Preserved Sheet Toffee

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Oct 16, 2020
Reaction score


Character Information

  • Full Name: Toffee
  • Race: Mouse Asha
  • Age: 22
  • Gender: Female
  • Eye Color: Very Dark Brown
Core Concept
  • Toffee is a meek little scholarly wizard mouse Asha- always holding onto her magic staff, always quite frightened. She's a nervous little creature, prone to mistrust around larger folk and hiding whenever she can- but she's still quite a kind soul. Unlike most other Asha, Toffee was not raised around her own folk- as a very young child, she was taken in as an apprentice by the wizard Abraham the Blue and hasn't interacted with many other folk since- and her whole life has been dedicated to the pursuit of arcane and ancient knowledge.
  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 1
    • Woodworking Pack
  • Wisdom: 3 (Arctech)
    • Dimenthist Wisdom Pack
    • Deeplore Wisdom Pack
    • Medical Pack
  • Dexterity: 1
    • Parkour Pack
  • Magic: 7 (Exist)
    • Materialism
    • Displacement
    • Control
    • Casting
    • Disruption
    • Mimicry
    • Illusionism
  • Charisma: 2
    • Stupid Luck Pack
    • Ancient Speech Pack
If your Character gets any non-Racial Abilities, write down where they get them from. You don't need to list the Abilities themselves.
  • Specials - Magic (7 x 3 = 21 total)
    • 1. Airwalking
    • 2. Arcane Mastery
    • 3. Smoke Element
    • 4. Fire Element
    • 5. Pocket Scan
    • 6. Chain Break
    • 7. Spark Element
    • 8. Dressage Cleanse
    • 9. Sanctum Vessel
    • 10. Life Wall
    • 11. Water Element
    • 12. Nature Element
    • 13. Dark Element
    • 14. Light Element
    • 15. Time Element
    • 16. Heat Immune
    • 17. Cold Immune
    • 18. Rune Smithing
    • 19. Surfwalking
    • 20. Emote Infuse
    • 21. Arcane Sight
  • Greater Mage abilities
    • Displacing - Magic Blink
    • Casting - Magic Bolt
    • Disruption - Target Disrupt
  • Spell Point Buy abilities
    • Displacing - Arcane Knockback
    • Materialism - Pocket Dimension
    • Control - Strangling Brand
    • Casting - Magic Throw
    • Disruption - Link Disrupt
    • Mimicry - Reflection Strike
    • Illusionism - Altered Self
  • Specials - Artificer
    • 1. Medical Patent
    • 2. Foam-Mix Patent
  • Artificer Point Buy abilities
    • Medical - Healing Hands (Alchemic)

Common (Free)
Ancient Speech (Ancient Speech Pack)

Appearance Information

Toffee is a small mouse Asha standing at around 3 feet tall. She often has a timid expression on her face. Her fur is tan, her eyes are black, and her pants are a medley of fabrics. Her red robe is torn in some places, but it is still as vibrant as the conical, wide-brimmed red wizard hat she's often seen wearing. A pink, furless tail protrudes from her backside, along with her pink hands and feet- the only things breaking up her otherwise-solid exterior.



Life Story
  • Toffee was born to a pair of poor Asha who she never got to truly knew. Soon after her birth, she was left on the doorstep of a wizard's tower on the far edge of the world- a kind wizard who was looking for an apprentice to raise. Abraham the Blue- an eccentric figure in the region, known for being quite odd and distrusting of other mage groups, but still quite powerful and wealthy. The wizard raised this nameless child, eventually naming her Toffee after her love of sweets and color of her fur. During her formative years she was given an excellent education and a full immersion in the ways of magic.
  • After she had hit around 7 years of age, Toffee began to learn magic under the wizard. A stern but noble teacher, the wizard taught her everything he knew as is common for apprentices. The tower was some distance from the nearest town- leaving her with a relatively isolated social life, and many insecurities about her own self.
  • Toffee trained for a very long time under the wizard- learning everything from herbology, to basic alchemy, to magic, to scribing- receiving an A+ curriculum all for the price of every waking moment being in servitude to her wizard master. However, these conditions are not permanent. After Toffee had reached 21 years of age she was given her own hat, and her own staff- signs of graduation. Her master instructed her to go out into the world, wander, and become a true wizard of her own- to make new experiences and finish maturing on her own. With a ruffle of her hair, she was sent off on her own to adventure.
  • The best place to start adventuring, as was told to Toffee, is the great land of Regalia. Dreams are born and die there, fortunes rise and fall- just what Toffee needs to begin her journey into the outside world.
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