Archived Trademarks/copyrights?

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The Antagonist's Right-Hand
Oct 25, 2014
Reaction score
New Ceardia
Roleplay Guilds
The Ivory Company
Well hey there! This is sorta an idea I guess, but could/would Massivecraft ever consider filing for copyrights/trademarks on certain things? Such as the Massivecraft logo, races, certain aspects of lore, etc. Basicly making Massive unique, un-replicable, legally. I am not pushing for anything, oh no, but it would make it one-of-a-kind for sure. And could make Massive seem more professional, official, reputable, etc.(Not that it isn't already, but you know what I mean.) I should think it's POSSIBLE, after all, Massivecraft IS a real company in Sweden, right? Or did I hear wrong? Maybe not Sweden, anyway.
Again, not a suggestion/feature idea, but, a thought I wanted to share and seems to fit nowhere else. I have no idea about how this stuff works, I would think it would have to coat something, surely people would be happy to donate for prem to insure a unique experience. I mean, imagine seeing a little ™ at the bottom of the Massivecraft logo!
Gonna tag people who this might concern/might know about this.
@Cayorion @MonMarty @Staff
Please post thoughts, comments, or etc. below. -Lego
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