Preserved Sheet Theopold Castley

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Mar 3, 2017
Reaction score
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds
House Norinn
Theopold Signature.webp


By @Annie_Short


Basic Information
  • Full Name: Theopold Frederich Castley of Oxenshire
  • Age: 26
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor
  • Culture: Half Heartland Ceardian, Half Genevaud
  • Racial Abilities: Shrewd Insight I, Honed Skill I, Destined Body II
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Longsword


Skill Information

Total Points: 50 Base Points + 10 Hobby Points + 5 Racial Boost + = 65
  • +3 Fordic Language (+3 Base)​
  • +3 Thalic Language (+3 Base)​
  • +3 Skodje Language (+3 Base)​
  • +3 Ithanian Language (+3 Base)​
  • +3 Letz Language (+3 Base)​
  • +3 Burdi Language (Honed Skill I)​
  • +3 Calem Language (+3 Base)​
  • +20 Sword Combat (+15 Base, +5 Racial Boost)​
  • +5 Perception Training (+5 Base)​
  • +10 Theatre Arts (+10 Hobby)​
  • +10 Vocal Singing (+10 Base)​
  • 2 Points free for learning​
Progression Talents
  • Level 2 General
  • Level 1 Diplomat
Body Shape

Physical Stat = 25 (20 from Sword Combat, 5 from Theatre Arts)

Athletic Body Shape - Average Body Fat

  • Common (Free)
  • Obern (Regional tongue)
  • Calem
  • Fordic
  • Thalic
  • Skodje
  • Ithanian
  • Letz
  • Burdi
  • Altalar (Pack completed)
  • Old-Dyllic (Pack completed)
Currently Infected? = No
Bloodline - Alais
Vampiric Form:
Theopold transforms into a crimson cloaked figure with nothing but a black void replacing his face. The cloak looks worn and its sleeves are partially ripped. This figure takes on a new height of 6'6 and appears very bulky in nature, despite the ghostly aesthetic.



Visual Information
  • Appearance: Theopold is almost always seen with his Castlian Longsword sheathed on his hip, donning fine fabrics and furs suitable for a nobleman.
  • Height: 6'1
Personality and Abilities

Option Two: The Core List
  • Choose your Character Alignment
- True Neutral
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
- The Campaigner
  • Choose your Character's Religion
- Dogmatic Unionist (6/10)
Theopold, like much of House Castley, favors God-Empress Ness as his matron goddess.


Life Story

Early Life (Birth-13)
  • Theopold Frederich Castley was born on the 17th of April, 284 AC in his family's home outside the town of Allenberg in the Genevaud Cantons to Richard II Castley and Lauranne Castley nee Kreiburg.
  • Theopold grew up as many young Genevaud boys do, experiencing warm summer days close to the sun and the cold mountain nights. He played with many boys in his town - even girls for that matter, being plentifully sociable with pretty much everyone.
  • Theopold as well as this, took an interest in musical arts mostly thanks to his mother's influence on him. He also learned to yodel and he learned the basics of some musical instruments at a young age. His mother, recognizing he was naturally gifted with his voice, helped train him to sing better, and with such he also acquired the skill of yodeling.
  • As he got a little older, his life continued to stay relatively peaceful and quiet, undisturbed by the forces at work around the rest of the Archipelago.
  • His family had hired a tutor to educate him in Skodje in his younger years, and later on a tutor for Ithanian as he approached adolescence. He then acquired a tutor who taught him Alt Regalisch which came more natural to him. That same tutor taught him Old Ceardian. His father also taught him some of the basics of land management and how to run finances to a degree.
  • Theopold took up a longsword shortly after turning 13, when his family allowed him his own personal blade. The young Theopold practiced often, sometimes finding himself in feuds with other boys from the other prominent and not-so-prominent families of Allenberg. This eventually led to a particular feud spawned from competing for the favor of a local girl. Theopold and his rival found themselves in a spar where Theopold, while delivering a few blows in turn, found his sword-arm cut and his cheek bashed by his opponent's pummel, where he then was kicked for a good bit, resulting in his defeat in the duel. The town girl took no pity on the young Theopold, and he felt completely defeated. Theopold would remember this event and grow to learn from it.
Schooling (14-23)
  • At the age of 14, Theopold's father sent him to the Regalian Statesman Academy to follow in his footsteps of becoming a career politician. Theopold found the subject of managing lands boring at first glance and didn't enjoy his time at the Statesman Academy, though he later learned to appreciate it.
  • At 17, he graduated and immediately decided to enroll in the Imperial Regalian Marshal Academy with a few friends he made in the Statesman Academy. He figured this would be far more exciting.
  • Theopold was surprised to find himself bored again with schooling, until about a year in. He wrapped his head around the importance of command and logistics, and developed a clearer mind for leadership.
  • At the age of 20, Theopold graduated from the Imperial Regalian Marshal Academy and prolonged his learning by attending the Calemberg Ordner School. Here, he was able to practice his knowledge of Alt-Regalisch. He learned a variety of new tactics from the Ordner School and by the time he was ready to graduate at 23, Theopold was ready to put his newly acquired skillset to action.
Present Times (23-Present)
  • Theopold, now being one of the first Kreiburg graduates from not one- but two schools of Marshalry, was feeling very eager to express his schooling in the real world.
  • He first traveled to Ithania to spend some time there establishing business contacts for his family's trade. This allowed him the chance to use his d'Ithanie often, and soon he had some reliable business partners established for his House.
  • Theopold later in the year returned to Genevaud and established an associate in the Reisläufer Academy. He then met other Reisläufer commanders and learned of their exploits in foreign lands serving as trusted mercenaries. Theopold's own family contributed a few hundred Lancyon Mercenaries to the Akademie and he had some connections there, soon promising his new military career to helping the Reisläufer Lancyons in some of their exploits. This allowed for Reisläufer commanders to serve under Theopold while he acted as a Field General for mercenary armies that consisted of over a few thousand men at least.
  • Upon turning 25 and having spent a number of months traversing around the Archipelago with Reisläufer companies, Theopold then decided to bring some of his family, close friends, guards, and House Staff to the Crown Isle where he'd look to forge a name for his House.
  • After a few hard months of trying work, Theopold had achieved he, his father, and grandfather's dream of projecting House Kreiburg into the Imperial Nobility to represent the Genevaud people and build a legacy from the Alps.


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Total Points: 30 + 10 Hobby | Age (25) + 5
  • +10 Pole Combat (from Points)
  • +6 Squad Tactics (from Points)
  • +4 Society Knowledge (from Points)
    Ailor Culture
  • +10 Linguistic Knowledge (from Points)
  • +8 Musical Arts (from Hobby Points)
  • +2 Literature (From Hobby Points)
As your character's age is 24, you only have 29 points to spend whilst you've spent 30 here. Either age the character up a year, or drop a point somewhere.

Please include a calculation, showing where you came to this value. In this case, include somthing along the lines of the following:
  • Physical Stat = 10 (from Pole Combat Skill)

- Born Sancella Unionist, now The Holy Divine (7/10)
This is quite the zealous view of the religion. Please include a sentence or two justifying why your character is quite so pious to flesh it out some more.

Life Story

Childhood (Birth-12)

Teen Years (13-17)

Adulthood (18-Present)
Your character's Life Story is a required piece of information for a Charcter Application. Please include it.

Make these edits in Purple, and tag me when complete @Nathan!
@Mollymock Edits made and written in Purple.

Added in his life story, sorry for not having it ready upon post.
@Mollymock Theopold has been infected with Vampirism ;eyes;
@Mollymock Updated Theopold's Ailor Bloodline too
@Mollymock Hello! I've edited Theopold's app and changed the character from School of Lancyon to School of Marshalry, as such rewriting the majority of his backstory and changing up his proficiences a bit.
@Mollymock updated with the proficiency rework
@Mollymock Dont know if this requires a re review but just as a change log note I replaced the 10 Fortification with 10 Theatre seeing fort got scrapped
@Mollymock Yo, I've updated my app to reflect the new proficiency system.
@Mollymock I renamed the character and lost the Approved label. I'll be updating his backstory soon to adjust some changes but not changing any proficiency points or anything like that. Could I get the approved label back?
@Mollymock Giving the above message a bump due to noble progression inbound