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Played Character Unbound Mystech Spirit Summons

This character is actively played.


A wretched little thing
Jun 23, 2024
Reaction score
Hello! This thread is for me to place the stat-sheets of summonable spirits that players can request me to play for them. If you have a character who'd like to summon a spirit and fight alongside them for a combat scene or other evil, short stents of stuff, feel free to message me on discord.

Do Crime.

Summon Evil Spirits.
Champion of Evolism

"A Sinistral Warrior so afoul, a paladin for the corrupting forces of a world not our own..."

Character Information
  • Religion: Evolism
  • Heritage / Culture: Unbound Spirit
  • Occult: Void

Skill Information

  • Unbound Mechanic I: Unbound Spirits gain the Shapeshift Pack Magical Variant for free. However, they only count as Disguised while looking like a Normal non-spirit/monster person.
  • Unbound Mechanic II: Unbound Spirits do not need to make a minimum investment in Magic Point Buy to unlock Sinistral Variants, but must always use Sinistral Variants, they cannot use Radiant.
  • Unbound Mechanic III: Unbound Spirits gain the Mindcontrol Pack Magical Variant for free. Additionally, they are immune to Persuasion Thralling themselves (unless they choose to be Thralled).
  • Unbound Mechanic IV: Unbound Spirits can temporarily magically infest unwilling characters, hiding in their bodies, perceiving everything, "talking" in the person's mind, but are unable to use Abilities/take Actions. (Hidden)
  • Unbound Mechanic V: Unbound Spirits are immune to anything that would read/alter their emotions or conscience, and if killed/harmed, can always respawn in a different place 1 hour later, and repair any damage.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 7
Defense Stat: 5
[0/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
  • Strength: 1
    • [Diving Tackle]
  • Constitution: 0
  • Intelligence: 1
    • [Shapeshift Pack] [Free]
    • [Technique Parry]
    • [Mindcontrol Pack] [Free]
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith: 5
    • [Divine Stance]
    • [Divine Burn]
    • [Divine Smite]
    • [Divine Aggro]
    • [Divine Revive]
    • [Divine Aura]
  • Magic: 7
    • [Monster Invocation]
    • [Magic Resist]
    • [Magic Cleanse]
    • [Magic Shove]
    • [Magic Revenge]
    • [Magic Bolster]
    • [Magic Snare]
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Dreadbringer of Ordial

"That feeling of wretched rot and decay... it still lingers in their wake."

Character Information
  • Religion: Mortis Cult
  • Heritage / Culture: Unbound Spirit
  • Occult: Ordial

Skill Information

  • Unbound Mechanic I: Unbound Spirits gain the Shapeshift Pack Magical Variant for free. However, they only count as Disguised while looking like a Normal non-spirit/monster person.
  • Unbound Mechanic II: Unbound Spirits do not need to make a minimum investment in Magic Point Buy to unlock Sinistral Variants, but must always use Sinistral Variants, they cannot use Radiant.
  • Unbound Mechanic III: Unbound Spirits gain the Mindcontrol Pack Magical Variant for free. Additionally, they are immune to Persuasion Thralling themselves (unless they choose to be Thralled).
  • Unbound Mechanic IV: Unbound Spirits can temporarily magically infest unwilling characters, hiding in their bodies, perceiving everything, "talking" in the person's mind, but are unable to use Abilities/take Actions. (Hidden)
  • Unbound Mechanic V: Unbound Spirits are immune to anything that would read/alter their emotions or conscience, and if killed/harmed, can always respawn in a different place 1 hour later, and repair any damage.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 7
Defense Stat: 5
Proficiency Points:
  • Strength: 7
    • [Diving Tackle]
    • [Careful Fighter] [Free]
    • [Bruiser Stance] [Free]
    • [Bruiser Slam]
    • [Bruiser Agony]
    • [Bruiser Rampage]
    • [Bruiser Tackle]
    • [Steady Body]
    • [Technique Parry]
  • Constitution: 2
    • [Bulwark]
    • [Breather]
  • Intelligence: 0
    • [Shapeshift Pack] [Free]
    • [Mindcontrol Pack] [Free]
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith: 0
  • Magic: 5
    • [Monster Invocation]
    • [Magic Resist]
    • [Magic Cleanse]
    • [Magic Shove]
    • [Magic Bolster]
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Pridelord of the North

"Risen to defend the honor of ancestors, yet only leaving scornful pride in it's wake..."

Character Information
  • Religion: Fornoss
  • Heritage / Culture: Unbound Spirit
  • Occult: Exist

Skill Information

  • Unbound Mechanic I: Unbound Spirits gain the Shapeshift Pack Magical Variant for free. However, they only count as Disguised while looking like a Normal non-spirit/monster person.
  • Unbound Mechanic II: Unbound Spirits do not need to make a minimum investment in Magic Point Buy to unlock Sinistral Variants, but must always use Sinistral Variants, they cannot use Radiant.
  • Unbound Mechanic III: Unbound Spirits gain the Mindcontrol Pack Magical Variant for free. Additionally, they are immune to Persuasion Thralling themselves (unless they choose to be Thralled).
  • Unbound Mechanic IV: Unbound Spirits can temporarily magically infest unwilling characters, hiding in their bodies, perceiving everything, "talking" in the person's mind, but are unable to use Abilities/take Actions. (Hidden)
  • Unbound Mechanic V: Unbound Spirits are immune to anything that would read/alter their emotions or conscience, and if killed/harmed, can always respawn in a different place 1 hour later, and repair any damage.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 7
Defense Stat: 5
Proficiency Points:
  • Strength: 2
    • [Diving Tackle]
    • [Bruising Strike]
  • Constitution: 5
    • [Bulwark]
    • [Shield Block] [Free]
    • [Shield Snare]
    • [Shield Slam]
    • [Shield Cover]
    • [Breather]
  • Intelligence: 0
    • [Shapeshift Pack] [Free]
    • [Mindcontrol Pack] [Free]
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith: 0
  • Magic: 7
    • [Monster Invocation]
    • [Magic Resist]
    • [Magic Cleanse]
    • [Magic Shove]
    • [Magic Bolster]
    • [Magic Shove]
    • [Magic Revenge]
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