Unlikely Hero


"I-I yield." - A battered and broken Lyal'amna at the gates

The battle at had been raging, and the orders of the Lord Commander were clear, go and guard the Sewer Entrance. And so her and Leufred ran there, to keep whatever other creatures that might try and slip through at bay...before Leufred turned tale and ran, with Lyal angrily calling him a "Coward!" as he did so, looking down into the gloom, net ready, as well as her sword, should she need to draw it. Thats when the sounds of battle cried out, and the smell of blood begun to run thick through the air. The Allar had invaded using the same path she now guarded, with Zas, a good friend of Lyal's, with them. She knew she couldn't leave them to die, as Leufred had left her too do if they would come through the hole, and so she began her wading through the cursed waters before she reached the other side.

She saw destruction as soon as she got out, with horrifying beasts ripping their way through the lizards and her friends...but she did not quit. She quickly got up and out, getting her bow ready and charging forth with an arrow notched in her bow. She spotted the Digmann having trouble and rushed forth, ready to fire...when she felt the cold breath of another on her shoulder. Turning her gaze it was the Desprince himself...and he simply smiled, quickly slashing through her armour and throwing her away. She screamed out as he began to run, going to try her hand at throwing her grappling hook before being knocked to the side by a swipe, a stabbing pain going into her leg from another vampires sword, and a swift blow from an axe thudding against her helm...was this it?

She tried to speak, fear for her life filling her mind, telling them "I-I yield...p-please don't kill m-me...I yield..." which managed to give her enough time for them to move on, perhaps to pick her up later...but there was no time for her to do that. She needed to crawl, and she did so, dragging herself along the dirt to freedom, watching on as her friend Zas was beaten, the Cro-Allar was thrown to the floor, and many strong Allar fell to these beasts. She dragged and dragged, her rasped breaths getting heavier and heavier, pushing through the pain, using all of her strength when suddenly she was lifted. Well more like dragged. A familiar green glow in the mans eyes signified to her who it was, it was Leufred, the very ''coward'' whom had abandoned her at the grate.

She had a bad relationship with Leufred before in the Hightowers, with him treating her like trash and scum. For some reason, that was all she could think of at this point of time as he dragged her from the battlefield. She croaked up to him once he ripped off his sleeves and wrapped up her wounds, laying her down gently as she asked "W-why are you doing this for me?" to which he looked down at her and muttered "No more deaths" and moved back to the battle itself with a short prayer. But she wasn't done yet. She needed a little bit more time, a few seconds to rest before she was at it again, tearing off a nearby tables leg and using it to steady herself as he pushed on, her energy waining and the pain becoming more and more unbearable, then seeing the Cro-Allar being taken across the rooftops by a Varghul, a twisted monster. Luckily, the wretched thing had given her an idea...she needed to climb.

Using what little power she had she begun pushing herself up onto the rooftops, with a nearby ladder helping her climb, as well as her grappling hook. After a blur of climbing, roaring in pain and dragging she made it atop the wall, and she looked back to the devastation. No one had noticed she was gone, but she noticed everyone being taken, including Leufred. The man who saved her was gone and there was nothing she could do. Her friends were gone and there was nothing she could do. She dragged herself onto the other side of the wall and pushed herself off the edge into the water, half unconscious as she fell down into the depths...before being yanked out by one of her brothers.

Then came the questions, rapid fire. "Where is the Digmann?" "Who is dead?" "Who was taken?" "Are you alive?" all of which seemed to fade away as she was dragged forth and out towards the healers. They fixed her up as much as they could before her mind began racing. The Digmanns brood...with all of his soldiers now taken, who would look after them if the vampires came for their children within the Embassy? She asked that she would be taken there post haste in some strange attempt to keep protecting while not being too well to protect herself. And so she sat there, in the Digmann Embassy. Waiting...and hearing the last echos of the battle in the distance, and still seeing the faint green glow of Leufred's eyes in her mind. Her unlikely hero.

@xXKingDraugarXx @Anakyrivo