Archived Undo Unclaims

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Rainbow Caster
Aug 12, 2016
Reaction score
So... I don't need to say much more than: if you happen to like the faction you own and you just wanted to unclaim a portion of it in the most efficient way possible /f unclaim fill is NOT the way to go...

I unclaimed the faction i just bought for 10k ;~;

So I propose that a /f unclaim undo command be added to help those poor souls who don't happen to understand MassiveCraft's commands/command chains in the slightest! Just have it revert the last claim/unclaim command and everyone will be happy!


EDIT: Also a "[Warning] Your going to unclaim your whole faction! Is this okay? Yes/No" message before you unclaim would be great as well.[/Warning]
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
EDIT: Also a "[Warning] Your going to unclaim your whole faction! Is this okay? Yes/No" message before you unclaim would be great as well.[/Warning]

This is the only thing that's really needed. No need for an undo command if they are aware of what they are doing in the first place, and its probably a lot easier to code.[/warning]