Preserved Sheet Tobias Steel

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May 29, 2019
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Nowhere you need to know
Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Tobias Steel
  • Age: 25
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Anglian Ailor
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Preferred Weapon: One-handed swords and shields.
Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 25 Proficiency points from age of 25.

  • +5 Athletic Training
  • +5 Shielding Combat Skill
  • +10 Blades Combat skill (Updated 5 June 2019)
  • +5 Perception Training
  • +10 Heavy Bow Combat Skill (Anglian Ailor)
Body Shape

  • Combat (15) + Athletic (5*2) = 25
  • 25 Stat = Ripped Body Shape, where one has strong muscular definition and a well-developed physique.
  • Extreme Low Fat (recommended for Ripped), where below-skin tissue is more easily visible.
  • Common (learned in childhood)
  • Alt-Anglian
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • None
  • Tobias has no position in Regalia having been a wash out. He is now starting with nothing and working his way to build his strength, physically and influentially. They have only just arrived and now seeks occupation while living in the sewers.
  • Tobias had a relatively quiet upbringing in a village on the coast of the Anglian Empire. Grown up there as a farm-hand and later enlisted as a guardsman, he had planned to living and die on that land content with its peacefulness and with his family and friends. He had three brothers and a pair of sisters. No nobility runs in his blood.
  • He seeks to find someone to care for again as well as to rebuild his armour that has now been melted down by town guards when he arrived in his that was pockmarked and half destroyed.
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Colour: Black (Dark Brown)
  • Hair Colour: Black
  • Hair Style: Generally messy and medium length; Tobias cared little for his looks especially since he usually wore a helmet.
  • Skin Colour: Pale pink
  • Clothing: Originally: Armoured from head to toe. Currently, Tobias now wears commoner clothing that he acquired with help of unusual friends.
  • Height: 175cm
  • Tobias' face carries a dead-pan look which changes little even as he speaks and reacts. His well-defined jawline would have made him handsome if not his youth. His generally messy hair is not greasy but needs a great deal of combing to be made neat.
  • Tobias body is very slender but muscular. He is quite pale but not to the point of lifeless-ness or of elven descent, he is definitely human, through and through. His back and chest now carry many scars and cuts from his harrowing escape he made from his town as it was raided. He is well shaven however and hence has little body hair.
  • Tobias does not wear any accessories. Tobias tends to mono-chromatic colours like black to grey to white, however he does incorporate red as part of his tastes. They would had owned a pair of short-swords when he left the village, but have now been confiscated by town guards. He now seeks out better weaponry and tends towards swords and shields.
  • Their voice is low but not gravelly. He tends to speak with strength and clearly, preferring to slow down his speed when in non-combat conditions. He prefers to ask direct questions and does not beat around the bush if possible. He tries to remain friendly nevertheless.

Personality and Abilities (Required with Choice)
  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • Tobias would generally express his gratitude towards those who provide such happiness, offering his assistance in the future. Tobias celebrates a victory with a mixture of drinking and food with the quiet recollection and reflection.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • Tobias would steel himself, tensing his body and grit his teeth. If possible he would prepare himself in a battle stance, his mind darting for either an escape or eviscerate reaction.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • Tobias would tend towards going quiet and recluse himself; feeling responsible constantly, he would try to work out a way to fix a problem or possibly improve it. Suicidal tendencies of martyrdom may arise if stress levels are raised too high.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • Former guardsman, Tobias understands the needs and necessity of Law and Order. However, having been forsaken by his former lord of his land, he views nobles as generally being aloof and caring little for the working man. Nevertheless, he would try to hide these thoughts.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • Passive and slight confusion; Tobias does knows little to nothing of other races and did not experience racism in his old village, thus does not have strong views.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • Passive. He does not believe in religion, but knows about luck.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • Not a user of the arcane nor magic, Tobias remains passive and admittedly a little jealous of its users. However he realises his usefulness and praises it for such.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • Loneliness; Now knowing he will never see them again, he misses them.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • Tobias was ranked as the highest guardsman in his troop and was almost recommended to be sent to higher ranking positions. He refused stating that he rather stayed in the village and with his commanding officer.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • Revenge; Tobias seeks to take revenge on the raiders that took the lives of his family and friends of his village. He plans on building himself up again to be able to hunt down the raiders and make them pay for their wrong doings.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Inability to act. Tobias is stuck with the curse of knowing his village burnt down and he was now one of the few sole survivors that managed to escape, fleeing unconscious and wounded on a boat with children and women instead of on the battlefield next to his commanding officers and fellow guardsman.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • No longer fearing death, Tobias fears living without his purpose and living it without fulfilling it. He fears that if he fails to complete his missions, whatever they are, it will mean more harm will be brought upon those who do not deserve it, much like how he had failed to protect his village etc. He is haunted on quiet nights now with nightmares of his village burning and his loved ones blaming him for it. He decides to keep this fact to himself however.
  • Tobias is definitely not a social butterfly; He prefers less small talk and more direct action.
  • Tobias has little action with women and does not get social cues/flirtation. He remains friendly however.

  • Quirk: Tobias tends to rely on his standard answer too heavily sometimes. "I see."
  • Tobias excels in swordsmanship but prefers not to flaunt.
  • Tobias has an amazing capability to use his surroundings to his advantage in combat.
  • Tobias rarely is able to get drunk, having too high a metabolism.
  • Tobias likes good drink and food.
  • Tobias likes preparing for his task, whether it be sharpening his tools, tending to his armour, preparing traps or planning his next move.
  • Tobias enjoys spending time alone with people he genuinely enjoys company with.
  • Tobias dislikes crowds and the noises it makes – the constant and debilitating noise they can make makes him uncomfortable.
  • Tobias does not enjoy excessive flaunting, pride or show of bravado; he will generally think lower of the company displaying such.
  • Tobias does despise those who plan to harm or disgrace him or his comrades; those stooping to undermine his or his company standing are deemed as low as insects.

"JoJo" Joshua Boyd @GoodOldRebel

Assisted Tobias when he first arrived and was stripped of his armour and belongings. He now owes the vampire hunter a debt that he must pay before he ventures off.

Life Story (Required)

Tobias grew up on a small farming village on the coast of The Anglia Empire. The small unnamed village was generally forgotten by the lord of the land and was given very little attention, having subpar crop yield from its small dozen family sized hamlet. Knowing everyone and enjoying his quiet life, Tobias sought to improve his body and mind by becoming a guardsman, knowing full well that the handful of guards that protected the village would be too few and too under-equipped if anything happened.

Training for years and having done two tours in battles against bandits and rivalling factions for the lord of the land's bidding (despite never meeting him in person), Tobias returned to the village with high praise and commendation for his heroism and quick thinking on a few combat situations. Despite being offered a higher rank with a move to a capital city, Tobias declined stating that he would rather stay at home from then on.

One unfortunate and haunting night however, the town was pillaged and razed by raiders from the sea. Fighting off as many of them as possible, Tobias was unable to aid in the evacuation of his family and friends. He suffered watching his family home and possibly its occupants burn down before his very eyes. Together with his Commanding Officer, he was trapped soon to the edge of the village. Wounded terribly by arrows and slashing wounds of his enemies, Tobias lost too much blood and passed out even after putting up a fight that lasted hours. In the haze and stupor, he only now remembers his CO chucking him onto the last remaining boat filled with the only other sole survivors of the village as his mentor turned and charged back into the fray of battle. His fellow passengers tended to his wounds hastily and rowed away from the village into the night; his last memory of the place was the orange blaze of the town against the night sky from the boat rocking violently in the choppy seas.

At dawn, the boat was picked up by a helpful travelling merchant ship, providing the survivors lodging and passage. Grateful, the survivors thanked the captain and followed the ship to its final destination to begin anew. However, Tobias disembarked the first opportunity he had, without saying so much as a goodbye to his last members of his villagers. He knew he failed them and despite their kindness and reassurance, he knew he did not deserve their forgiveness.

Arriving now in Regalia, Tobias now plans on rebuilding his physical strength and to hunt down the raiders, even if it meant everything he had left.

Tagging: @JarrettdaCarrot
This is the colour used for Update on 5 Jun 2019

This is the colour used for update on 9 Jan 2019.
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  • Remove any sections like these.
The Character Sheet Template is mandatory for all Character Sheets and must be adhered to strictly for a review to take place. You may add upon the Template, but you may not take anything out. Your Sheet will be rejected if you do not meet the minimum requirements. The following Sheet is up to date since 2016/03/27. The Sheet Template is split between Mandatory items and Optional items. Mandatory items need to be inside the Application, players may decide to leave out the Optional parts or add them. They will not be reviewed and are not necessary to become Approved. All Optional sections are marked in Blue.

The following is required when filling out your character application. Please use a Bullet Point list. Try to keep the information here as simple and confined as possible, it's supposed to be a short list.

The following is required when filling out your character application. In order to explain the character's personality, you may choose between two optional sets of questions. The Question List is meant to make you think out of the box, which is something useful for people who are more comfortable thinking further on their character design, or you may choose The Core List, which sets out the basic relevant data, though requiring a bit more reading on the part of the app maker. Choose one of the following two options for your required Personality section, and ignore the other.
  • Full human isn't a race. Specify what culture of Ailor Tobias is. There are Heartland Ceardians, Ithanians, Imperials, Anglians, etc. Humanity (Ailor) is split into many different varieties of cultures. Read up on the wiki under Ailor if you are having difficulty in deciding.
  • Whatever you choose may give you a free language or proficiency points.
  • Expand on the characters greatest fear. One to two sentences is applicable. Go into careful detail.
  • What empire did Tobias grow up in? There are many different ones. If Regalia, then specify this. If Anglia (Filled with common farms and etc.) then specify this. Tobias might be a good Anglian with the way you've written his life story out. Here is the wiki page if you are struggling to find what type of culture you'd like him to be.
Tag me once you've made the following edits in a color of your choosing.
Please make the following edits:
  • Remove any sections like these.

  • Full human isn't a race. Specify what culture of Ailor Tobias is. There are Heartland Ceardians, Ithanians, Imperials, Anglians, etc. Humanity (Ailor) is split into many different varieties of cultures. Read up on the wiki under Ailor if you are having difficulty in deciding.
  • Whatever you choose may give you a free language or proficiency points.
  • Expand on the characters greatest fear. One to two sentences is applicable. Go into careful detail.
  • What empire did Tobias grow up in? There are many different ones. If Regalia, then specify this. If Anglia (Filled with common farms and etc.) then specify this. Tobias might be a good Anglian with the way you've written his life story out. Here is the wiki page if you are struggling to find what type of culture you'd like him to be.
Tag me once you've made the following edits in a color of your choosing.

Thanks my dude, will work on it.
I think you misunderstood my request because under basic information you still have him labeled as a Full Human where he is in fact Anglian. Change this and then tag me via reply on this thread, rather than tagging me on the character application itself (As this doesn't notify me nor show up in my alerts, so I can't tell whether you have finished the edits or not.)

Here's an example.

"Edits are made in red! @Zorod "