Tips N' Stuff

Aug 27, 2022
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Roleplay Guilds
Red Crypt, Clovis Legal Inc
Hello all!

Writing a very brief set of tips that I've learned after returning to the roleplay scene after seven or so years.

1. Write stuff on Google Docs!

You'd be amazed at all the stuff I keep track of on my Google Docs, character names, their relationships to my character, my character's inventory, their racial abilities, magical abilities, and combat abilities separated. I honestly use it to just easy copy+paste whatever move I'm doing. To save the hassle of remembering how stuff works, I've written it like this:

Knockdown Immune: Yala can't be knocked down, but still can take damage from the blow.
Empowerment: Gains +1 Strength and becomes fast as Asha when it is raining.
Weapon Summon: Yala can summon any type of Melee Weapon and give it to other people, but once destroyed, it is a 12 hr cooldown.
Waterborne: Yala can slash normally underwater, heavy armor doesn't slow her swim speed (though she's forced to walk on the bottom of the ocean) and she isn't interrupted when coming out of or in water.
Elder Voice: Yala has to look at a person and can say whatever she wants telepathically, though it's very unpleasant and causes her eyes to glow.

Now I know what Yala, the example character, can or cannot do, including a detailed description on what it does.

2. Don't be afraid to ask questions!

I asked questions all the time, both in-game and out of game. For in-game, I ask 'Who are these people and why they here?' could lead to an interesting discussing and further roleplay. Especially if your new, people's characters aren't going to be familiar. I also ask questions a lot out of character, ones like 'Does this hit count', 'Where did that blow go', etc. It's very helpful to know where my character is getting stabbed/hit so I know how to emote it properly.

3. Where not all wizards.

I'm not an IRL combat, medic, or mechanical engineer expert by any means. In a world filling with dragon gods and magic, don't be afraid to do some Googling or Youtube. If you play a medic, how to bandage or properly dress wounds, if you play a Knight, looking up some basic combat moves. Just things to get the ball rolling.

4. Not everyone is going to like you, and your not going to like everyone.

Yes this one sucks - but 9/10 out of ten, people that dislike you out of character are going to reflect that in-character, even if they don't mean to. Or your going to piss them off with something that happened in-character and it'll reflect out of character. Whatever the case, I've met very few people that don't do this, and its natural! If you have a reason to ignore someone, say you don't like their combat or they Fail RP, ignore and the block button on Discord is your best friend. Thankfully I've met a bunch of people who encourage this, and I'm always grateful for it.

5. Have fun!

At the end of the day, it's a Mineman block game. Not having fun with your current character? Shelve or kill them off, be a new character. Try new things, get crazy. Try new directions with your character every once and awhile. Have a set, realistic goal for your character. Get in VC and meet new people!
Oh!! If I forgot anything or have any tips, add them as well! I'm always looking for more stuff to learn.