When Milo woke that night from a nightmare, he was unusualy calm. It wasn't your usual kind of nightmare though, where the person jolts ups in bed, breathing heavy and eyes scanning the room for the danger they had dreamed of. No, when Milo awoke from his nightmare, he was silent, quietly sliding his shirtless body out of bed, making his way to sit by the window and stare out at the city.

He hadn't dreamt of a danger, he'd just dreamt of a boy who plagued his dreams with his gut wrenching smirk and beautiful amber eyes. Tears were slowly beginning to gather in his eyes, but he made no means to wipe them away when the slid down his cheeks. Memories of a boy he had once loved clouded his mind, and a small chuckle escaped his lips as he reminisced on their time together. When they would sit on Justins carpet, flirting away with eachother, even though Milo was already in a relationship with his first and last girlfriend. That one time they went to the bathhouse together and Milo had scared the life out of the shy boy when he splashed him. How they had first met outside a noodle house, Li as silent as the city was now.

His memories slowly shifted from the happy and joyful ones to the ones he chose not to remember, those tucked away at the back of his mind with all the others he didn't like thinking of. When they'd found Ash, bleeding out just outside of her house. Milo had been almost distraught at the sight of his mother figure, but Li just stood there passively, a smirk on his lips. When Milo was heading to Michael and Elliots house and Li had come up behind him, betraying all trust Milo had ever had with the boy. His hand reached over his shoulder to gently trace the scar the ran from just below the top of his spine, ending a few centimeters down.

He never really wondered what had happened to Li, too content with his life now. He did remember being told Li was dead, but Milo knew that Li wouldn't have gone down that easily. They were boys when they last spoke, so if they ever spoke again, it would be like men. Milo wasn't the awkward teen he used to be with a swearing problem and no place in life. He'd made something of himself, found a boyfriend who he knew loved him and he loved back. The young man had managed to go from a lost spirit to a person with purpose, and he would be damned if anyone took that purpose away from him, for all the years of hard work he'd spent finding it.

With one last glance over the city he called home, he made his way back to bed, curling up against Uri. The reminiscing was over, just like his relationship with Li had been all those years ago.

@Peekaboop yeah, I don't really know what happened with this
@xXFizzyFoxXx also gonna tag you good sir as you are mentioned, along with @Diaprit @Faith_Bug @bxrnes because ya'lls chars are mentioned but I really don't need to tag you do I?