Shelved Character Tonalnan

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


the thottiest of them all
Aug 3, 2018
Reaction score


| of the Light |

{Character Information}
Full Name: Tonalnan.
Priestess (by faith.)
Witch (by practice.)
Alias(es): Sieth'lusia, Tlahuizcalli, Noinin, L
Age: 299 years old.
[11 November 11AC]
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio.
Gender: Agender
Pronouns: She/They.
Race: Yanera-Dul.
Other: Brood.
Other: Cahal.
Eye Color: Cyan iris with black sclera.
Other: Glowing cyan, when Cahal abilities are active.
Core Concept: To act as a beacon of light to the faithful, and nurture those in need of the Light (of the Exist).


{Skill Information}
Total Proficiency Points: 14/14 ( +14 from poins, +1 magic from racials, +4 points from cahal.)
Blessing: of Light.
Mark: of the Witch.

Proficiency Pool | To divine.
+04 Wisdom (+04 from points.)
Enchant Bolts
Enchant Defense
Enchant Revenge
Arcana Mimic
+04 Magic (+04 from points)
Sinistral Leap
Sinistral Puppet
Sinistral Sever
Technique Parry [Chem]
+05 Charisma (+05 from points, +01 from racial.)
Spirit Hexlord
Spirit Parasite
Spirit Haunting
Spirit Anchor
Spirit Tether
Diplomat [Yanar Buff II]
+06 Faith (+06 from points, +02 from racial.)
Sacred Healing
Sacred Martyr
⌱ Divine Defense
⌱ Divine Wrath
⌱ Divine Blessing
Abilities | To cast.
Yanar Racials
⌮ Brood Abilities
⌮ Cahal Abilities
⌮ Ritualism Abilities [Ordax]
Mech Suit [Mech-Suit Pack: Engineering]
⌮ Tracking Node [Tracking Pack: Engineering]
⌮ Magic Blink [Displacing: Greater Mage]
Magic Bolt [Casting: Greater Mage]
Illusioned Self [Illusionism: Greater Mage]
Arcane Knockback [Displacing]
⌮ Reflection Strike [Mimicry]
⌮ Magic Throw [Casting]
⌮ Break Enchant [Breaking]
⌮ Altered Self [Illusionism]
⌮ Pocket Dimension [Materialism]
⌮ Disruption Rune [Thanhicism]
⌮ Link Disrupt [Disruption]
⌮ Life Leech [Spirit Parasite]
⌮ Enfeebling Hex [Spirit Hexlord]
⌮ Weakening Hex [Sprit Hexlord]
⌮ Slowing Hex [Spirit Hexlord]
⌮ Surfwalking
⌮ Airwalking
⌮ Memory Break
⌮ Time Cleanse
⌮ Emote Infuse
⌮ Health Call
⌮ Lunar Power
⌮ Arcane Mastery
⌮ Echoes of the Past
⌮ Thanhic Therapy
⌮ Prison Break
⌮ Chain Break
⌮ Arcane Sight
⌮ Evil Tongues
⌮ Floral Element
⌮ Heat Immune
⌮ Cold Immune
⌮ Water Element
⌮ Stone Element
⌮ Wind Element
⌮ Fire Element
⌮ Light Element
⌮ Dark Element
⌮ Minor Resurrection
⌮ Mindslave Patent
⌮ Hacking Patent
Accursed Senses
Accursed Vision
Lair Illusion
Accursed Heartbeat
Dueling Brand
Altered Voice
Shadow Element
Accursed Locale
⌮ Mindblock Patient [Anti-Control Device implanted by Whisper]
Languages | To bless.
Sa'an (Mother-tongue.)
Nen'yavaye (Tree speech.)
Common (Fluent.)
{Visual Information}
Other: Th
Other: Th
Other: Th
Description: A Yanar with pale lavender skin, which upon closer inspection is actually layers and layers of petals over one another. Scale like, in pattern. Their hair is made up of Sieth'lusia Seagrass, slicked back and down their back but has been turned silver due to mutations. They like to wear robes, dresses, and clothes that breathe. Their Cahalic form is a silver bear with crystals growing out of it, made up of gnarled pale woody vines and fur. Their Nephiltech mech suit has been corrupted by [Nature Crafter II], causing it to be ensnared by wood and vines. The 'helm' is a hologram of blessed golden light that has a single 'eye' with pink petals opening up at its neckline to reveal the cyclops and it functions as a disguise - additionally it has a pair of Nphiltech wings, encased in wood at the base that open with holographic pink petals. The joints of the mech suit are not fully connected, the extremities kept in place by exist essence. There are nonfunctioning wings attached to the back that activate during [Parkour] or [Airwalking].
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 157 lbs

ref for mech suit, loosely

{Personality and Abilities}
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Personality Type: ESTJ, the Executive.
Religious Faith: Deepland [Estellon] Witchcraft, 10/10.

goes by
Respond to Fear
goes by
Respond to Stress
goes by
View on Authority
goes by
View on Race
goes by
View on Religion
goes by
View on Magic
goes by
View on Family
goes by
Express Pride
goes by
Express Motivation
goes by
Express Insecurity
goes by
Express Fear
goes by

{Quirks and Trivia}
Dominant Hand: Left.
Favorite Food: Cherries.
Favorite Drink: Gin.
Favorite Animal: Bears.
Odd Behaviors




{Life Story}
11 AC | Birth.
From a crystal mutation, pure Exist essence, a Yanar was brought into this world in the deep Wyldered forest of Daen; surrounded by a clan of Cahal. Outcast amongst their own people, they retreated into the deep lands where the canopy was so thick there was no light in some parts. Yet, the Brood called Sieth'lusia brought light into this shadowland.
50 - 100 AC | Adolescence.
The first Maquixtl who would invade their territory would quickly come to find themselves lost so deep in the Wyldered woods. This colonizer who strayed from his settlement would be the first to be intrigued by the glowing eyed flower. He gave her a new name, a secret to these two lovers. Tonalnan, his goddess of light. As he was turned, he would hunt lead Tonalnan's clan to his settlement to feed over the decades. As more settlements cropped along the coast, the clan would feed from many more of these Nelfin.
100 - 200 AC | Early Adulthood.
Eventually, Tonalnan was able to create a contract between the settlers and her clan. On the winter solstice, when the moon was full and silver, each tribe would offer a newborn to these witches of the deepland. In return, they would not be fed from. The clan, with Tonalnan leading alongside their beloved, would hunt the remnants of the Allorn Empire.
200 - 308 AC | Advanced Years.
The treaty was maintained for centuries, with Tonalnan personally attending these sacred rituals to gather the infant Maquixtl yearly. However, soon war would encroach even upon these witches of the deeplands. The first incident occurred in what is now known as the Ranger Crisis. First Ailor colonizers, then Eradonis raiders, and finally soldiers. The witches used guerrilla tactics to keep all involved parties out of their territory, and by Tonalnan's mercy they actually participated in battles alongside the Maquixtl. Then the Altalar became involved in more war against the Ailor across the sea, Regalians. This war was not theirs, and Tonalnan would bring their people back into the deeplands of the Wyldered forest.
308 - 310 AC | Coming to Regalia.
It was difficult to maintain secrecy with so much war. One of their many children, Ceá'llë, would return to tell of Regalia. He was broken, and needed to be brought back into the clan proper. Tonalnan would see this city of Ailor for themselves, and see if it was truly worthy of their light.
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Gilles Thiers de Castellajoux
bloody mary bloody mary bloody mary | update 08/22/2022
  • dropped time magic and parkour dexterity
  • added demon attendant & demon hexlord
healing machine | update 09/19/2022
  • swapped obstructive alchemy for biotics engineering
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greater mage | 09/20/2022
  • dropped strength profs -2
  • added to magic (updated to new profs) +2
artificer | 09/28/2022
  • engineering update!
  • swapped out healing alchemy and bionics for mocha suit and tracking pack
  • swapped out afflicted hearbeat for parkour pack (cahal points)
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glass cannon | 12/09/2022
  • swapped tracking engineering for archive pack
  • theurgy update!
  • removed shield block in favor of spirit haunting (-1 CON, +1 CHA)
    • updated spirit hexlord and had a free spot from old demonology, so i added spirit parasite
    • linked my anchored spirit
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