Preserved Sheet Tusrig Herdier

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Jan 15, 2018
Reaction score
Tusrig Herdier

Basic Information

  • Full Name: Tusrig Herdeur
    • Twig
    • Tus
    • Florent du Herdeur
  • Age: Sixty-Eight
    • Birthdate: December 5, 239
  • Gender: Agender
  • Race: Yanar
    • Religion: Unionist
  • Sexuality: Asexual
    • Status: Unmarried

Skill Information

  • Total Points: 60 from age, 20 from race
    • Sciences Proficiency
      • +10 Medical Sciences (+10 from Points)
      • +15 Alchemy Sciences (+15 from Points)
      • +20 Nature Care Sciences (+20 from Race)
      • +2 Food & Drink Sciences (+2 from Points)
    • Knowledge Proficiency
      • +24 Linguistic Knowledge (+24 from Points)
      • +10 Statesman Knowledge (+10 from Points)

  • Body Shape
    • Ripped (Yanar Ovalation)
    • Extreme Low Body Fat

  • Languages
    • Modern Altalar - Mother Language
    • D'Ithanie - Second Language
    • Daendroquin - Third Language
    • Skodje - Fourth Language
    • Common - Fifth Language
    • Plains Elven - Sixth Language

Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Emerald Green
  • Hair Color: Green
  • Hair Style: Ivy leaves
  • Skin Color: Green
  • Clothing: Gray shirt, brown pants and brown boots.
  • Height: 6'4

Personalities & Abilities

|To Others|

  • Towards others Tusrig is polite and respectful. Always addressing nobility by their titles, and people by their names hardly ever calling someone by a nickname. Sometimes Tusrig can be stubborn though rarely he sometimes is. He respects all unless they lose his respect causing them to have to restart and gain his respect once more. He is a charismatic as well as caring man as he is a medic and has been for many years he treats any patient with the utmost care no matter their background. Those who have met Tusrig for the first time may think he is a respectable person, as well as a wise man. Those who hear of him might think of the skills he knows such as his skill with alchemical things and medicines.

|To Self|

  • To himself Tusrig is content and happy. He may not have someone to love but he cares for many people and that's enough for him. He takes pride in caring for others in fact it brings him joy. He has always been an ambitious person who always strives for the best and won't stop until he has completed the task at hand. The ability to persevere through something often make him feel confident in himself as well as happy. The only time he is ever anxious is when he is taking care of someone because he wants to make sure he's giving them the best care they can receive. He certain in every one of his skills knowing that if somebody needed healed he could do something about it.

|To Friends & Family|

  • Friends and Family are the two most important things to Tusrig. He'd stop at no end to ensure the happiness and safety of his friends and family. As most of his family lives in Ithania he doesn't see them as much so he writes to them all the time and tries to keep in touch with them. Though his friends hold a place in his heart as well. He is rather protective over his friends and family and will do anything within his power to ensure their safety. He is more open when he's in the company of his friends telling them whatever is on his mind. The way he treats family and friends differs from how he treats strangers because he's more open towards them.


  • This Yanar is a good hearted person, always putting people before himself most of the time. He has never found someone to love as he makes himself hard to get most of the time. He strives to do only good things but if a bad thing is needed to be done he may do it. He hates seeing anything dealing with nature being poorly taken care of and will punish those who poorly treat plant life or animals. He might have gone to the School of Medicine but he never took the oath of no harm. He will do what is necessary. He sees others corruption as something that can be cured much like any sickness.

Life Story

|Early Life|

  • Tusrig was born December 5, 239 AC in Lapalaise Plus-rême, the capital of Ithania to Hira and Zaos Herdeur and decided to name him Tusrig.
  • He grew to physical maturity in only ten days but remained mentally immature.
  • The first couple years of his life spent messing with flowers and the many Yanil his parents had including a hawk like Yanil named Bean and a ferret one named fleetfoot.
  • He also could pronounce his name and always said Twig, his parents began calling him Twig.
  • By the time he turned seven he was able to speak and this is when his parents began taking him to work with them as they worked as gardeners for a wealthy family.
  • It was also around this time his parents began teaching him how to read and write in both Modern Elven and Ithanian.
  • He took an interest alchemy and medicinal sciences at the age of eight and at the age of nine the wealthy family his parents worked for decided to move to Regalia so they decided to do the same. Selling their house and only keeping personal belongings and money.
  • They arrived in Regalia in the Spring buying a small home in the City and then Tusrig turned ten his parents decided that he should go to school. They enrolled him in the School of Medicine, he attended the. Haüwald Academy.

|Middle Life|

  • He spent the next ten years studying Medical as well as Alchemy Sciences at the Academy, as well as learning how to speak Common.
  • He learned common from one of his teachers who took Tusrig under her wing as he was one of her best and most hard working students.
  • By the age of twenty he graduated from the Academy though never took the Oath of no Harm, he decided that one day he'd have to harm someone in order to protect the members of his family.
  • Tusrig went back to his family home in Regalia, but remained curious about the world and wanted to learn more about the lands, languages, and people.
  • When he turned twenty-five he decided that he'd travel the world, once he gained enough money he bought passage to Daenshore.
  • He spent five years in Daenshore healing and selling alchemical concoctions to make some money.
  • He learned Daendroquin during his time in Daenshore then when he turned thirty he met a merchant who was traveling to Nordskag where he stayed there for another five years healing and teaching the different village inhabitants about Medicine and Alchemy. He also learned Skodje in the time he spent here.
  • Now thirty-five he decided to gain passage back to Regalia, when he arrived back in Regalia he went back to his family home and worked at the family's Medical and Alchemy Shop.

|Later Life|

  • Now forty-seven years old he answered the call of war and enlisted in the Regalian army as a medic. He fought in the Chrysant War as a medic healing the soldiers of the Regalian Army.
  • He spent the next five years healing the soldiers who aided the war effort, when the war ended he came back home though remained in the army as a medic if his skills were ever needed once more.
  • Then in 303 AC he went and fought in the First Songaskian War as a medic.
  • When he arrived back home Freya all had taken control of Regalia and this caused him to go into hiding to avoid being harmed by the Deathlings.
  • After the dark Queen was killed his family opened their shop again and then later the Second Songaskian War began and he fought in that as a medic once more.


  • After the three wars he served in he retired from the army and began a peaceful life of spending time with his family and pets as well as taking care of others.
  • He continues living in the city and working as a medic and alchemist. He soon joined the de Letoirneau House Guard leaving After it was disbanded.

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