Preserved Sheet Trevor Grey

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The Trilogy
Apr 22, 2013
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Trevor Lejon Grey.
  • Age: 34.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Ailor. Alt-Regalian.
  • Main Ambition: Relevancy. He wishes to establish himself and be known more to people.
  • Special Permission: N/A.
  • Position: Trevor has been in Regalia for at least more than half of his life. To him, Regalia is his heart, his home, somewhere he can be safe at. His lives with his noble family and currently stays in hopes of becoming a fully recognized family member.
  • Upbringing: Born out of wedlock, Trevor has several siblings. He only really cares about his close family and himself. Trevor is extremely reluctant to talk about his upbringing. .
  • Second Ambitions: Trevor wishes to protect his family and ease tensions within.
  • School: Viridian.
  • Level: Warrior.
  • Source: Attended School of Viridian.
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Pale blue.
  • Hair Color: Dirty blonde.
  • Hair Style: Short, spiky, combed both upwards and to the side.
  • Skin Color: Fair.
  • Clothing: Rugged, rough clothing with integrated leather, with cyan-blue sash tied around the waist.
  • Height: 5'8.
  • Body Build: Athletic.
  • Weapon of Choice: Longsword.
  • Face: Trevor has an elongated, pale face, and blonde hair. His hair is spiky, short and swept to the side and somewhat to the front. His eyebrows are smaller than usual, his right eyebrow has a little bit of a shaved mark from a previous scar. However, that scar has faded away a long time ago. His nose is medium-length and more rounded off. His eyes are more spaced out, also pale blue. He grows out a short beard agains this jawline, along with thin facial hair running across above his upper lip.
  • Body: Trevor's body is athletic, he's an ectomorph with more of an agile body. He stand at 5'8 and weighs around 132 lbs. His body is not bulky. His legs are more toned out, while his arms come in second. His chest is pale, with light trails of blonde body hair trailing down to his pelvic area. Trevor his strong, dense bones from his Northerner father. Trevor's biceps are more evened out and toned, while his shoulders are relatively small. His chest sticks out, his abs curl inside towards his body.
  • Clothing: He prefers to wear fur and warm clothing during the winter. He exposes his arms and chests during the summer. He always wears his family's colors unless if there isn't available clothing sporting such.
  • Voice: His voice can be described as both humble and energetic. Trevor's voice is firm, but in a gentler way to represent himself as a guiding figure. When he speaks, there is a soft rasp present deep within his voice.
Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • Strangers' Perception: Trevor radiates with self-confidence and is generally an agreeable person. He loves chatting up with strangers around him, just so he can become acquainted with new faces that come by everyday. When Trevor meets a new person, he's usually seen as a down-to-earth man that likes to share few rounds of ale. However, when he is needed, Trevor easily dismisses strangers as if they just didn't exist at all, which leaves few questioning his intentions. Following his dismissals, Trevor is known to be intolerant towards lesser races.
  • Inner Thoughts: There is this persistent irritation that lingers around. The fact that he was born as bastard makes him feel secretly lesser, despite how high he holds himself up in public. He was taught in the Viridian Order to be self-critical and to constantly improve, and to never put down oneself. However, throughout his entire life it has been increasingly unsteady and harder for him to keep this code up because of his lower status. Despite being surrounded by nobility most of the time, Trevor needs to constantly remind himself that technically he isn't one of them. Trevor keeps his bastard status an absolute secret. He worries for his family, particularly his nieces because of the upcoming wars.
  • Family and Friends: Trevor takes good care of his family and friends. For family, he always prefers to keep in touch and have close connections with them. To him, his family means everything, despite how nasty a family individual can be towards him. When he is with friends, Trevor enjoys casually hanging around and feels at ease whenever he sees familiar faces. He won't try and cement his place as the dominant one in social circles, but he will stand up for himself should a friend cross him.
  • Morality: Lawful good. Trevor is fond of the law, as he strictly believes it protects and serves a wonderful purpose. He shuns those who actively try and create chaos in Regalia. However, his morals may get to him to sympathize others who have fallen. Sometimes those morals may push Trevor to even break the law, should it provide the greater good. When it comes to dealing with criminals, he tries his best to give proper judgment and punishment without it being too severe, or weak.
  • Stamina: Trevor has amazing stamina from the Viridian training he has received as a child. Ever since he began, Trevor has slowly worked himself up to withstand most brutal trainings. His own body contain sustain him for several hours. Most of his stamina is contributes to his athletic appearance.
  • Longsword/Tower shield: (Trevor has learned lessons for training in longswords. He wields his longsword skillfully and is able to gracefully swing it, while using a tower shield for cover. He has also written about the use of longswords, how to effectively use it, and how to defeat other opponents. His extensive knowledge about fighting stems from his attentive listening and passion for fighting.
Weaknesses (OPTIONAL)
  • will add if anything happens to him in the future.
  • Describe any number of Character Quirks your character has, strange behavior that they exhibit in certain situations. For example, a character rubbing a beard when nervous is a quirk, or a character biting their lips when doing math is a quirk, or a character shuffling their feet when talking to someone is a quirk. Quirks are not mandatory and may be left out if the writer doesn't want to include them or can't think of any.
  • Describe your character's skills; abilities they've developed, but not necessarily put at the forefront of their lives. For example, if your character is a good cook, but not a chef, or if they are a good horse rider but not necessarily a competition racer, you would mention them here. Feel free to mention multiple skills but try to keep your character from becoming over skilled.
  • Describe three different activities, things or items that your character loves to see, do, taste or smell. Generally speaking these are things that make your character happy and in a good mood when they are near them/doing them. Go into detail why they love these things and then also explain how it makes them feel.
  • Describe three different activities, things or items that your character hates to see, do, taste or smell. Generally speaking these are things that make your character annoyed or angry and in a general bad mood when they are near them/doing them. Go into detail why they hate these things and explain also how it makes them feel.


Life Story (Required)
Starting from a young age, Trevor was rejected by his mother and father. His birth mother, Maríliénne d'Eluise, handed him over to her scullery maid. He was raised in a poor household and barely managed to get by. When he was about ten years old he was brought to the d'Eluise estate to act as a servant. His mother watched him grow casually while she took in lover after lover to her chambers. He started to talk with one of the d'Eluise children; Madeleine. She would often tease him, mess with his hair, or snap his suspenders. This was her way of showing affection and the two would often play together. The mother of the pair was outraged, separated them and fired the maid. Trevor was taken back to the nearby village.

Growing up into a young man, Trevor showed an interest in fighting and was sent off to the Viridian Castle where he thrived. Trevor began to train with weapons and and tower-shields, but preferred using the longsword. His talent for the sword made him grow fonder of the art of fighting. If he wasn't fighting, he was studying unionism and teachings of state history. After he was ready to be released, Trevor left and began to explore around Regalia. During the grand tournament, Trevor managed to pull up many points for himself but was not selected as the next paladin. Disappointed, Trevor vowed to train and discipline himself before.

While growing up, Trevor was figuring that something about him was different. He wasn't treated the same, compared to other family members. It felt as if he was shunned, or even closeted from the public. Soon, it began to dawn on him but he kept it private for the sake of the family.

Now currently, Trevor sticks next to Madeleine's side as a brother once he returned to the family and was enlisted as their house guard. The fact that he is a bastard is strictly kept quiet, the subject never uttered even around family. Trevor desires to cement a strong position within the military in order to aid his family. He strongly longs to be recognized as a true d'Eluise.
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Hello! Here's my review:

  • Inner Thoughts: There is this persistent irritation that lingers around. The fact that he was born as bastard makes him feel secretly lesser, despite how high he holds himself up in public. Trevor keeps his bastard status an absolute secret. He worries for his family, particularly his nieces because of the upcoming wars.
  • I'd like you to expand on this paragraph. Is he secretly highly critical of himself? Or is the fact that he's a bastard his only reason for him not being egotistical?
  • I'd also like to see more on the morality section. Would Trevor ever bend or break the law to achieve his goals? Or would he have a guilty conscience if he ever attempted anything of the sort?
    • Additionally, is Trevor extremely harsh on those who break the law, even for a "good" reason?
  • Overall, I think this is a wonderful character application, but there is one nagging flaw with the character. Trevor stands only on one principle, and, at least, from this character application, I can't tell who Trevor would be if he wasn't a bastard. I'd like you to add more to either his personality, ambitions or both, so that Trevor as a person shines through, rather than Trevor as a bastard. Perhaps even a hobby or a side goal could add more dimension to the character.
  • Add at least another paragraph to his life story detailing an important event or two that shaped the character for better or for worse. Had Trevor always known he was a bastard? If not, when did he find out?
  • Make the edits above in another colour and tag me when you're done!
Hello! Here's my review:

  • I'd like you to expand on this paragraph. Is he secretly highly critical of himself? Or is the fact that he's a bastard his only reason for him not being egotistical?
  • I'd also like to see more on the morality section. Would Trevor ever bend or break the law to achieve his goals? Or would he have a guilty conscience if he ever attempted anything of the sort?
    • Additionally, is Trevor extremely harsh on those who break the law, even for a "good" reason?
  • Overall, I think this is a wonderful character application, but there is one nagging flaw with the character. Trevor stands only on one principle, and, at least, from this character application, I can't tell who Trevor would be if he wasn't a bastard. I'd like you to add more to either his personality, ambitions or both, so that Trevor as a person shines through, rather than Trevor as a bastard. Perhaps even a hobby or a side goal could add more dimension to the character.
  • Add at least another paragraph to his life story detailing an important event or two that shaped the character for better or for worse. Had Trevor always known he was a bastard? If not, when did he find out?
  • Make the edits above in another colour and tag me when you're done!

edits made. i tried to make all the changes the best I can, but at the same time I like the main focus on trevor being a bastard