Preserved Sheet Tua Kapena

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The Green Fish
Jan 2, 2017
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds

Basic information

Full name: Tua Kapena
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Race: Orc - Orcon
Sexuality: Hetrosexual
Preferred Weapon: Tower shield & long mace



Skill information

66 Points
46 - Base points
10 - Talent points
10 - Hobby points​

Proficiency Points

Core Group
Shielding Combat 20 Points (20 Base)
One-hand Blunt Combat 10 Points (10 Base)
Fist Combat 13 Points (08 Base + 5 Racial)​

Talent Group
Frontline Command 18 Points (08 Base + 5 Racial + 5 Talent)
Strength Training 05 Points (05 Talent)

Hobby Group
Cooking Art 02 Points (02 Hobby)
Brewing Art 08 Points (08 Hobby)​

Body Shape

Physical Stat
Shielding Combat 20 Points
One-hand Blunt Combat 10 Points
Fist Combat 13 Points
Strength Training 05 Points

Total 48 Points (Limited to 45 due to race)

Body Shape


Body Fat


Skodje Mother tongue
Vashkularr & Vashnōlor Father tongue​


Visual information

Eye color: Dull gold irises with dark grey sclera
Hair color: None
Hairstyle: None
Skin color: Sea green
Clothing: Thin pants with no shirt as not wanting to overheat in the armor
Height: 7 foot

Visual information expansion

Facial features: Tua has a very bulky head which is rounded because of how thick his skull is. His eyes looking always like he is hunting, squinting and sending daggers at people. The mouth of Tua can't close because of the size of his teeth.Tua's expression is normally dead serious not changing facial expressions often and always looking aware. Tua has one scar but it is a massive scar that goes from one side of his head to the other side from top right to bottom left in a downwards motion.

Body Description: Tua to be explained in one word is big while being 7 foot and having massive legs from carrying his armor and even bigger arms from his family genetics from how they use to rip off caravan doors and holding up his 6'8 tower shield everywhere. He has little slice cuts all over his body with a bite mark in his left Trapezius muscle.

Fashion appearance: Tua has never gotten into fashion because he has for the last 17 years been in armor and only wearing thin clothing underneath because of the heat inside of the armor.

Voice description: Tua's voice is very deep and bellowing.


Personality and Abilities

Character Alignment
Chaotic Neutral

Character Personality


Character Religion

The Call of Vakgar and Makosh​

Perceived by others: Tua is seen as a serious person with a facial expression that doesn't waver, This gives an aura that puts people on edge because if a 7-foot Blackmark doesn't put you on edge then you are either insane or cocky. Most people when they first meet Tua normally hold back on what they say to not offend the Orc in case of them being attacked because just from his face you can see he is battle worn from the huge scar across his face or the muscular body. When seen walking around town most people normally take a step away from him and keep a distance or to keep clear of the long mace, tower shield and tusks. This idea becomes even worse when he is seen at a battlefront wearing black armor and all that can be seen is his eyes and his tusks poking out.

Inside feelings: Tua is two different people. When he is on a battlefield he has no room for being scared and his battle senses are nearly second to none with every move he makes is made with 100% confidence and this is the same for when he's in his armor. As soon as he steps out of armor he feels awkward and weak like he has been stripped of his armor and does not know what to do he doesn't know social courtesies and doesn't know how to speak to people except in an authoritative way or as a brother to a brother in arms. His armor is the piece that changes him from 7 foot Blackmark champion to a 7-foot child. Tua's armor is nothing without him in it and Tua is nothing without his armor.

Friends and family: Tua does have family but puts them as a second priority to his mercenary band, he knows merc bands are full of nutters but he does not care one bit they can come from any race or any background even Elf if he deems a fighter and he will accept them as family. Tua treats them with respect even if he is meant to command them into battle taking into consideration what they say and by god help the people who attack his brothers in arms. Tua is known to go into a rampage if a friend dies on the battlefield. Not caring if he gets injured he would run straight at the attacked going to aim to rip out their throat with his teeth and slash the body until it is no longer recognisable. This is how deep his bond is with his friends.

Morality: Tua's morality is nearly non existent when it comes to coin if it comes to slaughtering a village to smoking out people from a cave the only time he stops is when it is against children knowing that they can change and what has happened to them has not been there own choice like it wasn't his choice to join a mercenary group or wasn't his choice to join the school of the Blackmark. Other than children everyone else can be killed off by coin. Once Tua is paid though he won't change sides even if there is a higher pay once paid for his skills he stays loyal to that group till the no longer can pay him. Tua knows to keep his word because once he loses that he loses everything.


Writing: Tua knows very well to speak the languages and read the languages but the one thing he confuses is writing them. Tua often mixes the languages up when writing them so they are normally a mix of Common and Skodje. This makes it very difficult for him to write letters to friends when they are at different battle fronts for him and also difficult for him to make application letters to groups as he normally writes it in more than one language.​


Life story

Born outside the dwarven hold of Belegost in the village, Tua was raised by his mother and father, both in a mercenary band and loyal to the Onxybeard family during the war for their home against the Dakkar. After the fall of the dwarven hold Tua's mother and father became homeless and lived from camp to camp until Tua's mother became pregnant with Tua, they roamed the land to find a place to start up a home, this is when news of a new dwarven hold came to ear with the head of it being a young noble called Dvorin Onyxbeard. The parents went straight to the hold setting up camp just outside. Once Tua was born his younger life consisted of waiting for his father to come back from his mercenary band with his mother deciding to give up the life of a merc to bring up Tua. Once his father came he would tell tales of his adventures as a mercenary, these tales also included the tales of elves enslaving orcs and old tales of the fall of Nizelebar. These stories slowly brought up Tua to hate both the races of Dakkar and Elves alike.

His father was trained and schooled as a Blackmark. After his education he became part of a mercenary band, often showing his son ways a Blackmark fought. Tua quickly grew addicted to learning this method of fighting. Tua began to beg for his father to enroll him in the school of Blackmark only having to wait for the age requirement.

Once of proper age, Tua was sent off to train as a Blackmark. During the breaks between the many brutal training sessions, Tua searched for any sauce of water in the nearby area, cooling himself off. This led to him gaining the nickname "The fish". After his training was complete, he and his closer comrades formed a mercenary band, and were quick to be sent out into the Elven war. The battles were fierce and merciless, the band of comrades sticking together through tactics and formations alike. Their unscaved shields finally begin to build character.

During an ambush one of Tua's closest comrades was slashed down, causing him to erupt in a fit of rage intensified by the Thrift . He was quick to make rid of the one who killed his comrade, moving on to the rest of the hoard. He continued to fight for hours on end only wanting to push forward until there was nothing in his way to crush. After hours of non stop fighting and the enemy retreat horn being blown he finally dropped to his knees covered in blood he began to roar in anguish of his lost friend. The scar that was left on his face that day will always be a memory of him.

After the horrific massacre that occurred, Tua left the front lines to retreat to Regalia. He was quick to begin his search for a new, calmer work space, as well as finding new comrades to create a mercenary band. In his search, he became house guard for two different Velheim noble houses. During the employment of the first Velheimer family, he was given a pet Bloodhound which he named Sonder as payment for his service, the hound becoming his aid in many patrols.

After the collapse of the d'Vaud family he left Regalia going back to the Blackmark school to train as a master while hiring for his own mercenary band. After 3 years of making his name known across the battlefronts as The Scarred Black Fish being a notorious frontline commander known for not leaving any bodies even recognizable after his shock troop hit. He grew bored of the frontline once more leaving his second in command in charge while he returned to Regalia to live his old life of booze, woman and bodyguard.



  • Tua Line break.png
    Tua Line break.png
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Last edited:
  • Add two more sentences to the first paragraph.
  • Add one more sentence to the second paragraph.
  • Add two more sentences to the third paragraph.
  • Add two more sentences to the fourth paragraph.
  • Add one more sentence to the upper body strength talent or split the two sentences up into three.
  • Add two more sentences to the teeth and claws talent or split up the long sentence into three.
  • Add one more sentence to the right knee weakness.
  • From how strong this character is, I'm going to ask you to add two more weaknesses to balance him out. As it stands, he's incredibly powerful with natural weapons along with being a trained champion and I can't allow that currently.
Life Story:
  • The start of this is a bit confusing. Shouldn't the first paragraph be at the bottom?

Make the above edits in a different colour and tag me afterwards!
Approved. Remember to register your special permission!
  • School of Blackmark only gives 10 in each of those, not 20, and costs 10 proficiency points to take. Please correct this.
  • School of Blackmark training takes ten years, not six. Correct this in your life story.

Mark your edits in red and tag me when you have made the appropriate changes. @DrDrago
Changes made
question, I thought fighting as a Blackmark counted as training does it not anymore?
@AptlyRatley Would it be okay if I changed Tua from a Maiar to a Orc and keep the name aswell?
It would require a revamp of the entire character, but if you'd rather do that instead of simply making a new one, I'm not stopping you. Mark your edits in red when you've done so and tag me for a re-review. @DrDrago
An orc being born in a dwarven hold and being raised on stories of cruelty towards dwarves seems a little far-fetched to me. Change this or provide a more in-depth explanation as to why this is the case. @DrDrago
I think you misunderstood. What I'm asking you to elaborate on is how an orc came to be born in a dwarven hold, to be raised there and brought up in that way. @DrDrago
@AptlyRatley Changed the first paragraph to add more detail
Updated to new format and added change to life story to include time away.