Preserved Sheet Thuril Sylphryalhn

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Mirror Thrower
Sep 22, 2018
Reaction score

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  • Basic Information
    • Full Name: Thurilosdir'yridhren Zylfren Sylphryalhn
      • Nickname: Thuril, Ren, Sylph
    • Age: 63
      • Visual Age: Early Twenties
      • Birthday: November 7th
      • Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
    • Gender: Male
    • Race: Altalar
      • Sub-race: Fin'ullen
      • Affliction: Dorkarth Vampire
    • Sexuality: Pansexual
      • Relationship Status: Taken
    • Preferred Weapon: War-Hammer
      • Secondary Weapon: Fists
  • Skill Information
    • Core Proficiencies
      • +15 Two-hand Blunt Combat
      • +10 Fist Combat
    • Talent Proficiency
      • +10 Perception Training
    • Hobby Proficiencies
      • +10 Dancing Arts
    • Special Proficiency (Point-Buy Abilities)
      • +9 Roguery Packs (Guard Forgery Pack, Rogue Gift 3, Rogue Gift 4)
      • +6 Schooling (Finance School, Command School)
  • Body Shape
    • 30 Physical Stat.
    • Muscular Body Shape
    • Average Body Fat
  • Languages
    • Modern Altalar (Native Tongue)
    • Common (Adopted/Free)
  • Special Traits/Abilities/Spells
    • -=ACIVE=- Vampirism: Dorkarth Bloodline
      • Dorkarth Base Kit & Dorkarth Bloodline Ability Kit
        • Auld Form: When Thuril goes into his Auld Form, his hair would turn black, any tattoos turning a mixture of different shades of black to lightened/darker grays. His eyes would go solid black though a thin halo line of a bright reddish color would appear, followed by the skin would go lighter into a clear white color. Two sets of arms and eyes form under the originals, this all being aesthetic. A pair of bat-like wings that are of decent size but still rather small would sprout from his back, non-functional and only for aesthetic purposes as well. Lastly, if not looking close enough, some may not recognize the character in this form.
  • -=ACTIVE=- Racial Abilities:
    • Age Control I
    • Arken Sense I
    • Arcane Mastery I
    • Morrlond Gift I
    • Morrlond Gift II
    • Morrlond Gift III
    • Skin Purge I
  • Visual Information
    • Eye Color: Crimson Red
    • Hair Color: Black
    • Hair Style: Ruffled, short
    • Skin Color: Pale-ish
    • Clothing: Whatever he finds comfortable
    • Height: 6'5
  • Personality
    • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    • Personality: Entrepreneur
    • Religion: Void Worship (6/10)
  • Backstory
    • Childhood
      • Thuril was born somewhere within Teled Methen with his other two brothers and sister, being the youngest of them. He started getting into education at a young age, isolating himself in his room to read about all there was to know about.
      • Other than the reading, his education was on average, having a decent relationship with his siblings and parents as well. There were a few rumors now and then throughout the parents on what they wanted to help teach him for when he grew up. His father wanted to teach him techniques with a warhammer and Fist Combat but his mother wanted to teach him how to be more stealthy, what she called 'less dangerous' per say.
      • The duo soon confronted him on which he would prefer, but he wanted to learn it all to help bring up his skill level. They both agreed thankfully, so his lessons were split up throughout the week on what he would work on.
    • Adolescence
      • He continued his training in these subjects, getting a hang of being stealthy but also copying others handwritings. Social activity wise, he started to get more active and get out more to make a good amount of friends.
      • One day when he was going into the woods to train there, a hooded man followed him. Thuril didn't know he was there so he continued on without another thought of the possible presence of another individual. Before he knew it when hearing a leave crack, he was struck in the head, falling forwards unconscious from the blow.
      • It seemed like forever till he awoke in what seemed to be a stone room, perhaps a cave of sorts. The hooded figure was in front of him, done treating the small bruise to his head before they recoiled. He tried to get them to talk but they kept quiet, giving up because of it. Soon enough though, the figure after two days of being in the cave, took hold of Thuril's person and guided him out only to be knocked out again.
    • Early Adulthood
      • From then on, the figure would've moved Thuril into multiple transportation's such as carriages and boats to ship him off. Himself seemed at a loss for hope, not planning to fight back, only anxious though curious on where he was being taken the whole time. After a while however, he ended up in Dorkarth.
      • Once there, he was sold off to a Dorkarth Vampire for cattle, to which Thuril became disappointed and more weakened when blood left his body frequently when fed upon. Hopeless, scared, and upset, the Dorkarth made a deal with him. If the Dorkarth got to turn him and pass on the gift then he can be taken under his wing to train more into different fighting techniques and abilities, ending up accepting the offer as he had no other choice.
      • The turning process to him was like living in the Void itself, filled with pain and paranoia, not adjusting to it good at first but managed to get through the turning. His personality started to change into a more serious one, starting anew.
    • Adulthood
      • For years he under went training by his mentor who made him train quite frequently for hours and days on end with multiple things. Whether it was practice his mutations, learn more with a War-hammer, or start learning hand to hand to work on, it was anything he could do. His greed grew, wanting more when he started to master moves with a Hammer and get decent grasps on his other categories.
      • Thuril started to satisfy himself more when being around other Vampires and bragging about his achievements, and began to control the Vampire mentality when he grew familiar to it despite having its ups and downs, nonetheless, deciding it was time to move elsewhere.
    • Present
      • He left Dorkarth recently to move over toward Regalia when hearing some of the Vampire population grew there, hoping to start a better life while benefiting himself.
Last edited:
Note: More Aesthetics soon to come when I find some!
Claimed for review.​
- Took away 4 points from Dexturous Rogue, making it 6
- Added the 4 points into Magical Knowledge, unlocking Shatterology

- Added in a sentence or two about how he learned the Shatterology.

Not going to tag since I only changed 4 points! :)
Special Traits/Abilities/Spells
- Added in new Altalar update racial abilities! Because he is Fin'ullen, he got Morrlond's Font which I marked as Active despite still a Vampire.
- Also added a Patron Ability, Ulley's Prayer, though is marked as inactive until cured.

Visual Features
- Bumped him down from 6'8 to 6'4 in Height since they are now capped at that.

Hope this is okay! Please notify me if I messed up on anything!
@fantuinn Sorry for the tag, I just changed his profs this one time for a bit, only switched his Sword Combat into two-handed Blunt combat to have a war hammer instead of sword usage
Heya! Changed a few things for Sylph! :)

Skill Information
- Changed Dagger Combat to Sword Combat instead
- Lowered Fist Combat to 5 instead of 7
- Changed his Arcanology from Arken Knowledge to Essence Knowledge, as Arken Knowledge doesn't much benefit me and points could go to waste

Body Shape
- Adjusted Physical Stat accordingly, from 37 to 35 (since I took 2 points from Fists Combat)

- Changed one of his Ritualism Abilities from Planarspite to Beastwarp
- Two Aesthetics were changed, now having Vocalism and Void Mutationism
- Because of Void Mutationism, I added some Void Mutation Aesthetics

- Adjusted accordingly to fit Proficiencies

Do notify me if I made a mistake!
Remains Approved.