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Unmask The Darkness


Jan 8, 2020
Reaction score
Firstly, I must thank my dedicated transcriber, Adam, who I rely on to write these words. I have deep gratitude to him and his services in both gathering my thoughts and putting pen to paper. Without him, I would have no voice to reach a wider audience.

My recent days have been plagued by attack after attack on myself and my employer at the hands of the red hunter Aamin, which has left me in hiding. These distressing events are solely attributed to my innate identity, an aspect I had no say or influence in – something I was born with and must learn to navigate. The assailant alleges that their aggression stems from my identity as a mage and a kathar, even though my magical abilities are practically non-existent. In truth, casting spells is an arduous and detrimental experience for me, causing severe physical distress. As such, I do not use magic.

My fear is that Aamin has different goals, as unaware as he may be to them. He has proven himself unreasonable. I recall an incident where he lassoed and pulled a transformed marken towards himself, unaware he may be attacked. A reasonable person would know the risk, and foresee the events to follow when the marken reached them. Perhaps a reasonable person would not lasso a marken and pull that marken towards themselves.

Aamin reacted with surprise at the predictable events that followed. He threatened to infect the doctor who tried to help him, if he became infected. Aamin is not a reasonable man.

This brings me to a pressing concern: the alarming proliferation of crime under certain circumstances. Multiple cults and gangs are springing up from the slums of the city, and notable houses have been targeted already. When I arrived at Regalia, I had nothing. Not a roof over my head or a single regal to my name. I sheltered in a void shrine, and dug through garbage bins most days to try to find my next meal. The allure of street crime grew. This is where gangs, mafias and cults find their newest recruits.

Unbelievable luck pulled me into L'Roox, seeking employment as a seamstress.The benevolent Baron Alistair Roox recognized the potential in me and decided to take a chance by offering me a job, and treats me well to this day. This opportunity not only granted me a place to call home but also ensured a stable source of nourishment, sparing me from the desperation that once haunted me. My employment at L'Roox acted as a turning point, guiding me away from a dark path I had unwittingly begun to tread, driven solely by the need to survive.

How many others in the slums walk this path, I can't help but wonder. Good souls who simply want to survive, and fear the actions of rampaging madmen. There they await recruitment and radicalization by the truly sick, who spin lies of equality through spilled blood.

Unfortunately, Aamin vehemently opposes this positive change in my life. He harbors a dark desire to condemn me to the very streets from which I emerged – back to crime-infested alleys and the clutches of forbidden deities that whisper promises a better life. He seeks to force me back into a life of criminality, where hunger and despair would once again become my constant companions, fueling my frustration and resentment.

It is evident that Aamin's actions are driven by an irrational and deranged mind, single-mindedly fixated on thrusting individuals born with magical abilities into impoverished slums, where resentment towards the law and the Empire may breed and fester. His malevolent agenda seeks to sabotage any attempt by the less fortunate to improve their lives and integrate into society as law-abiding, productive citizens. Aamin's dangerous unpredictability is evident in his willingness to commit acts of attempted murder and arson, and there are growing concerns about his rapidly escalating aggressions.

I ask anyone with information concerning this reckless and unhinged individual to step forward and aid in our collective efforts to combat extremism and crime. Together, we can foster an environment that encourages honest work without the looming darkness of violence and hatred. I am proof of the transformative power of honest work, a chance and the support of a benevolent society.

Thank you for lending an ear to my plea. Let us stand united against this wave of darkness and together, we shall bring light to Regalia once more. Your support can make a difference, and for that, I am forever grateful.

Zaeronn, Employee of House Roox
Co Authored by Adam, transcriber