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Unionist Essays: A Revelation On Offenbarung

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Jan 15, 2019
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The Unionist People
Unionist Essays: A Revelation on Offenbarung
By an Acolyte of the One-Eye



The Colonial peoples of the Regalian Empire hold a firm grasp of what it truly means to be a Unionist which follows the Great Way. We see the Farmer grows grain for the Miner, who mines ore for the Smith, who smelts it into pikes for the Footman, the Footman fights and dies for the Noble, who governs for the Farmer, the Miner, the Smith and the Footman. The Great Way is a large interconnected web of stories and destinies interweaving and reconvening to create a tapestry of love and blessed union. To be a Unionist is to pursue this union, to pursue the Great Way and to tie all Humanum and subservient non-Humanum to our joint destiny in attaining a position in the Everwatch.

None among those that lived gave as much to the pursuit of the Great Way than Emperor Theomar the First, blessed be his name, and to celebrate the achievements of his brilliance we celebrate Revelation Day, or Offenbarung, as it is known. It is on this day that we as a people celebrate the blessed First Union, the day the Imperial Spirit bound itself to a living vessel in our beloved Emperor Theomar. It is through his great works we are here in our glorious empire today, and as such, it is time we celebrated that outside of the comfort of our homes.

The Offenbarung of Then
We have all celebrated Offenbarung in the privacy of the homesteads we built, surrounded by the family that we love, and those closest in our connection to the Great Way. Feasting and the jovial games of children have filled the banqueting halls of the nobility for generations, as well as the hovels of the farmer, and the barracks of the footman. We have all celebrated Offenbarung in the same way, but never together, never as a united Unionist force. We have been fragmented, split apart by internal mortal conflict, and the strife of cultures clashing. We have fought wars that keep us from one another, and hurled insults at one another across the vast swathes of land we long for. We have neglected the idea that to one farmer in Anglia, the same is true for a farmer in Opper Calem or the Hadarian Colonies. It is Offenbarung, Revelation Day, and we should be celebrating such.

The Offenbarung We Need
It is here that I wish to propose a change in our mentality, breaking the cycle of separation and neglect we have fallen into. We are one Unionist Flock and as such, we should act accordingly. I propose the following to be thought on by the Faithful and those that lead them:

  • Offenbarung should be celebrated as a community, in which all of Regalia should be asked to attend taking place in a large venue within the city.
  • Offenbarung should be a chance for the nobility to show humility and offer something in return to the Unionist Flock they lead. As such, a table should be set out for each family of noble birth to provide a selection of foods primarily from their mother culture, that may be dined upon at the leisure of those that attend.
  • Swearing and profanity in the direction of another Humanum, rather than in general, should be seen as an insult to the communal aspect of Offenbarung and all that partake should be shunned.
  • Those that bring a gift for their public enemy, or offer a compliment to their foe, should be praised.
  • Those commoners that attend should be grateful to their leaders in the nobility and should strive to conduct themselves with the utmost respect.
  • The Creeds should not be recited verbatim, as they so often are, and instead, specific quotations of Theomar's blessed works should be used as they were intended, to inspire the Synod to compose truly unique words for the Unionist populace. Though Theomar's precise wording is blessed and holy, for the sake of enjoying the festivity in prompt time, a singular speech should be worded by the Synod.
  • The Imperial Family should be invited and held by the Synod as esteemed guests at the function dedicated to their Holy ancestor.
  • Nobility and commoners should, for the period of the event, mingle and communicate to find relationships between their paths on the Great Way.
  • Those that are seen truly taking part in the festivities should be praised in an announcement of commendation by the Synod for their actions.
I believe that in a time of famine, in a time of war, and in a time of great continued strife brought about by the mistakes of those who have previously led the Synod, that it is time for joy once more, even if it only lasts a day.

It is well within the power and resources of the Synod and nobility alike to bring Offenbarung into a community, and to see the brilliance of Emperor Theomar and the Imperial Spirit's union celebrated as a Union; Not as part of a Union.


We should, as a community, endeavour to bring one another closer in an attempt to fulfil the Great Way. This is especially important during this time of crisis and uncertainty for the Empire. The Offenbarung has the chance to be the unifying event the faithful deserve. I urge the Synod to press such change before more are driven away from the oppression the Synod of old has been associated with in older regimes. I hope that the Synod can take a more proactive approach to the guiding of the people and the appreciation of those who are exceptional Unionists, and I believe this would be a strong first step.

OOC Note: Feel free to write IC responses after this thread. This will be the first of many Unionist essays from the One-Eyes.

Tagging the Synod and religious folk: @GoldWolfGaming @Doc_Cantankerous @Salier @Bertramqaz @dogbew @TheyCalledMeKiko @Bagley_
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