Preserved Sheet Uncle Scheu

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Your uncle
Jul 30, 2016
Reaction score
out of the blue
Basic Information
  • Full Name: "Uncle" Victor Scheu
  • Age: 62
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Slizzar
  • Main Ambition: To become a powerful, respected figure, hopefully involved with the government

Skill Information

60 total Proficiency Points
  • +40 Diplomacy (+20 from being Slizzar, +20 from Points)
  • +31 Espionage (+10 from being Slizzar, +10 from Vilestate School, +11 from Points)
  • +20 Syndicate Contacts (+10 from Vilestate School, +10 from Points)
  • +10 Forgery (+10 from Vilestate School)
  • +9 Alchemy (+9 from Points)
60 total Culture Points
  • +28 Instrumental Music (+28 from Points)
  • +15 Musical Theory (+15 from Points)
  • +12 Dancing (+12 from Points)
  • +5 Drawing (+5 from Points)
5 languages known
  • Common (learned from integration later in life)
  • Zasta (native speaker)
  • Alt-Regalian (learned from Ailor early on)
  • Modern Elven (learned from personal study)
  • D'Ithanie (learned from personal study)
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Violet
  • Hair Color: Red, fades to orange
  • Hair Style: Tied back in a ponytail
  • Skin Color: Dark grey with red facial markings
  • Clothing: Cheap and tattered
  • Height: 5'6"
  • Body Build: Lanky
  • Weapon of Choice: Alchemical potions, or just his strong tail

  • First Paragraph: To others, "Uncle Scheu" will often come off as dishearteningly eccentric and, in some cases, entirely mad. For example, he insists upon being called Uncle Scheu, occasionally even by authority figures. Victor can also appear rather humorous, however, and in most cases, he can lighten the mood of any gathering. His outward personality can often come off as extremely tiresome, however, due to his many eccentricities. However, he's not a diplomat for nothing, and can be very serious when called for as well as calm and calculating.
  • Second Paragraph: Though he may seem mad to others, Scheu is perfectly sane, and puts on the act of madness to appear harmless. He often worries that if he appears too threatening to others, or becomes competition, that he will be endangered. Victor has always preferred working without competition, so that he can put all of his focus into his goals without having to worry about potential rivals, which is the main reason for his unconventional behavior. He is also rather uncertain of his alchemical skills, constantly worrying that he will fail to aid someone.
  • Third Paragraph: To those he considers family, Victor couldn't be more kind and caring. He absolutely loves spending time with his supposed nieces and nephews, which is likely where he got the moniker "Uncle Scheu" from. To friends, he is often playful and joking, often spending more time laughing in a conversation that actually speaking. This differs from his interactions with strangers because he is careful not to let too much of his personality show to those he doesn't trust, meaning that many who become close to him will witness a personality change of sorts as he becomes more familiar with them.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Scheu's morality could be described as lawful evil, as his goals are often very detrimental to those who oppose them, but he adheres to his own personal sense of honor and generally plays by the rules. For example, although he aspires to a powerful government position, he will do everything in his power to gain that in a legitimate way, the same way any other person might go about doing so. In any given circumstance, he will likely prioritize his own safety over that of others, but try not to put anyone else in harm's way if it is avoidable.
  • Missing Fingers: During a scuffle with a group of Allar in 291 AC, Scheu lost three of his fingers. He lost the little finger of his left hand and the ring and little finger of his right hand. This often causes problems when Scheu is creating an alchemical concoction or working with his hands in general, as beforehand he was used to having all ten fingers and not just seven.

Victor Scheu was born sometime in February of 243 AC. He was born in Hadar and lived there for the first two decades of his life. For the first nine years of his residency, he was brought up by a Sa-Allar couple, both of whom were males, and both of whom were extremely confused as to why he looked so different from what they had expected.

When he was nine, his existence became a problem for his fathers when a family friend, an Al-Allar, informed them that they were in fact raising a Slizzar. He was quickly ousted and, with nowhere else to turn, resigned himself to a life on the streets—which lasted exactly four days, as soon after being turned out by his parents, he was discovered by a group of Ailor who seemed to each have a personal vendetta against the Digmaan-Rassa-Allar, and who seemed to value him for his identity as a Slizzar.

When Victor turned ten, he started being trained in the arts of forgery, espionage, and syndicate contacts, all of which his new family-slash-captors were skilled in. Victor lived generally comfortably for those years, becoming quite immersed in both Allar culture and New Regalian culture, for nearly all of the Ailor were New Regalian or, as a few claimed, Alt-Regalian. He took a liking to the arts of dancing, instrumental music, and musical theory, and became quite proficient in those. It was during this time, around age seventeen, that he started going by Scheu, though he picked up the name Victor from one of the Ailor, whose son, Victor, was ostensibly reminiscent of the young Slizzar.

When he was twenty-two, the Ailor radicals finally deemed him ready to truly enter Allar society—although Victor was always confused as to what they actually intended him to do. He mingled with the Al-Allar and Mu-Allar primarily, seeing them as ins to the Soor-Rassa-Allar and the Digmaan-Rassa-Allar, respectively. During this time he picked up mediocre skill in alchemy, and inadvertently became fast friends with a Mu-Allar named Ellez Ress. As a sort of inside joke, the two of them convinced each of Ellez' five children to start calling Victor their uncle, which is where he got that particular epithet.

When he was thirty-nine, Victor actually managed to consort with a small, yet significant, number of Cro-Allar via their Mu-Allar armies that he had curried favor with. Through his already-present knowledge of diplomacy and his incredible skill in the school of flattery, he cozied up to two of these Cro-Allar who taught him the more specific ins and outs of diplomacy and, to Victor's surprise, espionage.

All of this was cut short by the beginning of the Chrysant War in 286 AC, from which he fled shamelessly. Though he had thought he knew better, he felt a personal connection to many of the Allar that he had befriended and decided to take himself to Regalia, where the attacks had originated from. However, he severely misjudged the location of the Crown City, and instead managed to get himself on a ship bound for Hinter Calem. He made his home there for several years, becoming a musician and a rather mediocre alchemist on the side, while beginning to study Elven-based languages, to which he had taken a fascination.

This all changed in 291 AC, however, when he was attacked as part of the backlash against Slizzar after the Chrysant War. A group of Allar attacked him with a number of alchemical creations, bombarding his senses and rendering him nearly incapacitated. He lost two fingers off his right and and one off his left, as well as part of his tail, before he was able to run away. He never quite stopped running, for not four hours later he had packed his bags and set off for the Crown City, where he hoped he might be better protected.

Those hopes were mostly dashed when Victor realized how badly his kind were treated in Regalia. Victor retreated into his hobbies, practicing alchemy and music, and rarely left his home except for when it was absolutely necessary. During both the Anahera Dictatorship and the Lo Occupation, Scheu stayed low and hidden, though he subtly aided some resistance forces and general dissenters with alchemical concoctions. Eventually, he came out of hiding in early 305 AC, integrating himself among the population once more as the alchemist Victor Scheu, despite his relatively minor proficiency with alchemy. He slowly but surely opened himself up to the lower-class denizens of the city, this time hiding himself behind a social facade of eccentricity to keep himself distanced, though he would always in his head be Uncle Scheu.
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Here're your review @Katzeclystrophe
  • Slizzar rarely communicate with other Slizzar, it would be very unlikely for Victor to be around his family for so long, especially in close proximity. In your backstory, Victor is always around his sisters and family, and should be changed to better fit the Slizzar's way of thinking.
  • Your personality paragraphs are also a bit too short, please add atleast another sentence to all of them. Another note about your personality is the madness he portrays. Why does he act mad? What in his life caused him to start doing this?
  • Most of his personality and backstory will have to be changed to allocate for the Slizzar's solitary nature. As this is my main complain, I do highly suggest you pay some extra attention to his relationship with his family.
Please make all edits in a different colour once complete.
Added one to two sentences to each personality paragraph, including the reason he acts mad. Removed several mentions of his family from his backstory, editing accordingly. Changes marked in blue.
Updated for the new proficiency system! Changes made:
  • Severely edited Skill Information for the new proficiency system
  • Removed all mention of his former medical skill
  • Removed Talent section
  • Heavily edited backstory to accomodate skill edits, as well as a few smaller backstory changes that should have been made a while ago
Updated for the new proficiency system! Changes made:
  • Severely edited Skill Information for the new proficiency system
  • Removed all mention of his former medical skill
  • Removed Talent section
  • Heavily edited backstory to accomodate skill edits, as well as a few smaller backstory changes that should have been made a while ago