Trashy Writings


Kathar Queen
May 29, 2016
Reaction score
Someone's Trash Can
Trashy Stories
(Not actually trashy...I hope…)

Hello, hello, massive friends, it's your friendly neighborhood ficus in a trash bin, and right now my garbage can is empty and trash children are starving, henceforth am looking for monetary solutions. This is a shop for writing both simple and detailed character apps, and for making new or editing already made skins.


1. Essentials - $5 USD - Covers all of the required components for the character app Includes:
Basic Information
Visual Information
Personalities and Abilities
Life Story

2. Required & Expansions - $0.50 USD each (for expansions) - Covers both the required and each desired expansion or optional parts of a character app. Includes:
Basic Information
Visual Information
Personalities and Abilities
Life Story
You can also choose one, multiple or all of the following:
Basic Information (Expansion)
Visual Information (Expansion)
Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
Likes and Dislikes
3. Essentials (Writer's Choice) - $10 USD - I'll write a character app based on key words or phrases given to me. For example "Human, young adult, sailor, middle class", basically outlining the character for me to flesh out. (If requested, specifics like eye-color and hair can be provided as well. No price change). Includes:
Basic Information
Visual Information
Personalities and Abilities
Life Story

4. Required & Expansions (Writer's Choice) - $1.50 USD each - Covers both the required and each desired expansion or optional parts of a character app. Includes:
Basic Information
Visual Information
Personalities and Abilities
Life Story
You can also choose one, multiple or all of the following:
Basic Information (Expansion)
Visual Information (Expansion)
Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
Likes and Dislikes

Ke'wince Gavenmore
Seamus Gallagher

Order Form
Number of Product (1-4):
If 2 or 4, which expansions? (i.e.Basic Info):
@TrashCanFicus (tag to be sure I get notification)

I will send a message to get more information about the content of the character application.

1. Lore Compliant - $6 USD Base - A 600 word story happening within the realm of Massivecraft/Aloria, taking lore components in to account as the story revolves around a particular subject (Person, item, etc.). Each additional 200 words is $1.00 USD.

2. Non-Lore Compliant -$6 USD Base - A 600 word story either happening or not happening within the realm of Massivecraft/Aloria, excluding lore components as the story revolves around a particular subject (Person, item, etc.). Each additional 200 words is $1.00 USD.

Flowers for Mom

Order Form
Number of Product (1-2):
Approx. Word Count: (By increments of 100, 600 minimum)
@TrashCanFicus (tag to be sure I get notification)

I will send a message to get more information about the content of the story.


1. Not all stories will end exactly on the approximated word count, i.e. a six-hundred word base story ending with six-hundred and twenty words. You will not be charged extra for any words above the agreed upon range.
2. Stories and character apps aren't a one-day process, it will take time to finish a product. However, prolonged orders waiting for an abnormal amount of time may be discounted.
3. NSFW or SFW orders are both accepted, no matter to what degree.
4. Bribes/Tips welcomed and encouraged.
5. Customers are responsible for paying PayPal transaction fees upon purchase, and as such, prices are negotiable!
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