Archived Too Strict

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Races are worth.
Aug 15, 2014
Reaction score
I've seen at least 5 people banned from the pvp section of massivecraft. All the good pvpers get banned. In my opinion it's kinds stupid. One after one people get banned. The server is dying so fucking quickly. You may think I'm getting butt heard but really.. I've been banned Atleast 5 times.

If you agreed vote yes if not vote no

@TwoTenPvP @Razorbill @MortalEngins @SkysohMC @Sirvan7000 I would add more names but I don't really want people added to this. @dktYannic

P.S. Reject my ban ♡
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
In my opinion it's kinds stupid.
The server is dying so ****ing quickly.
A server with a constant 200 players online is dying? Alright then.

I've been banned Atleast 5 times.
Were you completely innocent, orrr. Because you say you've been banned, but haven't touched up on whether it was just or not.

I've seen at least 5 people banned from the pvp section of massivecraft.
I've seen my fair share banned from the Roleplay section. You see, the reason roleplayers aren't punished as much is because there aren't as many rules to break. You have to be fairly toxic to be banned. With PvP, you can hack, or lag and look like you hack [Because I don't think you all purposely glitch and such] and be banned. It's sad, but minecraft and internet is to blame, with the addition on human error [Or if you actually hacked].

Also this is in the wrong section.. This is more of a rant then Feature and Idea discussion.
Locking this thread.

Sharing information from appeals is not allowed, nor are flame threads denouncing the server.
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