Thief Of Sevens

[OOC: Backstory flavour to Aveilen Merividia]

The long arm upon the silver and gold clock perched above the entryway lay still, inches before it's first quarter. The waxxing moon was one night before it's apex, and a young Teledden stood in careful anticipation outside the courtyard, hidden behind a stone pillar as it could faintly be heard in the distance the sound of keys shuffling.

"I'll handle it tonight, go home."
"You sure?" the other Teledden said clutching the set of keys in his hands carefully,
"Watchguards aren't permitted to hold these keys, so you will have to rely on the arcane nexus."
The other elf, shorter and slightly fatter grunted with a roll of the eyes, "So be it."​

And with this, the tall and blue robed with starlike geometric designs interlinking their attire paced away from the security office, opening the door to the main corridor and heading for the exit.
Aveilen stood on close guard behind that pillar, which was to the right of the main entrance to the academy.
As the tall, blue spangled Teledden marched their way home, clutching the keys, Aveilen noticed something, nights of stalking the academy for this perfect moment - the arrogant Teledden forgot to lock the main and back entrance.

Unbeknownst to Aveilen, the larger elf in the security office activated the arcane nexus. Shapes and geometric patterns filling the air as translucent security footage formed over the courtyard, and in response, mystical eyes would begin opening up in the corners and meetings of the building architecture. By some divine miracle, the eyes were only covering the front courtyard, as Watchguards did not have access to internal academy footage for student privacy and knowledge keeping reasons.

"Sovial alla ventus," the tall Teledden making his way out of the courtyard flicked his hand, causing a breeze to emerge and the leaves dotting the grounds amidst the fall weather begun to rise, shortly cloaking the Teledden and in a moment's notice he would have blinked away yonder to another location.

"My chance," Aveilen bolted away from the courtyard, making a pivot around the pillar he was hiding around and towards the back security entrance. The entrance was not connected to the security office, however it was unlocked due to the tardiness of the prior Teledden. Carefully, Aveilen opened the door to the office, and cautiously tip toed across the hallway to the library section of the academy. He would first come across an array of Teledden, poised, framed, and painted in magnificence that would never reflect their true nature to the beholder of a real eye, or so he thought.

As he continued to make his way down the corridor, he heard sudden snoring, watching the nexus footage must have gotten so boring for the guard that he fell asleep. He drew a sigh of relief and navigated effortlessly to the library.

With a turn of a knob he'd open the door to the library, finding a codex imperium of books on all different sorts of arcanology subjects, knowledge about the dimensions. The thief quickly pulled out his bag from his pocket and begun to pocket as many books as quietly as possible, but paused for a moment. He saw two large books, emanating a certain energy, one on the left - red, and one on the right - blue, both on respective identical podiums.

The red book was marked with a circle, while the blue with a square. He placed his left hand on the red book, and felt a sinister essence creep through his spine, he saw visions of black, mixed with blood, stains, lights, souls, trapped, screaming for relief. He drew his hand away immediately. Onto the other book, he laid his right hand, this book could only be described as five senses merging into one, he could suddenly taste, hear, see, smell, and feel every particle in the room he was standing in. His eyes lit up with a blue fire for a second, and then he quickly pocketed the blue book.

Once removed from the podium, the glow and magical effects dispersed. He'd make a few other runs to other shelves, picking up some books on basic alchemy, but he was most fascinated with the blue book he had chosen. Now was escaping the academy, he'd make the same way out this time.

On the way out, his confidence lead him to tread heavier, so naturally, it woke up the Watchguard on duty for the night. The watchguard sat in his office and looked puzzled as the nexus revealed zero activity, but he could hear someone creeping about. He'd exit the office into the corridor and come face to face with Aveilen, and yet again, by some miracle of fate, Aveilen was standing right in front of the exit door before being ordered to stop.

"Now," he thought, he opened the exit door immediately and bolted for the forest. Wherever he would go, wherever he would sleep - he didn't care. He never had parents to pay for his magical education, so he ran straight into the forest. The watchguard pursuing him for a few paces but losing breath and sighing. He shook his head and went back to his office, to anticipate a heavy scolding from the academy superior the next day.

Finally, once Aveilen had successfully stolen the books, he was able to open them up. He'd find himself in a small meadow in the middle of the night, using his basic survivalist knowledge to light a fire and prepare a makeshift bed out of leaves and logs. Before settling in for the night, he would pick that same blue book up, feel it again, and just for a moment the lights and magical essences begun to radiate from the book, but not from the book itself, from Aveilen himself. He felt the tingling of his nerves as the foreign energies flooded him, this was more than enough, so he put the book back into his bag and settled in for the night.

That night, he dreamed, but it was no ordinary dream, it was full of stars, blue lights, radiance, shapes, and wonders beyond the limits of the world he grew up and was born to. And on that morning, he spent sunrise to sundown reading and pondering the lessons in this arcane strange book, unable to hold himself back. He had to learn everything, and make an escape one day, for Regalia, where he would learn even more.