 2013
Reaction score
Western Australia, Kununurra
Mithilian Kingdom
Roleplay Guilds
Rage Industries
So I was bored, very bored. Due to this I began to browse the wiki, but not the lore pages, my attention was attracted to the other options that could be found on the edged of the website. One that got my attention was unused files, in this page I saw some interesting images. Other images in this page I has seen before, pictures of well known characters and other images that were used for the old lore site. But enough about those ones, the ones I made for this thread I have never seen before and hold great interest due to their context and title.

The first is a Dakkar image, while not overly spectacular, I found it very interesting since I have always had trouble picturing what a Dakkar would look like.

The next image is titled Paragon Alex, an odd title. Especially if you remember one of the first demons that was RPed named Paragon. While I do not recall details exactly, Paragon was Thomas Kade's tier three demon. So Paragon and Alex can be seen in the image; this can be seen due to important details and a bit of guess work. Paragon with his back hair and scar on his eye, the same looks as Thomas. While Alex with his signature Mohawk, plethora of earrings and disjointed beard that he used to have. But wait, he has white hair and glowing gold eyes, Alex doesn't have that. He doesn't but Seraph do, and he used to hold a seraph conduit (It can be seen glowing in his chest) . I believe this image is showing the demon form on Thomas and the Seraph form of Alex. This is concerned in the caption that states 'Concept art of the tier 3 demon, Paragon, and Alex Kade while possessed by a Seraph'

Here is another picture of a tier three demon, Paragon to be exact. This is proven by seeing the looks that fit Thomas Kade. While I have seen this image before I still think it is a good one to put up after the last picture.

That is all I got for now. I will post more if I dig up more. But if this was not meant to be found I am sorry and if the admin want me to take this down I will.
@Billy Rage

The first one, I'm not sure who did. The second one of Paragon and the Seraph were by Feawyn. The last one of the demon detoxing Thomas Kade chained up on the wall was by Monmarty. Interesting! I've never seen these before, I think. :o Really cool to see!
Oh wow, I've been scrounging around the Wiki looking for these images.. Good finds.
To clarify, the Dakkar I intended to use, but we weren't actually sure if that was what a Dakkar looked like or not, and thought it best to take it off the wiki. The other two were on the humans page, I believe, though taken off for being... mildly outdated. :P But kinda neat to have found those! Little hidden eggs within the wiki.
To clarify, the Dakkar I intended to use, but we weren't actually sure if that was what a Dakkar looked like or not, and thought it best to take it off the wiki. The other two were on the humans page, I believe, though taken off for being... mildly outdated. :P But kinda neat to have found those! Little hidden eggs within the wiki.
Yeah, it's pretty neat.
I fell in love with the second one. *silently steals*
(jk xD)
Edit: Waaait. Thomas Kade was possessed or what not? o-o
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