Archived Top Servertime Playerlist

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I can't tell if this is me just wanting to feel important or not but, I think there should be a top list for longest playing players (much like there is a top list for longest paying prems).

If I know anything about database managment, this should be no more difficult to impliment than the prem list, no?

maybe this is greed...
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I would enjoy that. I wanna see how many months of my life have been wasted on a block game
I believe a while ago the /seen record was reset so lots of the oldest player's First Played times are inaccurate. The top lists would all be tied
I would enjoy that. I wanna see how many months of my life have been wasted on a block game
I can't tell if this is me just wanting to feel important or not but, I think there should be a top list for longest playing players (much like there is a top list for longest paying prems).

If I know anything about database managment, this should be no more difficult to impliment than the prem list, no?

maybe this is greed...
Oh if you meant most hours played... I don't even want to know where I'd be. Would probably make me want to quit haha
That is a decent place for an overall time but it gets confusing with Massive cuz it will be like

Zacatero has played 74612461 hours on (

and it will also say on the list..

Zacatero has played 12 hours on (
Zacatero has played 127542 hours on (

and it gets confusing
I don't wanna know thanks
Site doesn't seem to be accurate. States I've only got a total of less than 400 hours logged. I know I've definitely spent more than that in my nearly four years here. I'm guessing it doesn't stretch back further than a couple years or months.

((But at least being on the low end makes me feel less bad about spending so much time on a computer game :D))
I would love that. Have an All Time, a Yearly, and a Monthly list. Would just be fun to have in general, so I could see how much of my life I have waste- I mean, put to good use.
I guess a "Top Players Weekly" list would be kind of cool, they had that on another server I used to play on. Although, it would have to be more than a 10 player list, because of EetBurnsWhenIPVP, 413, and whatnot. Not sure i'd want to see my TOTAL time played. :P
I have at least thousands upon thousands of hours on this server alone, I no-lifed this shit when I used to play.
Site doesn't seem to be accurate. States I've only got a total of less than 400 hours logged. I know I've definitely spent more than that in my nearly four years here. I'm guessing it doesn't stretch back further than a couple years or months.

((But at least being on the low end makes me feel less bad about spending so much time on a computer game :D))
can confirm. Since i changed my name it has recorded about 80 hours, but only 900 hours on my last name (it says first played 2016 while i've played on the server for almost 5 years)

So it's not really that accurate