Preserved Sheet Toka Mojav

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The Messiah
May 7, 2017
Reaction score
Ottoman Empire
Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Toka Mojav
  • Age: 62
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Slizzar
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
Skill Information (Required)

Total Points:
  • +10 Athletic Training (+10 from points)
  • +10 Theatre Arts (+10 from Hobby Points)
  • +20 Alchemy Sciences (+20 from points)
  • +10 Stealth Rogue Skill (+10 from points)
  • +10 Fast Blade Combat Skill (+10 from points)
  • +10 Perception Training (+10 Perception Training)
Body Shape
Body Shape Number (15)
Build = Athletic
  • Common (Taught by parents at home)
  • Zasta (Slizzar Language)
  • Ithanian (Region born)
  • Alt Regalian (Other slizzar language)
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Purple (Although, morph forms change this)
  • Hair Color: Black (Although, morph forms change this)
  • Hair Style: Pushed up (Although, morph forms change this)
  • Skin Color: A mixture of light and tan
  • Clothing: Black/Grey with red animal skin clothes
  • Height: 6'0
Personality and Abilities (Required)

  • Character Alignment: Chaotic Good

    Personality Type: The Commander

    Religion: Nessrassian Faith and Philosophies (4/10)

Life Story

Adolescense (Birth to teenage years)

Toka was born to two slizzar in a town in Ithania. His parents were not wealthy, yet made enough coin to live and sustain. However, a major belief his parents always kept in mind, was self protection. Toka would soon be taught how to fight daily, and his parents would try to find good tutors in Ithania to teach him. With that, unarmed combat was very important, yet he would self learn how to fight with a knife and other small weapons too in his spare time. Sometimes, Toka would find it quite boring to fight, but his parents would still keep getting him taught how to fight. This did do exceedingly well for him, yet at the beginning it was quite forced. His parents believed in alchemy being helpful a lot, them being taught by allar, and so he'd be taught about it. Reading became a habit in Toka's life, and he would read a lot about history. Being a slizzar, knowledge about the past was peer pressured into him too. He would have no siblings, but quite a lot of family in the small town. One day, Toka took a trip to Regalia to visit with his father, but soon returned back home. He kept learning athletics, and became proficient and a prodigy at that. Toka soon grew worse at fighting and fully stopped learning. There was a game called Bucket where children would kick a bucket and attempt to push it into the lake. Each round, the bucket would get filled up with a filled glass bottle and the loser of each round would be removed. The bottles sometimes broke and the water would spill into the lake, therefore making the children want to hit it harder and because of the glass breaking, there load would be much easier to kick. This was allowed in the game. Toka would thrive in doing it and enjoyed it a lot more than the other children.

Teens to Adulthood

At the age of seventeen, Toka began to think straight. He would become stronger, more slim, and as years passed, no sign of getting older would bestow upon him. His fighting would become more fierce, more tactical thinking and things of the like becoming a deity to him. Toka also started to work in his town, making coin and supporting his parents with it. At this time, he'd start to practice with a bow and use it from time to time. He wasn't the best, but due to his hand movement skills, he knew how to aim pretty efficiently.

At the age of thirty, Toka took a long trip away to learn about alchemy more. He wanted to be perfect, fighting already nature to him. His tutor, being an allar, helped him a lot.

Upon arrival home, Toka decided it would be nice to move away from him childhood home and set off for a new home in Regalia. He took off on a boat and resided there for the time being, finding it permanent.


Toka has been living in Regalia for four months now, happy.
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This thread is still open.
@HydraLana Added +10 Blades and removed -10 Monster Ritualism.