Archived Undead Race Minor Change

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Classic wannabe angel of death
May 5, 2014
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As we know, undead are undead, so why not allow undead to be able to eat rotten flesh, because that would be undead byproduct? The undead race should add that it should be able to eat rotten flesh, and other foods that harm (these not necessarily), without the cons that come with.
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Well, they are undead, I'm not sure if cannibalism would be above them, since they already eat the living. Though I'm definitely not a lore staff, not sure if undead would eat other undead.
I think if your an undead and you hold a piece of rotten flesh in your hand you should divert the attention of undead mobs.
As we know, undead are undead, so why not allow undead to be able to eat rotten flesh, because that would be undead byproduct? The undead race should add that it should be able to eat rotten flesh, and other foods that harm (these not necessarily), without the cons that come with.
if so, u guys also nead to be affected by the smite enchant
That's true but I don't think the undead would taste appealing to other undeads. Of course, thats just my opinion :P
If they are dead; do you really their taste buds are going to work? Anyway.. In my opinion all the races are fine as they are; changes do not need to be made. Also, rotten flesh making you hungry still; makes sense, undead are seen as always hungering, but not in this. In this; they are not mindless zombies that seek to tear ones flesh away, and devour it. So rotten flesh still making you hungry, as an undead; makes sense in my opinion.
I always thought if an Undead went insane enough, they'd go around on a rampage, like usual zombies, attacking everything they see. Though it really depends on what type of Undead they are.
If they are dead; do you really their taste buds are going to work? Anyway.. In my opinion all the races are fine as they are; changes do not need to be made. Also, rotten flesh making you hungry still; makes sense, undead are seen as always hungering, but not in this. In this; they are not mindless zombies that seek to tear ones flesh away, and devour it. So rotten flesh still making you hungry, as an undead; makes sense in my opinion.
Hey! Even the undead may have high standards! But good point..
I always thought if an Undead went insane enough, they'd go around on a rampage, like usual zombies, attacking everything they see. Though it really depends on what type of Undead they are.
All undead do this I believe, but this happens when their brain completely rots, or mostly rots away, making them a mindless, empty husk of a person.

Also, undead technically don't need to eat. They are dead, and a dead body dosnt need food, water or air. Regardless if it is walking
The man reason the undead don't have any more perks is because they are already borderline OP in PVP, well that's what I head.
Mathematically, undead are quite easily the best in PVP settings. A dwarf attacking an undead with an axe will actually do less damage than a human attacking any other race with an axe...

However they still aren't too common in PVP that i have seen. Most people will still opt for the dwarf
Mathematically, undead are quite easily the best in PVP settings. A dwarf attacking an undead with an axe will actually do less damage than a human attacking any other race with an axe...

However they still aren't too common in PVP that i have seen. Most people will still opt for the dwarf

Or Naga. Because screw poison.
Hmmm just had an idea... to promote some of the less played races perhaps make some of them immune to certain potions... (like the new Hunger, Nausea, etc...)
I think it would make sense for zombies and skeletons not to attack them, while others such as spiders and creepers would, undead alliance dealio
I think it would make sense for zombies and skeletons not to attack them, while others such as spiders and creepers would, undead alliance dealio
Good idea, but I think at that point they would just start becoming less hated vampires. What if they were just stronger against zombies, i.e. takeless even less damage from them and do most damage to them as well. Just zombies though, maybe not skelatons.

To the original point, it would make sense that undead would be amune to hunger effects, but I call cannabal.
Well physiologically if they have come back from the dead they still need chemical energy to move and do stuff so from that standpoint i think it is safe to say that they would still need to eat. But I think they could definitely eat rotten flesh, and maybe make them immune to potions of hunger as well...
I think it's foolish to suggest any changes to races when the traits plugin is (hopefully) just round the corner.
As to the change itself; undead are already OP in PvP, as was said. They don't need (basically) free food on top of that.
Here is the thing. The undead are not supposed to eat in the lore. Undead merely will eat, and it sits inside of them. So, while the undead curse needs to eat in game, in rp, they don't. So this would make no lore sense.
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