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Three Shots To House Vaedra


arf :3
Nov 6, 2020
Reaction score
Notices began to appear around the city, the pristine paper marred by a tight grouping of three bullet holes.


When the monster hunter becomes the monster,
who is there put them down?

House Vaedra.

Your kin has done much in their short time within Regalia. You have done oh-so-well to decorate the streets with the severed arms of those you have crossed. Rather than extending an empathetic hand to the outcast, you extended a blade, for House Vaedra knows only to live by the sword, and to die from it.

You aid in your Order's heinous harassment and assault against all Occult, doing little in the way to differentiate against the true monsters that prowl the night and the common arcane citizen, opting to raise your sword to both all the same. You stand to cast judgement against the morals of others without regard for the pain and misery you bring, for you find no reason to offer true mercy toward those who often need it most. And so, we will show you pain and misery in kind, for no true mercy is deserved.​

Let our mark remind you of the sins you live to justify.​

Yours truly,
The Three Shots Brigade & Acquaintances


Definition of Purge- to rid of whatever is impure or undesirable; cleanse; purify.


[!] An official response is returned from House Vaedra itself. [!]​

Many publications have seen House Vaedra's desk, and almost all only inspire boredom. A patheticism that lacks either the virtuous vigor or the social credit such parchment was intended to generate. However, yours caught my interest well- the 'Three Shots' brigade. A clever title of marksmanship. However, despite such physical accuracy, you fail to quite understand what House Vaedra stands for- and, most of all, what the Darkwald Group of the Lothar Order stands for. I will summarize it to you in a simple way that is quite easy to understand; just as loading gunpowder into a rifle, and just as easy as pulling the trigger. We acknowledge that the Occult, and so their conspirators or so their friends and family, are capable of life. They are with soul, with minds of great intellect and perhaps even moral heart. House Vaedra simply does not care.

The Darkwald accepts a task of which holds little virtue and applause. The Emperor, and so this Holy Empire, has not tasked us with the benevolent tasks that the other Orders are given. While the Aelriggians were given the pious command to control and teach proper use of magic, while the Reliquary protect religious rights from all walks of life, the Lothar Order was given a simple command; purge. Our duty is to be exterminators- to hunt the hunters, to identify monsters both from foreign and interior design and purify them of life.

We know what who and what we are, we do not lie and hide behind curtains. I, Purger-Knight and Lord-Protector Riftan Vaedra, hunts the Occult no matter if they are young, weak, sick or old. History will never remember us kindly- they will write of our brutality, our neverending will to commit as much violence and purges as possible. They will write of how we burned villages, they will write of how we killed families. But they will never write that we die in the dark so others may live in the light. We burn villages and kill to stop Afflicted outbreaks, we identify Occult spies and foreign threats- hunting, and eliminating them. We eliminate the Mages that would seek to undo our Empire, so that those who are benevolent may find an Aelriggian Knight before they find a Lothar.

In essence, the anonymous writer of this Three Shots Brigade, we quite acknowledge our moral implication within this City. We quite acknowledge that we are surrounded on all sides- and, that is the sacrifice that we as Lothar Knights have been ordered to endure. Our duty is our death sentence, and the pen is what we abide by in honor. It is a blessing from Taal, and the Everwatcher above, that we are tasked to die. Perhaps it is a curse from Ness that we will never have forgiveness for the brutality of which we commit, or maybe it is blessing that we will not live to see just how little we will receive.

We Lothar Knights deal with honor and duty in the currency of blood and steel. There is no holy warcry except explosions of black powder and comets of Puretek light across the sky. The common citizen of this Holy Empire will never know the horrors of Dorkarthi Blood-Bag Slavery or the brutal torture of Venna-Fanaticism, or the fear of Marken attacks at night- that is what we as Lothar are commanded to ensure.

May your shots strike true, Three Shots Brigade- for, if they miss, my sword will not.

Lord-Protector Riftan Vaedra
House Vaedra.


PM me to setup CRP.​