Preserved Sheet Tika Ame ; The Little Gremlin Who Could

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May 19, 2019
Reaction score
Basic Information:
Full Name: Tika Ame
Race: Allar - Pertua Kyat, Kedua Ksat
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Eye Color: Yellow

Core Concept:
Being the little street urchin who could, Tika Ame has managed to grow up over the years. In these years she has learned to be wary of not only Regalia's religions, but the guard orders associated with them as well. As such, Tika does not worship any higher entities. Likewise tending to veer away from most official organizations in favor of their less than legal counterparts. Even so, she is far from antagonistic. Simply a kid who grew up with a skewed perspective of the world.

These days Tika, despite her often chipper and gremlin-esc disposition, harbors the burden that comes with her chaotic upbringing. Her goals are often simple. Boiling down to surviving and bringing joy to those she meets. The latter of which she can be observed employing skills learned from her Clockwork Engineering apprenticeship to accomplish.

Proficiency Information:
Core Proficiencies-
  • [11] Dagger Combat
  • [11] Fist Combat
Special Training-
  • [5] Perception
  • [5 + 5 racial bonus] Medical
  • [3 hobby] Hunting
  • [3 hobby] Theater
  • [2 hobby] Leatherwork
  • [2 hobby] Needlework

Ability Information:
Clockwork Engineering-
  • [3] Biotechnics
  • [3] Environmental

  • [3] Bronze Family Metallurgy
  • [3] Sleight of Hand Pack
  • [3] Rogue Gift 3
  • [3] Rogue Gift 4

Physical Stat-
(3 Theater + 3 Metallurgy) x 0.5 = 3
(11 Dagger Combat + 11 Fist Combat) x 1 = 22
3 + 22 = 25
Als-Allar Physical Stat Cap: 15
-Common [free]
-Zasta [learned in apprenticeship]

Appearance Information-
Tika is a scrawny, often under-fed individual who stands on the shorter side of the Als-Allar spectrum. Her scales are a dull clay-red, with a pale belly and forelimbs. Dark brown rings line her tail, with one sitting at the base of her neck. A similar color marking the callus spines down her back in addition to the pair of horns sprouted from her skull. Beneath said horns, she has a matching set of pale leathery frills.

When it comes to abnormal features, Tika's left arm is a prime example. The limb past her elbow twisted and malformed after having grown back in improperly. Seeing as she was young when it happened, she lacked the willpower to cut it off cleanly. Depriving it of a proper chance to grow back in correctly. Instead, she wears a clockwork prosthetic over the deformed limb to make up for its lost functionality.

Tika Ame Skin


Tika Ame Sketch


Old Tika Art



Life Story-
  • Tika was hatched as an orphan found by an Ailor who she lovingly called Uncle Joe. Under his guidance, she grew up learning how to survive on the streets. This continued until poor Uncle Joe got arrested for his crimes.
  • Left without a caregiver in Regalia's streets, Tika spent her adolescence roaming the city. Whilst this period of time (previously rped on the server) was filled with strife, she made many friends who helped her along the way. Two of the most notable of these friendships being her mentor, Pavel Tarknid, and her since absent mother/aunt in spirit, Barbossa Yaotl.
  • It wasn't until many years later that Tika finally left Regalia's streets. Instead taking to a life of travel to learn and explore. Both things she had always been fond of despite her limited ability to leave Regalia when she had been younger. Only recently did she return to the previously familiar city. No longer the same small hatchling she once was.
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The youngest you can make a character application for is 14
Okay, thank you for letting me know. I'll go try to tweak the character a bit so that it fits that. Though, i'd like to know where I can find where this information is originally so that I can reference this in the future. Please, and thank you~

Edit: I'm currently going through and refining the sheet so that the character is Fourteen.
Edit 2: Changes have been completed.
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Hello I will be claiming this for staff review, expect a response within the next 48 hours, I'm a bit tired right now but will get to it soon!
Hello I will be claiming this for staff review, expect a response within the next 48 hours, I'm a bit tired right now but will get to it soon!
Thank you Caelamus! And don't worry about being tired, because I'm in the same boat as you dude. Either way, rest well~
They also gain a +10 medical science iirc. Al-Allar are naturally talented physicians/alchemists with their powerful nose and sense of taste!

You forgot to include the body category friend! What body shape is she?
Oh! I read somewhere that you only got one proficiency if there were two offered, but thank you for letting me know this. As for the body, I have it, but quite apparently I acidentily left it out when I went back in to change the characters age, woops. Either way, I'll go back into edit these things within the hour once in out of bed. x3
They also gain a +10 medical science iirc. Al-Allar are naturally talented physicians/alchemists with their powerful nose and sense of taste!

You forgot to include the body category friend! What body shape is she?
I've completed the listed changes. Thank you again for the assistance, for it is appreciated~
Alright, I've finally re-done my skills. Lets see if we can get Tika's sheet re-approved.
Just touched up the stats to go along with the mechanics update. No stats were altered in the process and the appearance was minorly shifted to go along with the previous Allar update.
Edits to Tika Ame's character sheet include general updates to age, stats and abilities, character sheet format, and character art.
Edits to Tika Ame's character sheet include general updates to age, stats and abilities, character sheet format, and character art.
Make sure you tag me when you make updates so I get notified, but approved never the less.