Archived Too Many Bars

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Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
team sad
Regalia, evidently, has a drinking problem.

On mainstreet alone I spy at least two more bars/pubs, and then there's the Tavern. The Tavern is the most successful hotspot on the server, which is fantastic, and I fear due to it's success, we now have too many copycats.
Also, what's beside the Tavern? Another pub. What's inside the Tavern? Two bars. What's over the hedge from the Tavern entrance? Four potential bar slots (Admittedly, one of these is a honey shop, but there's also a planned honey shop for the main street now too).
Not to mention how there's two Taverns underground (Sewer Tavern and the Oasis), and one in the Dark Lady Emporium.

Many of these go unused. Or perhaps have a burst of activity once a month.
Can we have some diversity back in the shops?
You know what we don't have? A petshop, a bakery, a finer things shop (bric-a-brac, fancy clothes, jewellery etc), a casino, a cobbler/hatter/tailor, a sweetshop, a barbers, a butchers, a garden centre, a bookshop, a toy shop. Some of these could even be condensed into one shop, to promote even more rp!
And if we do have these, then I haven't seen them, because most of what I see are pubs

What I suggest is a permit to owning a public bar/pub/tavern.
Or anything to monitor the numbers. They really need to be spread out, because who is going to really roleplay a pub crawl.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Yeah, I have to agree with you on this. The last time I walked down the main street it was just overwhelmed with stool and bars.
Also, your on point about your ideas on different shops, like a jeweler and the Host for a gambling site. It would definitely change quite a few things and may even promote new characters to be created and influence a couple of stories.
My mainstreet property(6) is going to be a smokehouse, despite the bar in it(drinks aren't the important part... I wouldn't trust them).
@Yigit 's mainstreet property(I believe 8) is in fact a casino, as you have asked for!
My shop (3) is a general store, so far I've managed to sell some things out of it IC, fills a lot of loose niches
Many of these go unused. Or perhaps have a burst of activity once a month.
Bartender at the North's Gut comment, why should I stand behind the bar 24/7 when players prefer npc Bartenders down the hall? Just something I notice when I played.
Bartender at the North's Gut comment, why should I stand behind the bar 24/7 when players prefer npc Bartenders down the hall? Just something I notice when I played.
im unsure if this is agreeing or disagreeing with me, but it just shows that player ran bars are becoming irrelevant
im unsure if this is agreeing or disagreeing with me, but it just shows that player ran bars are becoming irrelevant
Sorta am, i agree that there's too many but don't get me wrong. I've had some of the best times on this server working at the old Mossy Poss Bar in the sewers, it's fun.

I'd say just convert the golden willow back to the singular bar it used to be, DrunkFailures doing a good job running his bar down there so I see no need for that to go, as for all the misc bars in the Golden Willow and the Sewer Tavern I would just suggest removing them.
I'd say just convert the golden willow back to the singular bar it used to be, DrunkFailures doing a good job running his bar down there so I see no need for that to go, as for all the misc bars in the Golden Willow and the Sewer Tavern I would just suggest removing them.
Just a slums bar and one Golden Willow bar is what i'd propose too, yes.
Time to make sure Karhter brand tavacca and whiskey is being sold in all these places...

Now onto the topic itself. I like the idea, I believe that regalia needs an economy to promote RP across main Street. I look forward to seeing all the shops functioning, I might even try getting myself one.
I've been thinking a lot about his as well. I know I recently made a sit down restaurant and it's very pretty and all, but it's difficult to get people to the Harbor District for food.
I will hopefully own a gentlemen's club/inn soon. (Casino, bar, smoking room, + rooms) It will, because I will make It, become a hotspot for high class citizens to hang around, and help new players who come to the inn, giving them lasting friendships and memories to look back on.
Pubs will be successful only if they are able to draw a crowd that doesn't have blinders aimed at the Golden Willow. Those that fail to do that will inevitably die out. My bar died out for that reason.
The Willow regions to my knowing are a way to encourage players to sell their drinks and food in a prestigious building. If your bar was moderately successful but ended up failing, that is when you go talk to Nathan and see about getting a booth in the Willow.

If you can't beat em, join em.
We have a bar directly from the main tavern. Its pretty successful when there is someone serving there.
I had initially intended to have a betting theme with it; a betting game which patrons could play but it ended up being given to another dvaud to run, so that never happened.

You can have too much of a good thing but i wouldn't think its too much of an issue if they're all themed differently.

Its nice to have a choice of places to try and go that offer different themes of rp.
I am hoping to spike activity in the Shady Lady. It's a shop for wines, pastries, jewelry, certain pets and clothes. Essentially, Ithanian imports.

Though with the current events and storylines it became impossible for me to handle it so that project is on the side right now, unless @Mr_Ortonnaise picks it up.

The main issue, despite being present during a large portion of the day there, we didn't really have many customers.
another thing I didn't mention is that more bars doesn't always have to be a bad thing. Not everyone wants to drink at the Willow (too crowded, filled with peasants, anti-Kade person, etc)
Other bars can cater to different tastes. One bar may be for upper class people, while another is more for military off duty.

just food for thought when looking at bars.
I will hopefully own a gentlemen's club/inn soon. (Casino, bar, smoking room, + rooms) It will, because I will make It, become a hotspot for high class citizens to hang around, and help new players who come to the inn, giving them lasting friendships and memories to look back on.
First I assumed I had another inn to compete against, but thankfully mine is for criminal scum and the lower and middle class.
Economics man.

If you don't roleplay in your bar and draw roleplay it'll get crushed like a cockroach. There might be a lot of bars but-- how many of those are really successful? I'd say no more than 4.
As long as the Falcon's Nest and Willow stay put, I'm good