This Server Is Confusing And I Am In Need Of Assistance

Jun 27, 2014
Reaction score
So, I just recently started playing on this server, and don't get me wrong, it's awesome but holla.
So when I entered, I had my medieval elf-like skin on, I did the intoduction and I was ready to roll, I but it came to me that I had no name, no character, just a skin. I went to the massivecraft forums and wiki, but noone seems to be having difficulities here, and I feel like an infant who dropped on the ground and this is confusing help pls
You can message me in game, My name is lizman1000, I will be more than happy to help clear up any confusion ^-^
Oh and, welcome
Lore on elfs can be found here
Staff reviews along with the template are located here

Along with the template

Any other questions you may have, please ask me another player or preferably lore staff or consult the wiki here

Have a massive day.
I feel like a staff member but I aint .-.
Firstly, welcome!

Choose your character's name with /nick use character name
Sometimes it takes a little while to grow into your character. Go slow. Have fun!
When you feel ready you can start working on a character application here on the forums.

Feel free to send me a message with any questions you may have. Good luck!