Preserved Sheet Tiberius Celyreos

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A Loyal, Humbling Citizen.
Jul 27, 2016
Reaction score
  • Full Name: TIberius Celyreos
  • Age: 28
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ithanian, Ailor
  • Main Ambition: Tiberius wants power in the Regalian Government even
Skill Information (Required)

  • Proficiency Points (28 points)
  • +5 horse riding.
  • +10 Archery
  • +4 LongSword
  • Culture points (28 points)

  • painting + 18
  • Literature + 10
  • Tiberius knows two Languages, Direct Ithanian, and Common.
Basic Information (Expansion)

  • Tiberius Celyreos came to Regalia after being discharged from the army to settle down and socialize with his family.
  • Tiberius was born in Ithania, and was raised by his parents, Tiberius has 9 family members, some of them his nieces and nephews and cousins and siblings.
  • After being discharged from the Army, Tiberius wants to prove he can still make it as a soldier or a guard, he wants to apply for the Guard to show he still has it.
Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Green
  • Hair Color: Blonde
  • Hair Style: Clean, well done
  • Skin Color: White
  • Clothing: A White Shirt with a orange slash, Browns pants and boots.
  • Height: 5'10 inches.
  • Body Build: Muscular
  • Weapon of Choice: A longsword and bow.
Personality and Abilities (Required)

  • First Paragraph: Tiberius is viewed by other people as being outgoing, and someone who likes to talk. Sometimes this is a good thing when he tries to meet new people, but sometimes he can get on peoples nerves. Sometimes strangers think he is self centered but that is not true at all. The way Tiberius greets strangers is kindly, but sometimes rude when he is not having the best of days. Occasionally Tiberius tries to stay away from some strangers because he isn't in the best of moods, but he always tries to meet new people.
  • Second Paragraph: Tiberius doesn't really think about himself to much but when he does, he feels like he is a good person and he can do no wrong. Tiberius feels like nothing can get him down, he has a happy view on everything. Occasionally he can get down, but he gets over it by thinking of glad thoughts. While he gets over it, he digs into some books to forget what he was sad about. But when he is really down, he would lock himself in his room and just think and pray to the Spirit to help him get out of the Slump.
  • Third Paragraph: TIberius is viewed viewed by his friends and family as the quiet, yet fun one. When he is with his nieces and nephews he is the fun uncle type. When he is with his older sister, he tries and one up her all the time and be better. When he is with his older cousins he is silent and only speaks when asked to. Sometimes he speaks out of turn and embarrasses himself and his family, but he always learns from his mistakes and never makes the same one twice.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Tiberius finds his morality in his family. His whole moral system is based around his family. If he sees his family do something wrong, he feels saddened inside and would do anything to make right the wrong. He also finds his morality in money. Tiberius can get greedy and sometimes doesn't like to share his money, this hinders him from showing compassion to beggars, however, with his maturity growing he starting to be more generous and kind to those who can't physically work.

  • Tiberius loves to hunt and go out riding horses whenever possible.
  • Tiberius also loves war he reads about war almost everyday and keeps track with the current war against the Nelfins.
  • Tiberius hates people who bugg him just for fun. Tiberius tries his best to ignore those Scoffers but sometimes he can't contain himself and he snaps.
  • Tiberius also dislikes beggars. He believes that they should stop begging and get a job and earn a living.
  • Tiberius also hates it when people treat him wrong. He would hold a grudge against them for a few days because of it.

Relationships (Optional)
Tiberius is currently in a Relationship with an other Noblewoman, Freya Claudio (played by @Nidakk ) He met her while at the local tavern and he wishes to marry one day and hoping that they can have a family one day of his own.

[B]Life Story (Required)[spoiler][/spoiler][/B][spoiler]

[B](0-9) Early life: [/B]Tiberius grew up in Ithania with his Mother and Father. His Father and Mother were harsh yet loving. One day after Tiberius got back from hunting in the woods of Ithania, he found his mother and father dead, from a illness.[COLOR=#ff0000] He was deeply saddened by the lost of his parents and he would get out of his room till his sister Elizabeth (who is a year older) convinced him to come out and cope with the loss, without her TIberius might of never been able to get over it. He was mentored by his sister and other family members till he was age 18.[/COLOR]
[B]Teenage years (10-18)[/B] When Tiberius was ten he became very interested in war and combat. He knew he was too young to attend a school, so he learned to fight by himself and use a sword. At age 15 Tiberius wanted to enlist in the military, however when he applied to the military he was rejected due to his age. So he waited till he was 18 to apply again, and this time the Military accepted him and he served for 10 years till an injury ended his career.
[B]Current Life (28-present) [/B]Tiberius now 28 was fighting in a battle while he was distracted, an explosion went off and it blew off his leg. The Doctors offered to use a mage, but he refused. Thus not having two legs to use, he was honorably discharged. Now Tiberius has moved to Regalia and he was able to get a replacement peg leg, there he will hopefully live out the rest of his life with his Family in Regalia. [COLOR=#ff0000]The way Tiberius is handling with the loss of his leg is ignoring that he ever lost it in the first place. He has his Cousins and Sister Elizabeth to help ignore it and talk about the good things in his life. Tiberius is still trying to get back into Regular life in Regalia, thus sometimes making out bursts against curtain people groups (Nelfin mainly). [/COLOR][/spoiler]
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@Aespair Thanks for claiming it so quick, I am will to make any corrections I need to make.
Here's my review.
  • While not a required edit, I just want to let you know that you have nine spare proficiency points.
  • "Art" and "writing" are not culture proficiencies. Please choose two equivalents from this list:
  • Expand all of the personality paragraphs. How does he react under pressure? How does he greet strangers? Etc.
  • Expand the life story. What are some significant events that affected his life? How has he coped ever since the loss of his left leg? What sort of a childhood with his brothers and sisters did he have? Who mentored him?
Make the edits in red and tag me when you're done.
@Aespair I believe I made the corrections, sorry if they seem a little rushed, I have stuff going on.
The first and second personality paragraphs still need some love.