Preserved Sheet Tra'zzar Sa-yaotl

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Dec 27, 2016
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Basic Information

Full Name: Tra'zzar Sa-Yaotl

Age: 55

Gender: Male

Race: Allar

  • Caste: Sa-Soz
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Preferred Weapon: Heavy Axe

Skill Information

Total Points: 55 + 5 (Allar) + 10 (Hobbies) = 70

  • +20 Extra Heavy Combat Skill |20 from points

  • +25 Unarmed Combat Skill | 25 from points

  • +10 Hunting Knowledge | 10 from points

  • +10 Carpentry Arts |10 from points
  • +5 Squad Tactic Skill | 5 from points
Body Shape

Physical Stat: 20 (Extra Heavy Combat) + 25 (Unarmed Combat) + 10 (Hunting Knowledge) + 15 (Sa-Allar Bonus) = 75

Build: Musclegod

Body Fat: Built


  • Zasta (Birth Language)

  • Common (Learned during his stay in Regalia)


  • None.

Visual Information

Eye Color: Orange

Hair Color: None

Hair Style: None

Skin Color: Yellow/Green

Clothing: He tends to pick clothes that are both fancy and functional. In summer, he is often seen almost shirtless, just a bit of cloth covering his torso. In winter, on the other hand, he makes sure to have fully functional clothes, no matter the looks, to ensure survival during the cold days and nights.

Height: 7'5"

Personality and Abilities

Character Alignment:

  • Neutral Good

Personality Type:

  • The Idealist (INFP) - INFPs, like most introverts, are quiet and reserved. They prefer not to talk about themselves, especially in the first encounter with a new person. They like spending time alone in quiet places where they can make sense of what is happening around them. They love analyzing signs and symbols, and consider them to be metaphors that have deeper meanings related to life. They are lost in their imagination and daydreams, always drowned in the depth of their thoughts, fantasies, and ideas.


  • Great Alchzech 8/10

Life Story


Born into a small family, Tra'zzar Sa-Yaotl, formerly Sa-Boszk, grew up in a Village near a big city. During his Childhood, he spent his time with his family and friends, before he would soon start his training to become a warrior.

Young Adulthood

Tra'zzar, in his younger years, was trained for combat, even before he was sent to become a soldier, although sad about having to leave his siblings, he accepted his path in becoming a warrior fully.


At 34, he finished Military school, and then the Chrysant war started, he naturally fought in the Chrysant war, but, as we all know, The Allar lost, So, He isolated himself in the jungle, he wouldn't allow himself to die by the hands of Ailor or Nelfin, But after a long while of staying in isolation, he finally decided to go to regalia in search of Azzidi and Barbossa, Azzidi was the allar who is like a brother to Tra'zzar in battle, They had eachother's backs. Babossa was Tra'zzar's Adoptive niece, He took care of Barbossa for 2 years while they were in Hadar.

As he spent sixteen years alone in a Jungle, he had alot of time on his hands to think of his life, the choices he has made and various other things. He was alone, what led to him growing to be an introvert, being all by himself, as he finds it hard to open up to anybody he doesn't know.

During those sixteen years, he also started to view the world in another perspective. He had enough time to witness the circle of life, the evolution around him as everything grew and died within the Jungle. His mindset changed, as he would have begun to accept everything as it is, leading him to the Great Alchzech.


Tra'zzar is learning from other Allar how to speak Common and makes alot of progress in it. He met a Songaskian and sparred with them, as they then acknowledged Tra'zzar to be a good fighter. Shortly after, they both visited Greygate to apply for him to become a Violet Guard.
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Here is my review:
  • Please list a clothing description, even if it fluctuates.
  • Your Life Story is fairly bare, so please include another experience or two that would give depth to Trazzar's worldview, thoughts, or perspectives to certain things. Something(s) that would impact him long term.
  • Since you've expanded on his personality type, please add a sentence or two to his morality (why he is this morality) and his religious views.
Make your edits in red and tag me in a reply when you're done. @Lewis_McEnd
@MantaRey Made some changes: I put the axe combat down to 20, removed 15 extra heavy and replaced them with 10 hunting knowledge and 5 squad tactics

needs re-review asap <3
@MantaRey Proficiencies edited:

- Changed Axe Combat Skill to Extra Heavy Combat Skill

In need of Re-Review!