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Underground Bunkhouse!


"Something will be here"
Mar 30, 2015
Reaction score
Around Old Town and the Sewers, small advertisements were put up for some sort of new Bunkhouse around.


The Locklan Bunkhouse is Open!

The Wraith now has an Inn just above it, ran by Ka-Maraya Gareth Locklan, warrior extraordinaire! Don't let his armour fool you though, he is a kind soul and welcomes all to his humble establishment should they need a bed. Keep in mind that this is a Bunkhouse, and there are no singular rooms as of yet, so sharing rooms is likely. Keep an eye on your coin purse, and your roommate (or roommates) if your worried, but other than that if problems do arise, Gareth, or other staff, will be on hand and will take measures to remove those causing trouble inside. We are currently looking for staff, and also patrons! So if you need a bed, or some side work (which shouldn't be too hard) come find Gareth Locklan! He shouldn't be too hard to find, due to the fact he is always in his clunky armour, and looming around Old Town and the Sewers!

Here are the prices:
# - Room 1: One night - 5 Regals, One Week - 20 Regals
# - Room 2: One night - 7 Regals, One Week - 22 Regals
# - Room 3: One night - Free of Charge, One Week - 10 Regals
# - Extras: Secrecy - 3 Regals, Protection - 4 Regals, Both - 6 Regals

Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!
Gareth Locklan, Ka-Maraya and new Proprietor of the Locklan Bunkhouse
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