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Unionist Conclave Bull | 1/7/308 Ac | Holy War


Das Wump
Dec 14, 2015
Reaction score


Spirit's peace and benediction to all who walk in the will of the Spirit.


The Imperial Orthodox Church has summoned the Unionist Conclave on the date of January the seventh, 308 AC with the proposal of declaring Holy War on the Drixagh states who have declared open rebellion against the Empire and the Emperor himself.
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Imperial Church of the Holy Divine votes in favor.

Bacchus Conclave votes against.

Apostles of the Exalted Martyr votes in favor.

Peoples Church of the Golden Eye votes against.

Church of the Radiant Eye votes against.

Church of Holy Redemption votes in favor

Holy Blood of Theomar votes against.

Church of Solidarity votes in favor.
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With a total vote of five for and four against, the proposal passes and effective the date of January the ninth, 308 AC Holy War is declared against the Drixagh States who have declared open rebellion against the Empire and the Emperor.

[[ The official seals of all nine churches are placed at the bottom of the address.]]
Page Break Subtle.webp [[ Conclave can declare a Holy War on any target which compels all Nobles to declare war on the target, and aid in the eradication of Heresy/Heathenous powers at the risk of being seen unpious by their people and losing Political Power. ]]

Upon seeing the notice, Mani can't help but bow her head in anguish. Not only would this cause problems with her Import business, but it would only shove a wedge further between Northerners and other folk that lived in Regalia. She'd already heard enough complaints about the treatment of other Northerners within the city's walls, and she could only imagine what would happen from here on out. She clutched the fabric at her chest rather tightly, and prayed...

"Please... don't let this become another burning." She spoke softly beneath her breath. "This bloodshed with the North must be put to an end."