To Many Vampires?


Consistently Inconsistent
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
Western Pennsylvania
I think almost everyone will agree but there are to many Vampires out there. And almost all of the Vampires are noobs (not all of them just a lot of them). So why does this matter? Because 1. Vamps are supposed to be in hiding yet every time i go to spawn there are like 5 of them burning up in the sun. 2. I remember when i first joined ( 1 year 4-5 months ago) Vamps actually scared people and struck fear in even the greatest warrior, but now there are so many of them that they don't really scare many people anymore. I propose that to be a Vampire you have to go threw more like an ordeal or at least make it harder to be a Vamp. Tell me what you think below. Thanks :)
Well, if your brilliant idea doesn't get approved, my 'hoodie vampire' hunting character needs someone to help out because his orc ran away...
EDIT: You might want to make the title "Too Many Vampires" so you can impress some people.
Actually, some new lore is being worked on with vampires that will better develop them and help make vampire culture richer. This will hopefully also encourage people to steer away from some of the concerning cliches we've had and delve more into the interesting and unique opportunities vampire roleplay will be able to offer. Of course, there will always be people who don't concern themselves with such affairs, but hopefully this vampire development will be rich and unique enough to pique the curiosity of even those who never look at lore.

Though I'm a bit of an optimist.
the vampires are noobs > sees one and kills him.
it's not the fact that they're noobs, it's the fact that we don't roleplay with them how we should.
Honestly, I don't really see vampires that often anymore...
I get annoyed when I hear people over and over again complain about the amount of vampires (mainly because of Twilight). Bad roleplay doesn't just happen in vampires. It happens in Undead (claiming they can't be killed and can infect people), Maiars (the son/daughter of Poseidon who has control over the sea), Tigran's (we all know about this one), Elves (the deadeye bowman who is an expert tracker and was raised by the wild), Yanar (control of plants), need I go on?
Honestly, it seems like people complain about vampires and twilight just to get popularity points from those around them. I mean, have you actually been seriously effected by noob vampires? Also, noobs don't remain noobs. It isn't like we are stuck forever with the same batch of vampires. People grow and are there to help the next group of noobs.
My final point is that vampires are generalized so often that it removes any possibility of interesting roleplay in the first place. They aren't all weak, rabid, animals who have no depth. They can be cunning enough to not need to hide (I know of several examples). They can be controlled enough to know when to strike. They don't all have to live in holes and have no sophistication.

Having said all that, I am very excited to see the upcoming lore for vampires.
I get annoyed when I hear people over and over again complain about the amount of vampires (mainly because of Twilight). Bad roleplay doesn't just happen in vampires. It happens in Undead (claiming they can't be killed and can infect people), Maiars (the son/daughter of Poseidon who has control over the sea), Tigran's (we all know about this one), Elves (the deadeye bowman who is an expert tracker and was raised by the wild), Yanar (control of plants), need I go on?
Honestly, it seems like people complain about vampires and twilight just to get popularity points from those around them. I mean, have you actually been seriously effected by noob vampires? Also, noobs don't remain noobs. It isn't like we are stuck forever with the same batch of vampires. People grow and are there to help the next group of noobs.
My final point is that vampires are generalized so often that it removes any possibility of interesting roleplay in the first place. They aren't all weak, rabid, animals who have no depth. They can be cunning enough to not need to hide (I know of several examples). They can be controlled enough to know when to strike. They don't all have to live in holes and have no sophistication.

Having said all that, I am very excited to see the upcoming lore for vampires.
This may be true but Vampires are generally bad at rp (again not all vamps are bad at rp just a lot) Also in your statement you are saying that no matter what we will have vamp noobs , that is not true if we make it harder for people to become vamps. Yes I have been effected by the noob vamps because it takes away in rp when i am rping and some flaming guy comes up to us shrieking up a storm.
This may be true but Vampires are generally bad at rp (again not all vamps are bad at rp just a lot) Also in your statement you are saying that no matter what we will have vamp noobs , that is not true if we make it harder for people to become vamps.
Making it harder to become vampires will, indeed, mitigate the number of "bad" vampire roleplayers. But it'll also continue to limit and constrain the "good" ones. It'd be somewhat forcing them to further dig their own graves.
I get annoyed when I hear people over and over again complain about the amount of vampires (mainly because of Twilight). Bad roleplay doesn't just happen in vampires. It happens in Undead (claiming they can't be killed and can infect people), Maiars (the son/daughter of Poseidon who has control over the sea), Tigran's (we all know about this one), Elves (the deadeye bowman who is an expert tracker and was raised by the wild), Yanar (control of plants), need I go on?
Honestly, it seems like people complain about vampires and twilight just to get popularity points from those around them. I mean, have you actually been seriously effected by noob vampires? Also, noobs don't remain noobs. It isn't like we are stuck forever with the same batch of vampires. People grow and are there to help the next group of noobs.
My final point is that vampires are generalized so often that it removes any possibility of interesting roleplay in the first place. They aren't all weak, rabid, animals who have no depth. They can be cunning enough to not need to hide (I know of several examples). They can be controlled enough to know when to strike. They don't all have to live in holes and have no sophistication.

Having said all that, I am very excited to see the upcoming lore for vampires.[
Making it harder to become vampires will, indeed, mitigate the number of "bad" vampire roleplayers. But it'll also continue to limit and constrain the "good" ones. It'd be somewhat forcing them to further dig their own graves.
In my mind if there are true good vamp rp'ers they will work to become a vamp while new players will just pick a different race.
In my mind if there are true good vamp rp'ers they will work to become a vamp while new players will just pick a different race.
Then in this, you're removing the option entirely, limiting it only to people who have done this for awhile and blocking off the option to those who may be less experienced.
This may be true but Vampires are generally bad at rp (again not all vamps are bad at rp just a lot) Also in your statement you are saying that no matter what we will have vamp noobs , that is not true if we make it harder for people to become vamps. Yes I have been effected by the noob vamps because it takes away in rp when i am rping and some flaming guy comes up to us shrieking up a storm.
Do you even go to /uspawn i see vamps everyday at the spawn, and more commonly at the Taverns. Even though they are not allowed to go in.
It feels like you missed the point he was making, he was saying that noobs are going to RP badly no matter what they choose, vampires, elves, etc. A noob RPr is going to RP like a noob, they are new, the only thing you can do is better educate them.
Also on the disagreement of there not being very many vampires anymore. It really is the case, people just don't have a lot of desire to RP them anymore, hell the Crimsons disbanded again because they couldn't find them easily anymore.
Then in this, you're removing the option entirely, limiting it only to people who have done this for awhile and blocking off the option to those who may be less experienced.
I am not limiting anyone i am only saying that they should at least work hard before they become a Vampire, instead of reading about Vamps and then instantly becoming one. That is all i am saying for that matter.
It feels like you missed the point he was making, he was saying that noobs are going to RP badly no matter what they choose, vampires, elves, etc. A noob RPr is going to RP like a noob, they are new, the only thing you can do is better educate them.
Also on the disagreement of there not being very many vampires anymore. It really is the case, people just don't have a lot of desire to RP them anymore, hell the Crimsons disbanded again because they couldn't find them easily anymore.
Ok i see the point in that.
I am not limiting anyone i am only saying that they should at least work hard before they become a Vampire, instead of reading about Vamps and then instantly becoming one. That is all i am saying for that matter.
Then like @Rip Shoul said, that can be applied for any race, curse, organization, job, affliction, archtype, culture, or cliche.
It feels like you missed the point he was making, he was saying that noobs are going to RP badly no matter what they choose, vampires, elves, etc. A noob RPr is going to RP like a noob, they are new, the only thing you can do is better educate them.
Also on the disagreement of there not being very many vampires anymore. It really is the case, people just don't have a lot of desire to RP them anymore, hell the Crimsons disbanded again because they couldn't find them easily anymore.
I remember when i first came to massive, i was like "How to RP" It's the same case with everyone else.
This is sorta irrelevant but oh well. I never used to see vampires (before I was banned) as I didn't role play. But after vampires got nerfed I rarely ever seen a vampire in pvp. All the main pvprs changed to a undead, dwarf etc etc. Having no vampires in pvp really does limit the enjoyment in pvp and the variety in what type of pvp. If that makes sense xD. I think they should buff vampires enough so that not everybody would want to be one but at least some people could take advantage of the pvp buffs.
I like when the vampire population is gives me something to hunt.
high vampire populatoin doesn't mean that a lot of tehm are "good" vampires, if you hunt a newby "bad" vampire trie to kill it, you won't be able due to their bad
rpwith "good" i mean teh ones that rp like they should
Well, personally I went through the trouble of finding the original alter (with some help) and getting the items for it.

I think that should be the /only/ way, as now adays people just spam asking for vampire from a current vampire ¬_¬

Oh, and I'm not a vampire btw <3
The problem isn't that there is too many Vampires
There's too few EXPERIENCED Vampires.