Preserved Sheet Tommen Morden Howlester

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Suzzies mother
Jan 25, 2014
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Guild of the Bucket
Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Tommen Morden Howlester
  • Age: 28
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Hinterland Ailor (Dunbrae)
Skill Information (Required) 39 + 10 (hobby) = 49 (11 points free)
  • Sorcery +15
    • Arcane Mastery 1 (3)
    • Elemental control 6 (3)
    • Element Control 7 (3)
    • Flux shift 6 (3)
    • Light Mend 2 (3)
  • Caster Ranged Combat +4
  • Fist combat +10
  • Perception +10
  • Drawing art +10 (hobby)
Body Stat
  • 10
  • Slim
  • Low
  • Common
  • Dressolini (Mother's Language)
  • Caeren (Language of her Homeland)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations

Exist Sorcerer:
  • Arcane Mastery I - Low grade telekineses
  • Element Control 6 - Aesthetic
  • Flush shift 6 - Body shape and hair changin
  • Elemental Control 7 - Big shield
  • Light Mend 2 - Healing
Dunbrae Ailor:
  • Wall climb 1
  • Omniaware 1
  • Shrewd insight 1
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Brunette
  • Hair Style: Short trimmed
  • Skin Color: Pale Pink
  • Clothing: Robes and formal wear.
  • Height: 6,0ft
Personality Option Two: The Core List
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Neutral Good
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • Logician
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Unionist 5/10
Life Story (Required)

  • Tommen was born in 280AC, October 14th, to William and Jehenna Howlester.
  • Tommen attended studies in history via private tutor.
  • Tommen displayed a talent for historical studies and archeological findings.
  • Tommen was an obsessive reader and hoarder.
  • Tommens study grew more intensive and begged his father to go out on expedition but found himself slapped with a no across his forehead.
  • At the age of 10 ten he ran away from home, taking his digging equipment and books, telling his siblings he was going on an archeological expedition however he was not taken seriously, he was missing for 1 whole day until he was found covered in dirt and crying.
Teenage years.
  • Tommen by age 15 started collecting items and books or rarity, studying them and cataloging rather than hoarding.
  • He goes in to business in antique dealing, and begins to fund what he would soon call his archive, the place in which he would store his collection.
  • Tommen started his studies in history and artifacts
  • During his late teens, he becomes immersed in magic studies, even though his family were conservative he saw it vital for his understanding in magic to use it is to know it he thought and so he did. His brother and father were immensely disappointed with him when they found out, for a long time they wouldn't speak to him about, often avoiding the subject entirely as a point of shame. Over time as the stigma of magic slowly declined and it slowly became more accepted his brother became more accepting, William was William though his view lightened a little bit.
  • Tommen started light combat training with his fists, something his family felt necessary.
  • As he grew older and more immersed in its collection he collected books on the controversial subjects from extremely shady individuals who deal in the subject, often collecting as many as possible for cross reference for the sake of factual accuracy. He kept them hidden in the Black Archive, a part of his collection that he keeps secure from anyone finding it, often for others safety rather than his own.
Adult years.
  • Tommen saw his fair share of historical wonders, going on digs when the time suited and spending time in his own personal library with books painstakingly looked after and collected.
  • Tommen opened an antique store by age 25 in order to more fruitfully acquire items and sell off items of little interest.
  • Tommen decided to move his business to Regalia and move in with his family and brother and visit more often.
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Dont think that because we're friends I'm going to go easy on you. You're in my dojo now, kid.

Basic Information
  • Highland Caerdian needs to be changed to Highland Ceardian. Correct this.
Body Shape
  • Clarify where these 10 points are actually coming from.
  • Languages are restricted to Common (For free) and parental native languages. Unless you have a +6 in Linguistics, you cannot have an extra language. Last time I checked, there are no darkskinned Howlesters so please remove Farrah and Skodje as well. Given Donatiennes Ithanian heritage, Ithanian would be a viable substitute here.
Personality and Abilities
  • There are a few spelling mistakes throughout, please correct them.
  • Add a couple more sentences to the first paragraph. Set him out from the crowd, perhaps go into how he is with actual friends. How does he portray himself in public as a Howlester? Does he put on a charade? Is a poised nobleman? Is he hidden away like a deformed cousin? Go into detail.
  • Same for the second paragraph. How does his family treat him given his social inability? More deets here.
  • Again, remember that this character is a self described social inept loner. How does he make his family laugh? Is it at him or inadvertently with him? Is he treated like a black sheep or do they pity him? Or envy him even?
  • The last paragraph could also stand out more. The Howlester family have, for centuries, been involved in law enforcement and the judiciary for the Regalian Empire. Why does Lennard veer from that slightly. Does he care more for his collections than for justice? Is it greed perhaps? You could do some wonderful things with this paragraph.
Life Story
  • Life story needs quite a bit of work. Its too short. Add more detail, specifically in his childhood and teenage years, with specific attention to how the hell he got away with learning demonology in a Pro-Unionist, Pro-Kade and Pro-Regalian Law household. This could be exceptionally interesting, as well as more detail on Sherry (For example, was she a commoner? Was the marriage even allowed? If not, was the marriage hidden? Was he punished? Was she from a notable family?)
  • Why did he leave his children at home? Doesnt he want them close?
Overall, I like the character. Make the changes in blue then tag me @Woodwork
Personality and Abilities

  • Im still having trouble seeing how an 'eccentric, nervous man with a poor sense of social interaction" can flip a switch in his head and publically be capable of portraying himself as 'confident, witty, able to make people laugh and seduce people" with ease, even with experience as a salesman. He is either socially inept or he isn't, try and decide which it is in the first paragraph.
  • Again in the third paragraph, he is described as being silvertongued in some ways, able to get himself out of trouble, but I don't believe a socially inept person would be so keenly skilled in such a thing. Perhaps more description of lennards social ineptitude limits is needed or perhaps the complete removal of the trait. Your choice, however I think the social ineptitude would be interesting to see, especially amongst a nobleman.
Life Story
  • One does not simply just happen upon demonology books. I would like just a tinsy winsy bit more detail as to how he got involved in demonology and where his archive came from in respect of the subject.

Make those changes in blue, tag me and all should be ready for approval. @Woodwork
Made the changes, made him privately insrcure instead of inept. @BillyTheScroofy
@Woodwork Approved, though as your family owner I would like a little more detail to the life story at some point in the future.
Needed for re-approval.

Changed his name to Tommen and made him 33 instead of 35, removed previous marriage and children. Various bits and bobs changed but highlighted in blue. @BillyTheScroofy


Please expand more in the second and fourth paragraphs. There needs to be more detail here.

Life story

Same as above. It wouldnt hurt to have another six or seven more sentences here at least.
@BillyTheScroofy Expanded the parts, will add more to the life story as i think of more things to add.
@BillyTheScroofy Changed my points around to fit the new format and lowered his age to 27 allowing 32 points overall.
@BillyTheScruffy Adjusted prof points to allow for another skill, got rid of shatterology to get 5 points in Medical skills.
@Woodwork Please include mention of how being part of a conservative upbringing and now a more liberal lifestyle at the hands of his father and now his brother respectively, impacted Tommen's usage of sorcery.
@BillyTheScruffy Updated Tommens Prof to better match his aesthetic. And updated his sorcery to the new spells. :D
Also added on racial abillities and fixed date of birth.
No glaring issues I can find. Approved
I am claiming this character application for staff review!
Expect a response within the next 24 hours.
✪ Staff Review! ✪
  • I ask that you organize your points a bit more pretty! As in, listing them as seen below, just to have them a bit more organized and easy to read.
    • +21 Sorcery
      • Magic Bolt 1
      • Arcane Mastery 1
      • etc, etc, etc
You don't have to make these changes in another color, but please tag me once you're done!
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