Preserved Sheet Tiberius Adamos

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Das Wump
Dec 14, 2015
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name | Tiberius Adamos
  • Age | 42
  • Gender | Male
  • Race | Imperial Etosian Ailor
  • Sexuality | Celibate Homosexual
Skill Information (Required)

Total Proficiency | 42
Proficiency | -40
  • +15 Etosian Seminary (+10 School of Evintarian, +5 Culture Boost)
  • +10 Commanding Speech (+10 School of Evintarian)
  • +10 Horse Riding
  • +10 Longsword
  • +5 Dagger
  • +5 Crossbow
Cultural | -42
  • +15 Sculpting (+10 School of Evintarian, +5 Culture Boost)
  • +10 Literature
  • +10 Stage Performance
  • +5 Vocal Music
  • +5 Horticulture
  • +5 Brewing
  • +5 Poetry
  • +2 Husbandry | Focus: Beekeeping
  • Etosian | Fluent
  • Common | Fluent
  • New Regalian | Fluent
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color | Green
  • Hair Color | Sandy Brown with patterned Grey
  • Hair Style | Short Curls
  • Skin Color | Etosian Tan
  • Clothing | Patéras style befitting a Cantor, though adopting Imperial style in more casual settings
  • Height | 6'
  • Body Build | Toned
Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • First Paragraph | Tiberius holds himself a man of high moral ground and of elite zeal and pragmatism. This is evident in the perceptions held by those around him. Being the single most outspoken member of the Patriarchate of Etosil within the capital of Regalia, he is a representative of his background as well as strong ideals. Many who interact with the man are witness to his scorn and bitterness towards lesser things in the world, although he does hold a spot towards the more malicious should they be of higher purpose to the Spirit.

  • Second Paragraph | Tiberius exists in a rather confused ideological existence. He is separated from his people, having spent a high portion of his time within the Regalian capital Old Town, and this has caused his ideals of the Etosian faith as well as the ideals of Regalia and the people surrounding him there to mingle. He has high expectations of those around him, especially himself, viewing himself as being on a crusade on behalf of the Spirit itself to rid corruption and heresy wherever it takes route. It is this ideal which strengthens the convictions of Tiberius, allowing him to move throughout his life with a sense of purpose.

  • Third Paragraph | Tiberius lacks a family of his own, having left that part of his life behind on the Etosian landmass. His friends are few, instead viewing his faith and relationship with the Spirit as his truest friendship, though more in the sense that the Spirit is the only thing which can understand and aid him. Often at times, Tiberius isolates himself and offers prayers to the Spirit for a sign on what his purpose is and why he has difficulties with his own innate desires and motivations. Towards actual individuals, Tiberius holds them as a lesser view in that they are not chosen to do the Spirits work in a literal sense of interpreting the Creeds and their message. The man has been able to make friends in the past, though these are purely for the sake of reaching a gain and some semblance of council when the Spirit cannot provide a clear direction.

  • Fourth Paragraph | The morality of Tiberius is in his faith and his zealous outlook on the world. Those who preach heresy and engage in actions that go against the Spirit and the ideals of the Unionist faith are to be put to the sword in a more literal sense. To add onto this, Tiberius views his morality as holding up the Spirit's will, and to purge the world of wickedness by whatever methods are necessary.

Life Story (Required)
  • Born in Etosil in the year 264 AD. The descendant of a Ceardian warlord who was once sent to the landmass a prisoner several decades prior.
  • Was a fisherman's son and was taught at a young age the practices of such and what his life would likely end up becoming.
  • Years of debt build up, becoming too much for the father to handle. Tiberius is sent to become a priest, a fate much more befitting of the boy, rather than becoming a street urchin and dying from starvation.
  • Tiberius advances in the faith, each year becoming more and more exposed to the intimacy of the doctrines taught. The hardest of these tests proves to be the oath of celibacy as the young man began to realize his own sexuality, taking a liking to a few of the young men he was surrounded by.
  • Over the course of ten years, Tiberius finishes his doctrine, becoming a Cantor of the faith once he graduates.
  • Upon his graduation, the new priest is sent to work in a small village on the fringe of Etosil, a seemingly barren place filled with treachery of the undead.
  • During this passage of time, Tiberius learns to wield a sword and ride on horseback as no man lives without defending, not even a man of the cloth.
  • The next five years are spend preaching and defending this village until Tiberius feels a calling to leave and explore the rest of the world to preach his faith.
  • He is permitted such as it is believed that his devotion to the Spirit has called him upon a holy mission to spread the faith, though not enough of a degree to label him anywhere near a heron. After all, who wouldn't want to leave a speck in a barren land fighting undead hordes?
  • This pilgrimage brings Tiberius to the capital of Regalia, rooting himself within the Old Town where his preaching would be of most benefit as well as keeping a low profile from the Sancella Faith that is most popular there.
  • The next several years sees Tiberius exposed to new ideas and beliefs, shaping his own outlook on the world as his own view of the Etosian faith and how it can be best expressed to a new audience.
  • This optimism shifts early on as many heresies and evils became prevalent and obvious, Tiberius growing with these changes and becoming cold to the conversion of evils, rather viewing them as equal to the undead hordes he once protected his congregation from.
  • In more modern times, many advancements and changes in faith and ideal has shifted Tiberius further, but he still holds firm to his own beliefs and convictions, ready to the do the Spirit's will upon the land as he continues his Crusade against the damnable.
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  • I'd prefer that you use the normal format for proficiencies, as what you have done is a little difficult to comprehend. Racial boosts and school points under their respective proficiency or cultural proficiency sections.
  • Bold keywords under personality and abilities.
Mark your edits in red and tag me when you've made the appropriate changes. @Wumpatron
Moved the proficiencies to the normal format, clarified what came from the school as well as for the cultural boosts, but didn't include the source for each individual point as I felt it clutters things and is unnecessary. Bolded the points in the personality and abilities section, but didn't change color as I felt simply bolding them was enough to locate them.
