Trait Plugin Rumor Roundup


I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
If you have not heard, at some point, not too long from now, Massivecraft will be adding a trait system. This will allow you to invest points into positive traits like no hunger or speed, and get free points for taking, say, slowness. These traits last as long as you keep them.

I am here to gather the official news and some rumors on the traits plugin.

The traits plugin is similar to the skill trees in Skyrim, but most likely a much less pretty looking menu for it. You will start out with some points, and these will be invested in some positive traits. You can take negative traits for more points, or can gain more points somehow. I am not sure how, as of now.

This will most likely replace the races plugin and vampire plugin. There will be a vampire trait, though. This will NOT replace MCMMO, though. This will just be added on as a bonus. Races will be
just for role-play.

I think this is a good idea, but I wish that they would keep races so that they added bonuses that only your race could unlock, like a dwarf would start out by doing 15% extra axe damage, but it could be upgraded to 30%.

Some of these are just rumors,and may be subject to change. If anyone e has extra information, tell me and I will add it on. Please cute the source you got it from.
In about 25 min, that's when they implemented the traits plugin, I've figured I am ready to take these traits {Definitly}:

I like to imagine the trait system to be like blops 2 classes. You have a set amour of points to use to make your class how you wish. But with the negative traits on top of this it is more I depth.

I am defiantly going with speed an magic, if magic is a thing within traits.
I can't participate though :(... Well I might in the future have fun ya'll!
I hope I can see some screenshots and tutorials soon though!
I would love an explanation on how it works.... I'm rather confused and can't get on the server for a while.

Is it like...

Choose trait.
  • 1
  • 2
Choosing 1 takes away 2 and then you get to choose more from there? or is that absolutely wrong?
I would love an explanation on how it works.... I'm rather confused and can't get on the server for a while.

Is it like...

Choose trait.
  • 1
  • 2
Choosing 1 takes away 2 and then you get to choose more from there? or is that absolutely wrong?
There's a list of traits to choose from, each trait adds or subtracts points. You can choose whatever traits you want up to 7 (10 for prems) as long as they don't conflict (Ex: Slow with Speed) and the number of points you have don't exceed the maximum (100 for non-prems, 150 for prems).

For example, if you choose Fireball, that would add 100 points, giving a non-prem 100/100 points which means he wouldn't be able to add anymore positive traits until he removes Fireball or adds some negative traits to lower the points he has.
And it's OP as all hell :D
Personally, I think it needs nerfed. Yeah, it costs 100 points, and yes, it is premium only, but still. Prems pay, I know, but there needs to be less of a gap. Not a way to make a player a god. Also, I wish the emotes were not prem only. They only add to rp, and it has been stated that they didn't want to limit some rp things to premium only. At least make some basic ones for everyone, like music notes to "sing" and shriek for vamps.