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Tournament of the Eye: Roster & Sponsorships


most honest biped in athens
Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Reaction score

With the bracket now closed for the Tournament of the Eye on the 27th, the twelve fighters are now public detail.

  • SIOBHAN, 7th Ophidian Warden of the Red Tower, and the Daughter to Ubhan. @Patsie
    • Sponsored by the Vultarin Court.
  • SUN HEISHAN. @Lizmun
    • Sponsored by House von Duerr.
  • RAYNE, Butcher of Crookback, Curse-Eater. @nearmyth
  • ARGO DAGWYN, your Friendly Neighborhood Mage. @SuperKamiWarlock
  • JHAVARTAL RHUVANYA, of the Thousand and First Mountain. @ChapterDeath
    • Sponsored by House Delmotte.
  • CARMELITA RUCIO, Messenger for the Downtrodden. @Rowet
  • SIR HENRIK OSMONT, Major for the Viridian Order, and son of Nolven. @HeyoBiggums
  • BETHAN ANNWYL, Iron-Major for the Aelrrigan Order. @Sparrower
    • Sponsored by House Belrose.
  • ACELINE RIPLEY, Cleave-Captain for the Lothar Order. @justhattie
    • Sponsored by House von Karlisle.
  • MADDOX VAUGHN, Blaze-Captain for the Aelrrigan Order, daughter of Caan. @Epsilyon
    • Sponsored by House Abanweard.
  • KURT ERHARDT, Captain for the Lothar Order, Warbound Bearer. @sonofthestars
    • Sponsored by... House von Rolanthe?
  • ADAGIO VON ROLANTHE, Count of Vanren, Major for the Lothar Order. @vulnyacura

These twelve fighters will battle tooth and nail for the title of Patriot's Champion, with only one ending up on top.

Red family or Blue family sponsors to these gladiators can make themselves known publicly (in the thread below). Donations through these sponsorships will be used to supply fighters, and also add to the prize pool for the end of the tournament, with the house's name following the fighter from the starting tussle to their final brawl. Victories will, as such, be shared between a fighter and sponsor. A fighter can have any number of sponsors.

For the common man, there's still fun to be had. Moza, on behalf of the tournament, will be running a public betting pool based off of the roster on the day of the tournament. One can declare bets early, if they wish.

(If you applied and didn't end up on the final roster, you've got a reservation for the next tourney. I tried to get as many people as I could in, but we ended up getting the late end of 18-20 applicants, so I had to cut based on IC preferences. Incredibly sorry if you didn't get in, but if you're still interested in other tourneys, feel free to DM on disc and I can put you up as a prospect. Happy fighting!)
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Lord Jean von Rolanthe, in the name of House von Rolanthe, announces that they are sponsoring Count Adagio von Rolanthe, Major for the Lothar Order.
Marceau Delmotte, Count of Bastadon, announces that House Delmotte will be sponsoring Jharvartal Rhuvanya.
The Vultatin Court will sponsor SIOBHAN, 7th Ophidian Warden of the Red Tower, and the Daughter to Ubhan, and fellow Furyborn, in the absence of its own gladiator.
VOLKNER VON KARLISLE, Count of Hinterberg sponsors ACELINE RIPLEY, Cleave-Captain of the Lothar Order.
Auriane Obraive-Looxis Vignoble Coeur Belrose Papillon de Cérilly, Countess of Divais, announces that HOUSE BELROSE will be sponsoring LISBETH (BETHAN) FANATIA HUIVIESSE-TERROIS RIVIÈRE COEUR LOVETTE (ANNWYL) OISEAU-MOQUER DE VIENNE, Iron Major for the Aelrrigan Order.
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Baron Eshurin Abansige announces that House Abanweard will be sponsoring Maddox Vaughn, Blaze Captain for the Aelrrigan Order.