Archived Translating Magic Lore Into Traits

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juice thought.
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
Well, with traits now on the server, and in continuous development, I'd like to discuss ways that other forms of magic might be added into MassiveCraft with the traits system.

Already, Fireballs could be considered Dragon Fire magic, but how might other forms of magic work in game?

Here are a few of my Ideas, I'm eager to hear yours as well. Keep in mind, however, that this is not the place to suggest traits unrelated to the existing massivecraft lore. We're only talking about the magic explained here.

Shadow Magic:

+100 ShadowMeld
doing /t u ShadowMeld, or left clicking with an Enderpearl, starts a 10 second countdown. If you remain still and take no damage for these 10 seconds, you vanish (as in /vanish, the admin command, not the invisibility potion effect) and get the blindness effect. If you do move or take damage, you will not turn invisible, but an enderpearl will still be consumed.

While this ability is active, you'll be free to move around normally, but you will be completely invisible to other players, and unable to interact with them or the world. Left clicking will cause you to reappear with a puff of smoke.

You cannot stay invisible forever, after about 15 seconds (the time it takes to run out of air underwater), you'll start taking damage. It's more than possible to die while invisible by staying too long.

More to follow!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I haven't read the magic lore yet. But the shadow melt thing sounds awesome.
To show how much time you have left the scoreboard or BarAPI could be used.
Well, with traits now on the server, and in continuous development, I'd like to discuss ways that other forms of magic might be added into MassiveCraft with the traits system.

Already, Fireballs could be considered Dragon Fire magic, but how might other forms of magic work in game?

Here are a few of my Ideas, I'm eager to hear yours as well. Keep in mind, however, that this is not the place to suggest traits unrelated to the existing massivecraft lore. We're only talking about the magic explained here.

Shadow Magic:

+100 ShadowMeld
doing /t u ShadowMeld, or left clicking with an Enderpearl, starts a 10 second countdown. If you remain still and take no damage for these 10 seconds, you vanish (as in /vanish, the admin command, not the invisibility potion effect) and get the blindness effect. If you do move or take damage, you will not turn invisible, but an enderpearl will still be consumed.

While this ability is active, you'll be free to move around normally, but you will be completely invisible to other players, and unable to interact with them or the world. Left clicking will cause you to reappear with a puff of smoke.

You cannot stay invisible forever, after about 15 seconds (the time it takes to run out of air underwater), you'll start taking damage. It's more than possible to die while invisible by staying too long.

More to follow!
It sounds pretty awesome but i sugest not letting the enderpearls suffer since they already are pretty useful. Try Ink or something else less used for an example. :)
Since ink sacs are used for potions I'd rather use enderpearls xD
It sounds pretty awesome but i sugest not letting the enderpearls suffer since they already are pretty useful. Try Ink or something else less used for an example. :)
It could also be a custom item. Like an enderpearl called "Shadow Pearl", and the item could be gotten through crafting or voting.
Cold fire 75+: Using a fishing rod as a weapon, you can now whip people with a fishing rod. Dealing X amount of damage as well as allowing the user to pull any enemy in as if it was a mob. To use the fishing rod as the weapon use /t u coldfire, when using this fishing rod loses three times the durability.

String magic 100+: Using X amount of string to create a 'puppet' (A mob, maybe a zombie or skeleton) that will act like a wolf for the caster, the puppet will last for 30 seconds and will follow the caster around and fight anything that hurts them. To create a puppet use /t u stringmagic.

String magic 100+ version 2: Using a random assortment of unused armour in the casters inventory, the caster will create a puppet using the armour. (A mob with invisibility that wears the armour) The puppet will fight for the caster as if it was a wolf, following it around. The puppet will follow the caster for X amount of time. To create a puppet use /t u stringmagic.

Solid frost 50+: Using a snowball, the caster can create solid blocks of ice to block or imprison enemies. After using /t u solidfrost the caster will create chunks of ice where a snowball is thrown.

Lightning shock 75+: This allows the user to call down bolts of lighting where ever they aim, the lighting does the same damage as it would if it was natural. Use /t u lightningshock to use.
Cold fire 75+: Using a fishing rod as a weapon, you can now whip people with a fishing rod. Dealing X amount of damage as well as allowing the user to pull any enemy in as if it was a mob. To use the fishing rod as the weapon use /t u coldfire, when using this fishing rod loses three times the durability.

String magic 100+: Using X amount of string to create a 'puppet' (A mob, maybe a zombie or skeleton) that will act like a wolf for the caster, the puppet will last for 30 seconds and will follow the caster around and fight anything that hurts them. To create a puppet use /t u stringmagic.

String magic 100+ version 2: Using a random assortment of unused armour in the casters inventory, the caster will create a puppet using the armour. (A mob with invisibility that wears the armour) The puppet will fight for the caster as if it was a wolf, following it around. The puppet will follow the caster for X amount of time. To create a puppet use /t u stringmagic.

Solid frost 50+: Using a snowball, the caster can create solid blocks of ice to block or imprison enemies. After using /t u solidfrost the caster will create chunks of ice where a snowball is thrown.

Lightning shock 75+: This allows the user to call down bolts of lighting where ever they aim, the lighting does the same damage as it would if it was natural. Use /t u lightningshock to use.

The second strings magic idea is genius.
It sounds pretty awesome but i sugest not letting the enderpearls suffer since they already are pretty useful. Try Ink or something else less used for an example. :)

I don't think there's a problem using enderpearls. Void magic shouldn't be something that's inexpensive to use. I suppose you could also use eyes of ender, and that way you could keep them in stacks of 64 just like fire charges.
Billy, I like the version 2 of string magic, but I would alter it to the following: use string to cast (or /t u stringmagic) and you would need a full set of armour in your inventory. The mob would last until the armour is destroyed. You could maybe go one further and and be able to right click your creations with a weapon/tool and equip it to the mob (thus creating your very own soldier) or right clicking it with string would return all items to your inventory...You would have to limit the amount each player can call though as it could cause lag...
Also, not a problem using ender pearls, the point of magic is that not everyone can use it, so the rarer the item the better I guess


Maybe the custom item could be ender pearls AND ink sacks to make shadow pearls
This needs a few tweaks to not be insanely OP...
But other than that it looks great!

However, Monmarty stated before that because of a security reason, invisibility style things couldn't be used or allowed...
I'm only guessing the same would apply for /vanish
This needs a few tweaks to not be insanely OP...
But other than that it looks great!

However, Monmarty stated before that because of a security reason, invisibility style things couldn't be used or allowed...
I'm only guessing the same would apply for /vanish
/vanish is an admin command. So if someone can use it it would Be team members. I think Rank2 can use it. Because they should know how to not abuse it.

The string magic sounds funny. Though it should require both string and armor I think. Also cold fire sounds a little OP maybe a fishing rod could only be used one or two times if you use cold fire.
This needs a few tweaks to not be insanely OP...
But other than that it looks great!

However, Monmarty stated before that because of a security reason, invisibility style things couldn't be used or allowed...
I'm only guessing the same would apply for /vanish

I'd be curious to know more about these security issues, so we might be able to find a way to avoid them.
I'd be curious to know more about these security issues, so we might be able to find a way to avoid them.
Just for core playing it could be Haarder to find hackers if we can't se exactly what they do.
Maybe some plugins react different to vanished players. That could either cause something to not be lighed or activated, so anti chest plugins doesn't work.
Or a plugins different behaviour make a thors plugin not work. There is a lot of complications in coding. Espeically when a server has more than 50 plugins (which i guess massivecraft has)
IDK there issues but sommetider the smallest problem take the longest time to fix.
+100 Stone Body:
After using /t u StoneBody and standing still for 5 seconds you receive the Slowness 3, Strength 4, and Absorption 3 potion effects for 15 seconds. Consumes 16 Obsidian per use.

Hurling Rock:

+100 Type 1: You fire a scaled down equivlant of a cannon with gravel ammunition. Not sure what this would use

+100 Type 2: A 2 meter cube of stone appears in front of you. (The blocks couldn't replace any existing blocks except air)​
Well, with traits now on the server, and in continuous development, I'd like to discuss ways that other forms of magic might be added into MassiveCraft with the traits system.

Already, Fireballs could be considered Dragon Fire magic, but how might other forms of magic work in game?

Here are a few of my Ideas, I'm eager to hear yours as well. Keep in mind, however, that this is not the place to suggest traits unrelated to the existing massivecraft lore. We're only talking about the magic explained here.

Shadow Magic:

+100 ShadowMeld
doing /t u ShadowMeld, or left clicking with an Enderpearl, starts a 10 second countdown. If you remain still and take no damage for these 10 seconds, you vanish (as in /vanish, the admin command, not the invisibility potion effect) and get the blindness effect. If you do move or take damage, you will not turn invisible, but an enderpearl will still be consumed.

While this ability is active, you'll be free to move around normally, but you will be completely invisible to other players, and unable to interact with them or the world. Left clicking will cause you to reappear with a puff of smoke.

You cannot stay invisible forever, after about 15 seconds (the time it takes to run out of air underwater), you'll start taking damage. It's more than possible to die while invisible by staying too long.

More to follow!
+100 Stone Body:
After using /t u StoneBody and standing still for 5 seconds you receive the Slowness 3, Strength 4, and Absorption 3 potion effects for 15 seconds. Consumes 16 Obsidian per use.

Hurling Rock:

+100 Type 1: You fire a scaled down equivlant of a cannon with gravel ammunition. Not sure what this would use

+100 Type 2: A 2 meter cube of stone appears in front of you. (The blocks couldn't replace any existing blocks except air)​
Cold fire 75+: Using a fishing rod as a weapon, you can now whip people with a fishing rod. Dealing X amount of damage as well as allowing the user to pull any enemy in as if it was a mob. To use the fishing rod as the weapon use /t u coldfire, when using this fishing rod loses three times the durability.

String magic 100+: Using X amount of string to create a 'puppet' (A mob, maybe a zombie or skeleton) that will act like a wolf for the caster, the puppet will last for 30 seconds and will follow the caster around and fight anything that hurts them. To create a puppet use /t u stringmagic.

String magic 100+ version 2: Using a random assortment of unused armour in the casters inventory, the caster will create a puppet using the armour. (A mob with invisibility that wears the armour) The puppet will fight for the caster as if it was a wolf, following it around. The puppet will follow the caster for X amount of time. To create a puppet use /t u stringmagic.

Solid frost 50+: Using a snowball, the caster can create solid blocks of ice to block or imprison enemies. After using /t u solidfrost the caster will create chunks of ice where a snowball is thrown.

Lightning shock 75+: This allows the user to call down bolts of lighting where ever they aim, the lighting does the same damage as it would if it was natural. Use /t u lightningshock to use.

"Using /fireball, is not total freedom. It's a rigid command, and it has a predetermined result. We hate these limitations, and feel many other plugins that use this approach, underperform."

It is safe to say that with the addition of MassiveMobs and MassiveTraits, the Magic Pluggin may start production once more.

@MonMarty May say more.
I think that for shadow meld, you should be transferred to the end, walking on barrier blocks in 1.8, and you can stay in there as long as you want, but there would be agroed endermen trying to kill you. Also, you can walk as far as possible for a 1:1 scale of the world you are in.