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Work in Progress Umbra's Chaotic Thread Of Characters

This sheet is a work in progress and should not be considered accurate or used actively in roleplay.


Stunning Orc
Aug 17, 2021
Reaction score
Concept one- Eronidas Technician
Character Information

  • Full Name: Ashtad Qarabu
  • Race: Eronidas
  • Age: 36
  • Sex: Male
  • Gender: Male
  • Sexuality: Androphile
  • Eye Color: Blue with dark grey Sclera
Core Concept
  • Amatan follows Draconism, worshipping Marik, the patron of his work, and Daiana, the mother of his world and people.
  • A war engineer, who specializes in augments to empower the body and create golems for his protection and company
Proficiency Information
Total Points: 0/14

  • Strength: 7
    • Bruiser Agony(free)
    • Bruiser Slam
    • Bruiser Tackle
    • Unyielding Strike
    • Diving Tackle
    • Weapon Throw
    • Steady Bodt
  • Constitution:
  • Wisdom: 5(DoyenTech)
    • Tech Defense
    • Tech Armory
    • Tech Lasso
    • Tech Rockets
    • Tech Sanction
  • Dexterity: 2
    • Belt Shot
    • Spray and Pray
  • Arcane: 0
  • Faith: 0
    • Sacred Healing(Free)

  • Common (Free)
  • Vasar(Parent)
  • Vaman(learned)
Appearance Information
  • Ashtad is a large Eronidas at 7', their skin a light green with bronze tattoos of gears and other Marik/Daiana symbolisms. Ashtad has bright blue eyes laid over dark circles and a shaved head with tattoos of similar imagery.
  • The technician has various augments applied to his body while keeping to the fleshiness of his original body with Doyentech, His eyes have been enhanced to see further away and his legs have been strengthened to run and slide great distances among many other things.
Life Story
You may write a more free-form paragraph based Life Story in full, but make sure it is in spoilers at the bottom, and that you still include the simplified Life Story in bullet points above it.
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Concept Two - Hoterie Member
Character Information

  • Full Name: Adhalos
  • Race: Eronidas(Slizzar)
  • Culture: Ashaven Kissut
  • Age: 25
  • Sex: Male
  • Gender: Male
  • Sexuality: Androphile
  • Eye Color: Golden with dark grey Sclera
Core Concept
  • "In every shape, a story; in every gaze, a reflection, for I am the embodiment of fluidity in a world of rigid lines." - Adhalos, a serpentine shapeshifter born from high-level Eronidas couple, delighting audiences with mesmerizing performances that transcend the boundaries of ordinary entertainment.
  • "The dance of service and grace, I shall nurture hearts, weaving tales, and bestowing upon others the sacred artistry of entertainment" - The slizzar worships Amandaros, a worshipper of the Evintarian cult of Unionism.
Proficiency Information
Total Points: 0/14

  • Strength:
  • Constitution:
  • Wisdom:
  • Dexterity:
  • Adapt:
    • Mindcontrol(Free)
    • Shapeshift(Free)
  • Faith:

  • Common (Free)
  • Vasar(Parent)
  • Vaman(learned)
  • All Hoterie Mechanics
  • Slizzar Mechanics
  • They get +3 to all rolls after the result rolled
  • Persuasion stat is 3 + 2 + 14 = 17 capped(19)
Appearance Information
  • Adhalos normally takes the form of Eronidas with dirty blonde hair with iron-grey skin, he gives himself a few tattoos with golden chains around his neck and golden trees on their back. His dirty-blonde hair cascades down to his lower back in sleek, flowing strands, often styled in intricate braids interwoven with delicate, crystalline adornments reminiscent of stars.
Life Story
You may write a more free-form paragraph based on Life Story in full, but make sure it is in spoilers at the bottom, and that you still include the simplified Life Story in bullet points above it.
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Concept Three - Nature Arkenborn
Character Information

  • Full Name: Utuabzu(Sun of the Abyss)
  • Race: Eronidas
  • Culture: Ahazu
  • Age: 90/20 in the actual world
  • Sex: Male(He/Him)
  • Eye Color: Glowing orange with black sclera
  • Occult: Eldertide Godborn
Core Concept
  • "In the abyss, the truth lies tangled amidst horrors unspoken." - His existence mirrors the world's darkest contradictions, revealing its internal evils and hypocrisies. A Neron Warrior entrenched in defending Kur and Aloria against Ordial assaults while wrestling with his monstrous identity. Recently left Kur and are currently living within the Gloomrot, patrolling the forests.
  • "Eldritch whispers echo Daiana's guardianship of nature's hidden mysteries." - Utuabzu's Eronidas rearing has pushed him away from his father's cult, instead revering Daiana. He believes she embodies truth in a perpetual state of dormant grayness, safeguarding the planet itself from the horrendous truth that he embodies.
Proficiency Information
Total Points: 0/14

  • Strength: 4
    • Cheap Shot
    • Unyielding Strike
    • Diving Tackle
    • Weapon Throw
    • Brawl Stampede(Free)
  • Constitution: 0
    • Rage Counter(Free)
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Magic: 1
    • Magic Revenge
  • Faith: 7
    • Hex Aura
    • Hex Plot
    • Hex Bloodlet
    • Hex Parasite
    • Hex Guide
    • Hex Doom
    • Hex Apocalypse

  • Common (Free)
  • Vasar, Vaman(Fluent)
  • All Gloomfolk Order Mechanics
  • Eronidas Mechanics
  • Draconism Mechanic
  • Eldertide Godborn Mechanic
Appearance Information
  • Utuabzu's transformed form bears a dark, mossy green complexion that accentuates his robust physique that has weathered by decades of fighting and modification. Across his broad, muscular shoulders is intricate scarification etched into their skin with sinuous lines intertwining, resembling crashing waves frozen in time. Intertwined amidst the scars are delicate runic tattoos that are in a script from Eldertide's cult with some vasarcon inscribed as well. Hidden beside the runes are branded markings that encircle powerful muscles, each symbolizing oaths sworn to the planet's preservation. Adorning his elongated ears are bronze rings, strung with lapis lazuli beads, each bead is a symbol of honor or accomplishment.
  • Monstrous Form Idea #1: Utuabzu's monstrous form manifests as crystalline horror with marmoreal skin and jagged lapis protrusions along their collarbone and forearms. His face resembles a broken-into geode, showcasing a myriad of colors inside and a faint, pulsing glow to it. Their hips are smooth lapis stone with heightened heels made of the same material, but jagged.
  • Monstrous Form Idea #2: Utuabzu in his natural form embodies a crystalline horror, a nightmarish fusion that defies comprehension. His towering figure, wreathed in iridescent shards, emits an eerie, refracted luminescence that illuminates the surrounding darkness. Jagged crystal formations protrude from his back, resembling twisted spires encrusted with pulsating, lapis-hued gems. His limbs are s, each strand tipped with crystalline shards that emit a haunting, ethereal glow, manifesting as a spectral echo of corrupted power. Enkimdu's eyes, two crystalline orbs, gleam with an otherworldly intensity, holding ancient, unfathomable wisdom within their fractured depths. As he moves, an ominous symphony of chiming echoes fills the air, a dissonant melody echoing the shattered fragments of his existence, leaving an unsettling impression of a reality twisted beyond comprehension.
Plot Points
  • Kur Awakening
    • Utuabzu was born in an arcane union within the Eldertide's grasp to a death shaman.
  • Ascension to Neron Warrior
    • Enduring rigorous training and trials, Utuabzu evolved into a formidable Neron Warrior, harnessing spontaneous ordial and spiritual powers that aid in defending Kur's fortifications and Aloria against otherworldly incursions.
  • Monstrous Gloom Tender
    • A member of the Gloomfolk Order, he tends to the wild flora of Gloomrot, nurturing its harmonious growth while harvesting mystical resources.
  • More will be made at a later date
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Concept Three - Pride Arkenborn
Character Information

  • Full Name: Tyrion Gaussin
  • Race: Ailor
  • Culture:
  • Age:
  • Sex: Male(He/Him)
  • Eye Color: gold with red sclera
  • Occult: Pride Arkenborn(Catheron Refracted)
Core Concept
Proficiency Information
Total Points: 0/14

  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 0
    • Rage Counter(Free)
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Magic: 14
    • Magic Revenge
  • Faith:

  • Common (Free)

  • Ailor Mechanics
  • Draconism Mechanic
Appearance Information
Plot Points
Ref: Beware Mantits
Character Information
  • Full Name: Madurin, Star Child of the Luminious Solfa whispering a final lullaby to the trembling stars OR Shultashmetu, Star Child of the Devoted Solfa betrayed in the embrace of a false dawn
  • Race: Orion
  • Culture: Zabar
  • Age: 22
  • Sex: Male(He/Him)
  • Eye Color: Starry Purple
  • Religion: Orion(Madurin)/Felicula(Shultashme)
  • Occult: Dragon Magic
Core Concept
Madurin |
Madurin is a soothsayer monk who uses Ancestral Magic to summon the wisdom of ancient heroes, weaving their stories into lullabies that soothe and guide others.
Shultashmetu | Shultashme is a courtesan songtress that has lived on the Suhru Gar of Kazubasha. who has enchanted the level with mesmerizing performances of historical operas and their voice.

Proficiency Information
Total Points: 4/14

  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 6
    • Rebound
    • Status Endure
    • Breather
    • Iron Will
    • Thick Hide
  • Wisdom: 2
    • Medical Rescue
    • Medical Buff
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Magic: 2
    • Magic Revive(Free)
    • Magic Resist
    • Wardrobe
  • Faith:

  • Common (Free)
  • All Languages(Orion)

  • Orion Mechanics
  • Draconism Mechanic
Appearance Information
Plot Points
Character Information

Full Name: Sahurmut, Star Child of the Glorious Solfa Who Roared with the Falling Sands
Race: Orion
Culture: Hedjet
Age: 22
Sex: Male(He/Him)
Eye Color: Starry Blue
Core Concept
Menkahet, an Orion raised by the Hedjet Asha. Found in the Ashal States, his adoptive Hedjet Asha family honored the god Ankheti by naming him after the deity. He wishes to spread and safeguard the life of the land.

Proficiency Information
Total Points: 14/14

Strength: 0
Constitution: 0
Dexterity: 0

  • Common (Free)
  • All Languages(Orion)
Orion Mechanics

Appearance Information
Menkahet stands at an imposing 6'7". His form while very much Orion-like is similar to his Asha Heritage with dense, solid purple hued fur that seems to shimmer with a gentle luminescence. His appearance is entirely leonine with his mane flows down his back like waves of starlight, each strand glinting with the soft glow of distant constellations. His feline face is sharp yet regal, with soft, glowing purple eyes that radiate warmth and wisdom.

Plot Points