Preserved Sheet Thiotholfir Elfrdrix

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Resident Sad Corpse Man
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
Colorado, USA
Roleplay Guilds
Regalian Engineer's Guild
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"It's quite all right. I wouldn't be what I am today if I weren't born the way I am."

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Art by the wonderful and talented @Rinus

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Basic Information

ᚠ Full Name: Thiotholfir Elfrdrix Kálfrssen

ᛗ Nickname: Thio
ᛗ Title: Staargir
ᚠ Age: 82
ᚠ Gender: Male
ᚠ Race: Ailor

ᛗ Culture: Velheim
ᛗ Lineage: Woaden
ᚠ Sexuality: Heterosexual
ᚠ Preferred Weapon: Varfal's Defense (see Inventory Information)

Basic Information Expansion

Position in Regalia: Thiotholfir is a staargir serving and living in the helbolwen inside the Velheim district, or Gods' Court. He continues on his duties to his community, such as embalming the dead, tattooing Velheim, and tending to the mummies inside the tunneled catacombs.
Upbringing: Thiotholfir was born blind, becoming a staargir at a young age and readily accepting his role in society.
Name Meaning:
ᛗ Thiotholfir - People's Wolf | Derived from the real Old Norse name ÞióðólfR
ᛗ Elfrdrix - Great River from Drixagh
ᛗ Kálfrssen - Son of Kálfr
Inventory Information

Wooden cane | The cane Thiotholfir uses to walk is smoothed and glossed-over light brown wood, the wood from a Lanarra's Hand tree specially imported from Essalonia. It is etched with Old Makdth words and Oldt Fayth runes, causing it to glow turquoise if any triggers are activated. He calls it "Balla's Luck" along with a knowing smile, as those of the Oldt Fayth named the tree after their gods of love and health and Thiotholfir himself believes that as it is named after that.
Concealed bone knife | Eight inches long (handle and all, staying under the legal limit for a concealed weapon) and made of bone, this knife is as strong as iron and cannot decay naturally, as it is carved with Old Makdth script that he himself applied. Additionally, the blade glows turquoise at night, and Thiotholfir named it "Varfal's Defense" in reference to the Oldt Fayth's god of fighters.
Leather bag | This medium-sized and thick bag is opened and closed by a drawstring, at the end of which is a small metal plate with a heavy "X" hammered into it. Inside are 25 small tokens made of bone, each roughly the same size at 1x1 inches. Each has a different Old Makdth letter inscribed on it, and hence the tokens are incapable of natural decay, have the strength of iron, and glow turquoise at night. Thiotholfir uses these in typical fortune-telling.
Leather bag | This small bag is opened and closed by a drawstring, at the end of which is a small metal plate with a heavy "O" hammered into it. Inside are very thin sheets of tin, each uniform and 1x1 inches across, along with a small pencil-shaped bone carved with Old Makdth that glows turquoise at night, is incapable of decaying naturally, and has the strength of iron. Thiotholfir uses these to inscribe Bindrunes for those who request them or are in need of some sort of help, scritching letters into the metal and handing it off to them.
Oldt Fayth necklace | Around his neck Thiotholfir wears a necklace, the pendant of which is made of wood he made himself (or rather morphed through Wood Singing). It displays a leafless tree with many lines of bark and the shape of an old man's face inside the trunk. Carved water flows around it and the trunk, covering both sides of the tree and overwhelming it. Unless otherwise specified IRP, this item serves as his worn object as the key reagent in his Construct of Tranquility spirit sorcery spell.

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Skill Information

Points: 44 (82 Age, –16 due to Sorcery)

Knowledge Proficiency Category

ᛗ +4 Society Knowledge
ᛉ Pagan Culture
Science Proficiency Category
ᛗ +10 Medical Sciences
ᛗ +8 Natura Care Sciences
Arts Proficiency Category
ᛗ +5 Musical Arts (+5 Hobby Points)
ᛗ +5 Threads Arts (+5 Hobby Points)
Body Proficiency Category
ᛗ +10 Bodycare Training
ᛗ +4 Perception Training
Ritualism Proficiency Category
ᛗ +8 Pagan Ritualism Skill

Body Shape

ᚠ Physical Stat: 0
ᚠ Body Shape: Slim
ᚠ Body Fat: Low


ᚠ Skodje: Parent language
ᚠ Old Makdth: Learned from Pagan Ritualism
ᚠ Common: Free language

Special Abilities & Mutations

Woaden Lineage Abilities
ᛗ Predator's Vision
ᛗ Free Spirit
ᛗ Child of the Woods
Pagan Ritualism Skill | 8 Points
ᛗ 1 Point | Aesthetic [Constant Passive] | Thiotholfir can write, read, speak, and understand Old Makdth, the ritualistic pagan language. He can use Old Makdth to create ritualistic scriptures, tomes, tattoos, and engravings that light up with a turquoise glow either another Pagan ritualist ability is used within emote distance, with the snap of his fingers, or when near a graveyard or burial ground.
ᛗ 2 Points | Ability [Constant Passive] | Thiotholfir can carve ritualistic engravings into bones, which will prevent them from decaying naturally with time and hardens them, allowing them to be sharpened into weapons of iron-tier quality. These engravings can additionally glow a ghostly turquoise at night.
ᛗ 3 Points | Aesthetic [Constant Passive] | Thiotholfir can use natural paint dust (i.e. ochre) and weave it through the air to apply it to any wall, floor, or ceiling surface to form animal, plant, and myth-based cave painting-like depictions. Furthermore, he can also animate them (i.e. cause a horse that was painted to gallop in place).
ᛗ 4 Points | Ability [Ritualist Power] | Thitholfir can enter an ethereal and ghost-like state. He appears translucent and turquoise in color with solid white glowing eyes. While in this state, the character is immune to non-ability-based projectiles and non-ability-based attacks, excluding puretek. Thiotholfir cannot attack others in this form and can move through walls but only float at a sluggish, half-walk speed-pace. As soon as he reforms, he cannot re-enter this state for another 24 hours. In this state, he cannot hear anything nor speak. This ability cannot be used in Greygate Prison or the Imperial Palace.
ᛗ 5 Points | Aesthetic [Toggle Passive] | Thiotholfir can summon ghostly appearances of any person's deceased loved ones, but these apparitions only appear from the waist-up and are stagnant and unmoving, staring out straight forward and being unable to be animated. He can also speak in the voice of another person's deceased loved one as long as he is within emote distance of his target. The voice and image chosen are at random unless he is specifically aware of one to choose.
ᛗ 6 Points | Aesthetic [Ritualist Power] | Thiotholfir can apply Pagan Marvash mutations to either himself or others who are willing and reverse them as long as they have been applied in the past week. Additionally, he can painlessly remove Monster Cho'Roq mutations from a willing subject through a one-hour ritual.
ᛗ 7 Points | Aesthetic [Toggle Passive] | Thiotholfir can activate the Sense of the Dead, which causes him to be followed by the faint whispers and muttering of the dead, random dead souls speaking unfinished tales, unfinished business, and lives not lived.
ᛗ 8 Points | Ability [Ritualist Power] | Thiotholfir can turn into a turquoise bobcat with white glowing eyes and move as if this animal while speaking as if humanoid. He can stay in this state for as long as he wants or until he is physically hurt. This state carries over any Pagan Marvash mutations he may have applied, appearing on the ghostly animal as well while respecting his form.

Spirit Sorcery | 8 Points
ᛗ Beastly Connection
ᛉ [Constant Passive] Thiotholfir has manifested minor physical features that reflect his chosen animal. These features are visual and aesthetic only and offer no functional abilities or benefits even if they may benefit the animal in some way. These features are permanent, even if Beastly Connection is somehow lost, but will not be passed onto children. Thiotholfir has the option of sharpened (dog-like) canines from the list on the wiki page.
ᛉ [Sorcery Spell] Thiotholfir can cast a Sorcery Spell that allows him to summon a familiar of an Anglian shepherd dog. It is tangible and can interact with the world around it (i.e. carrying items) but is relatively fragile and can only take one solid blow before it dissipates. It will also dissipate if it leaves the visual range of Thiotholfir. It responds to the vocal commands of Thiotholfir, and if ordered to attack, it will only be mildly distracting at best. If the Anglian shepherd dissipates, it can be re-summoned by Thiotholfir 24 hours later.
ᛗ Construct of Tranquility [Trigger Passive]
ᛉ As a representation of his cleared mind, Thiotholfir is able to construct a talisman or physical totem that guards him against Target Illusions and Curses used on him without his consent. This object can be a piece of jewelry, a carved object, or another small object that he must wear. When Thiotholfir would be affected by a Target Illusion or Curse, the construct will break and prevent him from being affected in that single instance by that single ability. Once the construct is broken, he is not protected from any subsequent abilities or repeated attempts to use the same ability. Albeit he will be aware that someone is trying to cast a Target Illusion or Curse on him and may attempt to flee before a second takes hold. The breaking of the construct does not give Thiotholfir any indication as to who or what attempted to use an ability on him, only that one was attempted and thwarted. Once a construct is broken, Thiotholfir cannot craft another for 24 hours. Should the construct be stolen from his person, it will no longer protect Thiotholfir and it will become a mundane item, where the same rules for re-crafting it apply as if it were broken.

Nature Sorcery | 8 Points
ᛗ Woodland Grace [Trigger Passive]
ᛉ Woodland grace only triggers if Thiotholfir is struck by a lethal or maiming strike. This strike can be ability-based, magical, or conventional. This effect will activate if thrust or slashed at by a weapon, shot with an arrow, or cast upon by harmful magic but will not activate if the strike would only inflict small bruises or cuts. When the lethal or maiming strike would land, Thiotholfir's physical form instead implodes into a gust of twigs, which then over the course of five seconds gently flows up to five blocks (horizontally) away before reforming himself, unharmed (though not passing through barriers). This effect can only apply once per combat scene but will not activate when the character is restrained or unconscious.
ᛗ Wood Singing [Linked Channel]
ᛉ Thiotholfir can target either living or recently-deceased (within 24 hours) wood to reshape it without cutting or building into it. To channel Wood Singing, Thiotholfir must begin the incantation, which is a continual song, after which he can affect wood substances he is looking at within three blocks' range and reshape it based on an image he makes of it in his mind. The substance must respect the quantity of the wood used, meaning that a single tree cannot produce a whole house. Additionally, smaller wooden things take mere seconds while Wood Singing a larger board or construct requires multiple minutes. Having multiple sorcerers Wood Singing on an agreed-upon design will speed up the process by halving the time required. If other sorcerers, however, have different ideas in mind, it will chaotically fluctuate between these forms. Wood shaped through this ability always has a very peculiar and wavy pattern to it, allowing it to be identified as "wood-sung wood" easily by anyone with any amount of Carpentry Arts Proficiency. Disrupting Thiotholfir in any way will prevent him from channeling this ability. This ability cannot be used in combat.

Pagan Marvosh Mutations
Pagan Soil | Thiotholfir can grow small plants, brambles, or mushrooms from his skin in small patches on his shoulders or arms. If taken off, they immediately wither and die and can serve no functional purpose. These growths can never become so many that he appears like a Yanar.
Pagan Horn | Smooth horns fashioned after a mule deer's grown on the top of Thiotholfir's forehead.
Pagan Voice | Thiotholfir's voice is more guttural and scratchy, almost like claws dragging on wood.
Pagan Torch | Thiotholfir's fingers leave ghostly pale wisp trails as they move.
Pagan Ancient | The nails and skin of Thiotholfir's hands are covered in a bark-like texture, the surface of his hands almost wooden and jagged. The nails are patterned in the way of bark and appear more jagged and elongated. The bark covering his skin extends up to his elbows. This provides no actual functional benefits and is purely aesthetic.

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Visual Information

ᚠ Eye Color: Light blue, irises are milky white/grey from cataracts and blindness
ᚠ Hair Color: Grey
ᚠ Hair Style: Shaved bald
ᚠ Skin Color: Lighter-than-average Ailor pale
ᚠ Clothing: Full black robes
ᚠ Height: 5ft 9in | 175cm

Visual Information Expansion

ᚠ Thiotholfir's most obvious (and perhaps jarring) features are the fact that the cartilage of his nose as well as his lips have been cut off because of his position of staargir. His mouth is often halfway open because of this, showing off black-colored teeth dyed with charcoal paste as well as slightly sharpened and dog-like canines, and the absence of a nose causes his face to appear skull-like, two large holes where it should be. His eyelids are colored black with charcoal dust, and his wrinkled face showing his advanced age is covered in carefully-made scars in Old Makdth carved many years ago by knives ((I equivocate Old Makdth to Elder Futhark runes)). If one were to study his face for long enough to make out any sort of coherent sentence in the script (which also extend to his shaved-bald head), they would only come up with jumbled letters, as they are purely aesthetic and do not say anything specific. Additionally, the grey antlers of a mule deer branch from the top part of his forehead that extend roughly a foot from his head and each branch off into three smaller prongs about halfway up. Because he is most often inside the helbolwen (near the dead), the inscriptions on his head glow a dim turquoise near constantly, illuminating his horns and casting half of his wrinkled face in shadow. He leaves his eyes open, his blind "gaze" looking like it points upward at all times and his irises and pupils lightly clouded over with a misty almost-blue. He often has a light smile on his face, rarely taking a serious expression unless his surroundings or a topic merits it.
ᚠ The nails and skin of Thiotholfir's hands are covered in a bark-like texture, the surface of his hands almost wooden and jagged. The nails are patterned in the way of bark and appear more jagged and elongated, and the bark covering his skin extends up to his elbows. The way he wears his robes, the sleeves of which go to his wrists if not a bit longer, give off the impression that his body may be entirely made of bark, though this is not the case. Wherever his wooden-seeming hands move, they trail ghostly wisps of turquoise, eventually disappearing in the air. As of a recent incident, Thiotholfir's left hand has become crippled and unsightly. He prefers to hide it in his robes rather than have it out for show. The old man is frail, as is expected to be brought about by old age, and cannot move very fast.
ᚠ Thiotholfir wears purely black robes, as is dictated by a staargir's appearance.
ᚠ His voice is very guttural and scratchy, almost like claws dragging on wood. His words are slow and measured when he speaks, often taking a cheerful or matter-of-fact tone.

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Personality & Abilities

Core List

Alignment | Lawful Neutral | The Judge

ᛗ A lawful neutral character acts as law, tradition, or a personal code directs him. Order and organization are paramount to him. He may believe in personal order and live by a code or standard, or he may believe in order for all and favor a strong, organized government.
ᛗ Law implies honor, trustworthiness, obedience to authority, and reliability. On the downside, lawfulness can include close-mindedness, reactionary adherence to tradition, judgmentalness, and a lack of adaptability.
ᛗ People who are neutral in respect to good and evil have compunctions against killing the innocent but lack the commitment to make sacrifices to protect or help others, being committed to others through personal relationships.
ᛗ Being of the lawful neutral alignment means that one is reliable and honorable, though it is possible to represent a wish to eliminate all freedom, choice, or diversity in society.

Personality Type | ISTJ | The Logistician / The Inspector

ᛗ "Associate with those of good quality if you esteem your reputation, for it is better to be alone than in bad company."
ᛗ At first glance, ISTJs are intimidating. They appear serious, formal, and proper. They also love traditions and old-school values that uphold patience, hard work, honor, and social and cultural responsibility. They are reserved, calm, quiet, and upright.
ᛗ Common ISTJ traits: Physically and mentally organized; excellent planning skills and highly intellectual; calm and clear-headed during tense situations; serious and committed in relationships; believes in traditions and strives to follow them; well-respected in the community; love to memorize details and facts
ᛗ ISTJ Strengths: Honest, direct, strong-willed, dutiful, very responsible, calm, practical, create and enforce order, jack-of-all-trades
ᛗ ISTJ Weaknesses: Stubborn, insensitive, always by the book, judgmental, often unreasonably blames themself

Religion | Oldt Fayth | 10/10

ᛗ Being raised as a staargir, Thiotholfir is extremely religious and believes wholeheartedly in the gods of Oldt Fayth and accepts the deities of Old Gods as a mere simplification of the countless gods of his own religion, catering religious teachings to both.

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Life Story

Thiotholfir Elfrdrix, son of Kálfr, was born on January 13, 226 AC, in the Northland Duchy of Drixagh in the Regalian Archipelago. His parents were delighted to discover that he was born blind, extreme cataracts obscuring his sight from the womb. Thiotholfir grew up as a loudmouthed, cheerful, and insatiably curious youngster, getting around as best he could with the help of his mother and near-inseparable brother while his father worked for the village, and when he was old enough, he was given over to the staargir for indoctrination into his religion's societal norms. His lips and nose were cut off, and his freestyle clothing was replaced with black robes. He blackened his eyelids and mouth with charcoal dust and took up the title of the village's newest staargir. He took to the position quite easily and with great excitement, and he threw himself fully into his new role, developing his skills in tattooing, medicine, embalming, ritualism, and sorcery. All in all, his life was rather uneventful; it was long years of peaceful and easy living, offering religious advice to those who came for it. He was brought a bond wife—Malina, from nearby Clannadh-Alba—with whom he had a son: his only child, Sigrun.

However, in 305 AC, Velheim political, societal, and nationalist pride came under scrutiny, and then came the Burning. Thiotholfir's village was attacked, and he remained and hid inside the helbolwen, using his ritualism to become ghostly and untouchable as soon as he heard Regalian soldiers entering the helbolwen. He forced himself into as long as he could of complete darkness and silence, as he is unable to hear in this form, and when he finally came out of it, all there was was the sound of fires, crying, and the occasional screaming. The soldiers had gone, and he, along with a couple other surviving staargir, ventured out. They were told of the horrors of what had happened, of how the soldiers had laid waste to the village and killed many members. Asking about his son (his bond-wife having died many years ago), it was revealed to him that his son had been sentenced to justifixion. Thiotholfir mourned Sigrun, drawing a deep sense of hatred for the military and the Regalian government inside him. He continued acting as staargir to those remaining in his village, though he found himself growing tired of the village he had lived in for so long, as it only caused bad memories to fester.

In more recent years, he began hearing horrible things about what was happening during the ongoing Clicker Crisis in the Crown Isle of where he lived. He steeled himself and decided to move to the City of Regalia, knowing full well that it would be especially dangerous, but he decided that he should go to aid the local staargir if nothing else. In addition to this, it helped him to get away from the village he resided in, getting away from the horrible memories. However, he arrived and found that he was the only staargir the local Velheim had seen in quite a few months, so he has committed himself to speaking on their behalf to the gods of the Oldt Fayth to keep them safe as well as attend to any of their religious needs, as a good staargir should.

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