Preserved Sheet Tollajo

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Ugly Bastard
Sep 21, 2016
Reaction score
In your shoes.
Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Tollajo Daexidor
  • Age: 70
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Kathar- Shenath
  • Sexuality: Gotem
  • Preferred Weapon: Whip

Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 60
  • +5 Lashing Combat (from age)
  • +1 Athletics Training(from age)
  • +20 Alchemy Science(from age)
  • +8 Void Ritualism (from age)
  • +8 Magical Knowledge (from age)
    • Dimenthism
    • Eventism
  • +16 Sorcery Points (from age)
  • +2 Perception Training
  • +5 Literary Arts (from Hobby Points)
  • +5 Culinary Arts (from Hobby Points)
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 5.5 -> 6: 5 Lashing + 1(0.5)Athletics=5.5 rounded to 6
  • Body Shape: Slim
  • Body Fat: Extreme Low
  • Kathar Elven Dialect
  • She'llaq (from Void Ritualism)
  • Common
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations

Racial Abilities
  • Dread Rebirth
  • Dread Binding
  • Mageblooded
  • Sire of Want
  • Elemental Branding (from points)
  • Elemental Orb (from points)
  • Elemental Intercept(from points)
  • Who Needs Skill(from points)
  • Don't Like Thing (Mageblooded)
  • Yoink (Mageblooded)
  • Stay Put/Can't Hold Me Down (Mageblooded)
  • Void Rot
  • Void Rift
  • Monster Snap
  • Monster Canvas
  • Monster Feast

Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Hair Color: White
  • Hair Style: Around shoulder length and usually pulled back into a ponytail
  • Skin Color: Grey
  • Clothing: Robes
  • Height: 6'1

Personality and Abilities (Required with Choice)

Option Two: The Core List
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Neutral Evil
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • INTP-A
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Void Worship (8/10)
    • Tollajo spent years as a priest of the Void, so he is particularly devout.

Life Story (Required)
Tollajo grew up in the large city of Paärthalaär, homeless and alone with only his younger brother to keep him company, never knowing his father or remembering his mother, as she had given up both of her children to the streets for reasons unknown. Growing up, Tollajo and his brother, Dagajo, relied on each other to survive in the cruel slums of the city. Tollajo usually being the one to direct and tell his brother where to steal, and what to do with the stolen items afterward, as he himself was frail and smaller than the average Kathar child his age. Years passed with this same routine, the brothers working together to have food in their bellies up until their teen years.

Reaching his adult stage, he received his Void Sire, purposefully choosing the Sire of Want to reflect his growing need for power. He was tired of the squalid living and wanted something better, something to remove him and his brother from the rut of their lives. Thinking this over for the next couple years, he began his servitude to the void, becoming a priest of The Void Prefect of Power, hoping that he would be granted power by the void to make it to the top of society. Learning void ritualism and the ins and outs of it, he spent a good couple of decades learning, teaching, and studying the void. All the while making regular trips to see his brother and making sure he was well.

In these years of priesthood, he traveled throughout the Dread Empire, both preaching and searching for tomes explaining magic or possibly a way to create his own. He hoped to find something that detailed a magic that would be taboo to most people of Aloria, blood and bone magic. Feeling as though nothing would be able to stop him if he had such a dark and unique power, he studied and spoke to people with magesparks and sorcerers alike, ultimately finding nothing. Abandoning his endeavor, he put off learning about magic for the time, focusing more on the void and becoming closer with it.

Around the age of 45, Tollajo began looking elsewhere for knowledge and power, picking up alchemy. He had dabbled in it when he was young, experimenting purely for utility so he could survive in the slums. Now he was picking it back up for a different reason, he began looking for books and teachers of alchemy, studying dutifully and racking up a considerable amount of knowledge upon the science. Now addicted to the idea of gathering more tools to help him in whatever he needed to do, he threw himself full force into sorcery, finding an eccentric master that pushed him to be the best he could be. At the age of 65, he sailed away from his home, sending a letter detailing exactly where he would be, and what he would do when he was gone to his brother, encouraging him to join him. Tollajo sailed from city to city, before eventually deciding to settle down in Regalia, marveling at all of the mages and magic within the city.
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Hey there! Claiming this app for review. Expect a reply shortly.
+10 Magical Knowledge (from age)
Magical Knowledge packs are unlocked at 4 invest proficiency points, not 5 (unless you are investing above 20). As such, feel free to invest the other two points elsewhere. I also ask that you include the packs here, rather than elsewhere on the app to keep it nice and together.

Physical Stat: 10.5 -> 11
Please include a calculation, showing how you came to this value.

Choose your Character's Religion
  • Void Worship (8/10)
This is quite the pious approach to the character's religion. I'd like for you to include a sentence or two justifying such.

Life Story (Required)
Tollajo grew up in the large city of Paärthalaär, homeless and alone with only his younger brother to keep him company, never knowing his father or remembering his mother, as she had given up both of her children to the streets for reasons unknown. Growing up, Tollajo and his brother, Dagajo, relied on each other to survive in the cruel slums of the city. Tollajo usually being the one to direct and tell his brother where to steal, and what to do with the stolen items afterward, as he himself was frail and smaller than the average Kathar child his age. Years passed with this same routine, the brothers working together to have food in their bellies up until their teen years.

Reaching his adult stage, he received his Void Sire, purposefully choosing the Sire of Want to reflect his growing need for power. He was tired of the squalid living and wanted something better, something to remove him and his brother from the rut of their lives. Thinking this over for the next couple years, he began his servitude to the void, becoming a priest of The Void Prefect of Power, hoping that he would be granted power by the void to make it to the top of society. Learning void ritualism and the ins and outs of it, he spent a good couple of decades learning, teaching, and studying the void. All the while making regular trips to see his brother and making sure he was well.

Around the age of 45, Tollajo began looking elsewhere for knowledge and power, picking up alchemy. He had dabbled in it when he was young, experimenting purely for utility so he could survive in the slums. Now he was picking it back up for a different reason, he began looking for books and teachers of alchemy, studying dutifully and racking up a considerable amount of knowledge upon the science. Now addicted to the idea of gathering more tools to help him in whatever he needed to do, he threw himself full force into sorcery, finding an eccentric master that pushed him to be the best he could be. At the age of 65, he sailed away from his home, sending a letter detailing exactly where he would be, and what he would do when he was gone to his brother, encouraging him to join him. Tollajo sailed from city to city, before eventually deciding to settle down in Regalia, marveling at all of the mages and magic within the city.
Your life story feels a little short for a character of this age. Please expand it some more.

Make these edits in Purple and tag me when complete @Pantheizm!