Preserved Sheet Throzzuk Cro-vyzal

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The G0atfather
Aug 3, 2013
Reaction score
a hole in the ground
a hole in the ground

"Violence is not an answer, it is a question, and the answer is yes"

Basic Information
  • Full Name: Throzzuk Cro-Qazz
    • Pronunciation: (Throw-Zook)
  • Age: 27
  • Gender: Usually Male
  • Race: Cro-Allar
  • Sexuality: yes
Skill Information
Total Points
: 49/50 Skill Points 10/10 Hobby Points
  • 15 Fist Combat Skill (+10 Skill Points +5 Cro Allar Boost)
  • 6 Genetics (+6 Skill Points)
    • Paleblood
    • Voluism
  • 3 Schooling (+3 Skill Points)
    • Command School (Frontline)
    • Command School (General) [Honed Skill 3]
  • 15 Two-Handed Blunt Combat Skill (+15 Skill Points)
  • 10 Husbandry Art (+10 Hobby Points)
  • 15 Construction Art (+15 Skill Points)
Body Shape
  • 1.5(15 Fist 15 Two-Handed Blunt) - 5 = 40 -> 30
  • Strongman Body Build
  • Built Body Fat
  • Common
  • Zasta
Racial Abilities
  • Body Mend 2
  • Brawn Power 2
  • Great Force 1
  • Honed Skill 3
  • Gate Smash 1
  • Battle Sense 1
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Pale pink
  • Hair Color: N/A
  • Hair Style: N/A
  • Skin Color: Pale white
  • Clothing: Little but fancy clothing
  • Height: 8'2
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Lawful Neutral
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • The Commander
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Allar Dragon Worship 7/10
      • Rubzzalza
Life Story
Throzzuk grew up into the Chrysant War, beginning when he was only 4 years old. He, like many other Allar, began retreating as far south as he could with his mentor. At one point, when it wasn't possible for both of them to escape, his mentor sent him along and tried to hold off Regalian soldiers. Throzzuk's mentor died so that Throzzuk could escape.

When the Chrysant War finally ended, Throzzuk was given a new mentor that began teaching him how to fight with his fists and claws, and how to have proper technique as opposed to simply haymakering your opponent. As he grew older, and stronger, he began learning to use a two-handed warhammer as his main weapon.

With the alliance between Allar and Regalia, and being a Cro, Throzzuk was able to go to the Imperial Regalian Marshal Academy, where he trained in both Frontline and General Command. Despite being civil during his training, Throzzuk still barred the mental scars of the Chrysant war and did not fully trust the Regalians. Upon graduation and returning home, he was gifted with a Two-Claw Raptor hatchling and learned how to ride one for when it grew up. He named this Raptor Solzedor.

Throzzuk's first war was the Regalian war against the elves in 302 AC. While he had little love for the Regalians, he felt it was his time to fight and so he contributed, along with Solzedor. Working with Regalian soldiers saw Throzzuk's attitude towards them soften somewhat. He saw why they fought and who they were. In their fervor to fight, he respected them. This led to him fighting continuously throughout the following Regalian wars, including the Dread War.

Currently, Throzzuk has moved to the Crown Isle after the end of the Sendrassian War, aiming to fill his free time away from the military with more combat.
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