Preserved Sheet Torrien Of Grebor

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The Trilogy
Apr 22, 2013
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Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Torrien.
  • Age: 37.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Dwarf, Humorrin.
  • Main Ambition: He wishes to leave this world as a famed, honorable warrior and protect those that are in need. Torrien wants to fulfill his purpose as a true fighter, and defender.
  • Special Permission: None.
  • Position in Regalia: Describe your character's position in Regalia. Why are they there? How long have they been there? What is their occupation and living situation?
  • Upbringing: Describe your character's upbringing. Where were they born, to whom? How many siblings do they have? What about their extended family/noble family?
  • Secondary Ambition: Describe any secondary ambitions your character may have. Short term ambitions, or ambitions that may not be related to your character's main goal in life.
  • School: Vasara.
  • Level: Warrior.
  • Source: Attended School of Vasara in the Hold of Grebor.
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Grey.
  • Hair Color: Dark brown.
  • Hair Style: Bald.
  • Skin Color: Pale.
  • Clothing: Traditional dwarf clothing.
  • Height: 4'4 inches.
  • Body Build: Stocky.
  • Weapon of Choice: Greborian Hammer.
  • Face: Describe the Character's facial features, like the shapes of their eyes, mouth, ears, the size of their forehead, what kind of expression they usually carry, any freckles, scars etc, hair color, hair style and more. This description is purely for the head (and by extension neck) alone.
  • Body: Describe the Character's body. Go into detail about height, body shape, the color of their skin, the size of their bones and muscles, their amount of fat, any physical disabilities they may have, their amount of body hair if applicable and more. This description is purely for the body.
  • Clothing: Describe the Character's fashion appearance and accessories. Talk about what kind of clothes they usually wear, preferred colors, what jewelry they have, weapons they carry on them or any item of note that they may always have on them.
  • Voice: Describe the character's voice. How do they speak? What is their typical tone and speed? Do they have an accent or a tendency to stutter? Any quirks about their voice listed here. Maybe also add a list of the languages they can speak.
Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • Stranger's Perception: Short, stocky, yet abrasive. Torrien greets other with slight skepticism at first and may come off as strong, but eventually warms up to people. He strongly believes in the wellbeing of other fellow humans, but is fierce to defend himself in case they step over the line. Torrien's short appearance often gives some sort of comical vibe, especially when he tries to sit on a stool he barely can reach.
  • Inner Feelings and Thoughts: Ever since his arrival to Regalia, he has felt lost. Without friends to depend on closely or take care of, he has no anchor. Even though emotionally stable, Torrien longs to find "family" because of his dreadful fear of abandonment. People who he can trust deeply and have connections with, both mentally and emotionally. The new cultures he faces within Regalia leaves him deeply disturbed, and fearful for his own culture that he so badly wants to preserve. Torrien sees himself as independent, a strong fighter, but also silently acknowledges the flaws within himself.
  • Friends and Family: Torrien is highly defensive and protective of his family and friends. Regardless of their race, he is highly accepting of every race, ironically including Dakkars, if they ever manage to get into his close-knit social circle. He is still seen as that loud, rowdy bastard in the tavern that'll invite his friends to get together for rounds of ale. The Dwarf feels truly at ease around people he can depend with, and would even die for them. He believes that the best way to die in battle is to fight side by side with the ones you share drinks with, allow to enter your life, and love.
  • Morality: The Dwarf has always thought about what his true alignment is. He finally managed to boil it down to chaotic good. While he doesn't go around breaking the law like a madman, he will follow what he truly believes in. Most of his decisions will be clouded by his morality, but it's for the good. Defend the weak, protect what you love. While Torrien's physical stature may not be fit for a city guard, his heart certainly is in the right place.
  • Fighter: A fierce fighter that wields a devastating Greborian Hammer, Torrien certainly can put up a good fight in close combat. He has spent 15 years within the School of Vasara, where he was trained to carry his weight, stand sturdy, and fight in the battlefields against the Dakkars. The Dwarf will stand within the front lines as infantry, or defend his hold which he truly loves.
  • Smithy: Another benefit he received from the school he attended to was blacksmithing lessons. Torrien knows the basics of blacksmithing, considering he has spent several years both training and learning lessons. He is able to forge is own weapon and armors, given that he is able to access a nearby smithy or forge (or if they'll even allow him to use one). Torrien forged his own Greborian Warhammer back in Grebor before his sudden departure.
  • TBA in the future, in case he sustains any injuries.
  • Describe any number of Character Quirks your character has, strange behavior that they exhibit in certain situations. For example, a character rubbing a beard when nervous is a quirk, or a character biting their lips when doing math is a quirk, or a character shuffling their feet when talking to someone is a quirk. Quirks are not mandatory and may be left out if the writer doesn't want to include them or can't think of any.
  • Describe your character's skills; abilities they've developed, but not necessarily put at the forefront of their lives. For example, if your character is a good cook, but not a chef, or if they are a good horse rider but not necessarily a competition racer, you would mention them here. Feel free to mention multiple skills but try to keep your character from becoming over skilled.
  • Describe three different activities, things or items that your character loves to see, do, taste or smell. Generally speaking these are things that make your character happy and in a good mood when they are near them/doing them. Go into detail why they love these things and then also explain how it makes them feel.
  • Describe three different activities, things or items that your character hates to see, do, taste or smell. Generally speaking these are things that make your character annoyed or angry and in a general bad mood when they are near them/doing them. Go into detail why they hate these things and explain also how it makes them feel.
Add Relationships to NPC and player characters. Write this list of relationships with a bullet point. Describe what their current relation to one another is, and how they originally met. If you want to, you can add flavor by @tagging the player behind the character next to the character name. Relationships are a great way to socialize with other players! Speculate on relations, ship characters and create lasting friendships and nemeses! This section, while optional, is especially recommended if you want to create a social feel to your Sheet.
Life Story (Required)


  • Born on 268 AC, within early summer. Torrien was fortunate enough to survive through the cold, and to be born in one of the most fortified holds within Ellador. His mother had a steady time through childbirth, along with his father who survived skirmishes against Dakkars.
  • While growing up, Torrien had a relatively decent childhood. He learned about the importance of honor, and family. His father eventually perished in a battle against the Dakkars. It was no surprise for the family, considering the father was getting older, meaning he would be sent out on missions that would get increasingly dangerous. Torrien spent most of his childhood helping the community and performing labor work. Though, he was left heartbroken from the loss of his father who he enjoyed spending time with. Eventually once he hit 18, he signed up for the School of Vasara, in determination to become a loyal fighter to defend his culture and hold.
  • The fall of Bruhl sparked wild inspiration within his heart. He longed to become the honorable warriors that stayed behind on the battlefield to fend off the Dakkars to allow civilians to escape. When the news spread, that gave him hope, instead of despair. Torrien truly believed that they needed more men like those.
  • His training began. Torrien progressed through the school through the years, continuing into his adulthood.
  • Once he became an adult, nothing really changed. His training continued on, and he performed his duties for the hold. Torrien kept his reputation clean by performing community services in order to improve his community. He often hung around a particular group of soldiers which he considered to be his second family, and true comrades. Everything seemed steady. However, that was until Hold of Grebor began to allow foreigners in and embraced the Aldor culture. This was an incredible insult to his culture!
  • Disgusted with the embrace of new cultures, he immediately moved out of Grebor with his mother and comrades to the other hold, Aldruin. However, Aldruin did not even let a dwarf through the doors. Now rejected and unable to go back home, he left for Regalia.
  • Now freshly arrived on June 6th, 305 AC, Torrien is somewhat eager to attach himself to a group. He has already found a dwarven brethren, and hopes to fight in an army. To find a purpose.
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I hereby claim this application.
At long last, my fat brethren have come! I'll give a review for Torrien today, so be sure to tag me after you've made the required edits in blue. Keep in mind that all of my criticisms are solely to help you improve!

Main Ambition: In a way, both purpose and honor. He wishes to leave this world as a famed, honorable warrior and protect those that are in need. Torrien wants to fulfill his purpose as a true fighter, and defender. If he is unable to fulfill his purpose, he believes that there would be no rest for him in the future and that it would leave a stain on his honor.
This is rather large, and it feels weird trying to pick out any specific goals for him. It's good to dream big, but for practicality, summarize it in around one sentence and leave the rest to expansions!
Weapon of Choice: Greborian Hammer.
This is more of a note than a request to change: most war-hammers, if one-handed, will only weigh around 2-5 pounds. Its efficiency is lost when it exceeds that weight since the beak would be viable to break, or the user would become far more exhausted for results that are relatively the same. Food for thought!
  • Fighter: A fierce fighter that wields a devastating Greborian Hammer, Torrien certainly can put up a good fight in close combat. He has spent 15 years within the School of Vasara, where he was trained to carry his weight, stand sturdy, and fight in the battlefields against the Dakkars. The Dwarf will stand within the front lines as infantry, or defend his hold which he truly loves.
  • Smithy: Another benefit he received from the school he attended to was blacksmithing lessons. Torrien knows the basics of blacksmithing, considering he has spent several years both training and learning lessons. He is able to forge is own weapon and armors, given that he is able to access a nearby smithy or forge (or if they'll even allow him to use one). Torrien forged his own Greborian Warhammer back in Grebor before his sudden departure.
  • Torrien forged his own Greborian Warhammer and Octagonal Shield.
This actually isn't possible. Not only are Fighters not allowed to have their own tools, but they aren't skilled enough to be able to forge their tools. They are, however, both allowed and capable of fixing the tools of others. Warrior and above is both allowed and capable of creating their tools. Think of Vasara as a 'battle-mage' school while replacing the 'mage' part with 'blacksmith.'
Disgusted with the embrace of new cultures, he immediately moved out of Grebor with his mother and comrades to the other hold, Aldruin. From there, he spent his time at ease since he felt no longer invaded. However, that ease would soon dissipate. The Hold of Aldruin refused to teach the School of Vasara, which only left Torrien feeling empty, and without purpose. The lack of Greborian teachings only left Torrien to become so dissatisfied with his life, that he eventually left for Regalia.
Aldruin would've rejected him at the door rather than letting him in. They're extremely resistant to outside culture, which Vasara is labeled as, and would have risked trying to kill him before letting the possibility of having their culture poisoned come to be.