Preserved Sheet Theodric Alfwood Howlester

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Second Foundationer
Jun 4, 2013
Reaction score
Basic Information

Full Name: Theodric (Theo) Alfwood Howlester
Age: 40 Years (Nameday: December 5th)
Gender: Male
Race: Gallovian Ailor [Highland Ceardian]
Main Ambition: Duty and Service to his Country and Family.


Skill Information

Total Proficiency Points: 40
Total Cultural Points: 40

+15 Mace (+10 School of Battlemed, +5 Proficiency Points)
+10 Surgery (+10 School of Battlemed)
+10 Small Shield (+10 School of Battlemed)
+8 Banking (+8 Proficiency Points)
+5 Battle Command (+5 Proficiency Points)
+5 Unarmed Wrestling (+5 Highland Ceardian)
+4 Commanding Speech (+4 Proficiency Points)
+4 Post-Cataclysm History (+4 Proficiency Points)
+4 Unionist Seminary (+4 Proficiency Points)

+14 Brewing (+14 Cultural Points)
+7 Instrumental Music (+7 Cultural Points)
+5 Horticulture (+5 Cultural Points)
+4 Stage Performance (+4 Cultural Points)
+4 Vocal Music (+4 Cultural Points)
+3 Carving (+3 Cultural Points)
+2 Bodycare (+2 Cultural Points)
+1 Smithing (+1 Cultural Points)

Common/Ceardian (Natural Language) [Fluent]
Highland Ceardian Dialect (For the North) [Fluent]
Alt-Regalisch (Language of Noble Court) [Fluent]
Anglian (Time spent serving in the military) [Decent]

No Magic.

With the Dragon Crisis settling, Theo decided it was the opportune time to come to the city. His previous tour of service ended after the military conflict in the Masaya. Now he wants to spend a bit of time with his family and see what he can do to help them out in their endeavours.

Theo was born to Willard and Guinevere Howlester, and is the youngest brother of the famed William Howlester. He was often forgotten by his other siblings and parents, though if that bothered him, he did not show it. At ten, he begged his father to join the School of Battlemed because he wished to fight for his Empire while taking care of his fellow man. He'd often come home to visit his family and spend time with them, being protective of his nieces and nephews and supporting them the best he can.

Theodric, despite devoting his life to serving his fellow man, has begun to wonder what to do now that he was discharged from the army. For the time being, he's just attempting to save up money. He also really wants to improve his brewing skills, but that's more of a side hobby.


Visual Information
Eye Color: Sapphire Blue
Hair Color: Dark Chestnut/Dark Brown depending on the light.
Hair Style: Long so it frames the face, the back is tied with a ponytail at the base of the head.
Skin Color: Caucasian
Clothing: A mixture of Highland Ceardian kiltachs and less showy clothing.
Height: 5'9
Body Build: Muscular
Weapon of Choice: Metalitra Mace and a Steel and Wood Targe

Theodric has a jolly, round face with high cheekbones and a rounded chin. Two piercing eyes shine out evenly from each other beneath well groomed eyebrows. The lower half of his face is dominated by a full beard that Theo has trimmed to his ideal state. Resting above his thinner lips is a broad nose that protrudes enough to give Theo a strong profile.

Theo's more rotund than most of his family members, though that does not mean he is any less in shape. First thing he does this morning is go for a run and lift things heavy manly things while drinking beer and eating bacon. This special exercise regimen and diet have lended him to being largely muscular with a little bit above average body fat. Despite all this, he is still in good shape for a man his age, and enjoys a healthy lifestyle. He has a fair amount of dark body hair, largely on his chest and stomach, which keeps him warm during winter. he does have a unique birthmark on his right wrist and hand as if someone had spilt brown ink on him.

The middle-aged Howlester prefers comfort over class when it comes to clothing. His time with the Dogartans led him to a very bare-bone style in his wardrobe; preferring kiltachs with his familial colors and soft materials. During summer months, he tends to wear less, while winter has him wearing heavy furs in addition to his kiltachs. The most flashy article of clothing he wears is a Unionist prayer pendant that he wars at all times on a simple leather strap around his neck.

Theo has a deep, husky voice that seems to boom out of him when he shouts. His time shouting on the battlefield has aided him in developing a very strong 'commander voice' as he calls it when he wants to get people to do things. He does tend to drift into a thicker Highland accent when he begins drinking or when he gets angry. Often this only causes more anger to flare up as he grows more irritated as the other individuals can't understand him.


Personality and Abilities

Theo's real charm shines through when he meets people, as he is a very jovial and carefree individual. His time spent among the Army serving as a battlemedic dulled the sharpness of aristocracy for him, while heightening his sense of patriotism and duty. In addition, many who meet Theo think he has an bad sense of humor, mostly due to the poor jokes he tends to rely on. Despite these shortcomings, many who know Theodric for long enough know that he is an optimistic friend to have in the darkest times.

Despite his calm outwardly appearance, Theo has been plagued with fears and recurring nightmares since his time in the Ranger Crisis. This is counteracted by an overwhelming desire to serve the Emperor and his fellow man. He's confident in his own abilities, but fears they are not good enough. This dichotomy has caused great stress, often keeping Theo up at night. Often he simply tries to drown out his fears and anxieties with alcohol, which has been enabled ever since he learned how to make his own.

One of Theo's favorite mottos is "A stranger is a friend you just haven't met yet", and it has caused him to treat most strangers as he would friends. He's outwardly sympathetic to those who seem to need a helping hand, and tries to be there when he's needed. Towards his family, he feels a bit more out of place. He's roughly the same age as some of his older sibling's children, so he feels almost as if he doesn't belong in the generation he is. He also doesn't know how to treat his nieces and nephews that are only a few years behind him, as most of his memories of them tend to be when they were younger and he doesn't know much about them since then. It's led to some awkward situations in the past, but he does his best to brush them off.

Using standard gauges, Theo would be considered a Neutral Good character. He believes in doing the right thing as was taught him by Unionism and the Great Way; two things that had a heavy influence on him when he was in school. Yet he is willing to bend rules if it means he can do more good for others. When faced with corruption, Theo would rather root it out and remove it before it can cause trouble; even if it may help some individuals. He believes that those in power are there due to the Emperor's graces, and that any abuse of station is a crime against mankind.

Growing up in an aristocratic family, Theo believes that nobles exists to guide the common masses. It is their divine right, through the Emperor's throne, that they rule. As has been previously alluded to, Theo's faith has been drastically shaped by his time with the Dogartans as well as his time serving in war. There were several occasions where his life was inches from dying, yet he survived as if by divine intervention. Because of this, he is hold strongly to his faith, and believes it a second shield that guards him.


Life Story

Born in Galloy in the Northern Archipelago to Willard and Guinevere. Theodric was the runt of the litter both age-wise and size-wise. The family was wealthy, due to a combination of the family's forges and state tax generated from being nobility.

Attempted to tag along with his older siblings whenever possible, often being left behind and left to explore on his own. His curiosity got him in trouble with his parents on several occasions.

Around the age of five, he began to experience breathing problems during the summer months. He'd spend nights sitting in bed struggling to breathe and dreaming of a day when he doesn't fear sleep.

Learned his numbers and his letters from his Uncle who was a Reverend in Galloy. He often had his knees bandaged by his Uncle as he was prone to tripping.

As he grows older, he begins to outgrow his breathing problems by exercising more, growing stronger in the process.

At the age of ten, Theo asks his father to join the School of Battlemed; both out of a desire to serve his Empire like his older brothers as well as learn more about medicine. His father approved and he was sent off to the Abbey of the Confessors.

School Years:

Made quick friends with a number of students, often being a voice of reason for some of his more hot-headed peers. His best mates were Jackob, Isaac, and Wulfgang.

While attending the school, the more Dogartan elements shined through to Theo, altering his view on Unionism. He agreed with the level of devotion the monks showed to their fellow man, something that would alter his way of thinking for years to come.

School passed without any real incidents. He spent days training in the yard and nights practicing his surgery skills. While not the top of his class, he performed admirably and graduated in the expected time.

Near the end of his time at school, he'd take multiple trips back to Galloy to marry Muriel Bell, a young woman whom he had been courting and writing to for years. She was the daughter of a local jeweler, and the two enjoyed each other's company.

A few years after marriage, they were expecting their first child, and she was born two years before Theo graduated from the school. Her name was Caoimhe Elair, and she had her mother's eyes. He wasn't home for much of her first years of life due to finishing school, and being pushed immediately into the Chrysant Wars.

He'd sign up to join the Imperial Army and be assigned to a squad of Tenpenny soldiers whom he was to take care of. No sooner had he been officially enlisted than the Chrysant Wars erupted in Hadar.

Chrysant War:

Was shipped off to Hadar within months of the war starting, a fresh recruit paired up with Tenpenny soldiers to attempt to keep them alive.

Unknown to Theodric, he served under his eldest brother, Wilvahelm. The two never actually met, but Theo's unit was under the command of the elder Howlester.

Picked up the concertina as an instrument while waiting in camp between battles. He claimed it was to keep his fingers nimble, but it was more so he could entertain his unit during downtime.

Despite losing more friends than he expected to, Theo somehow managed to pull himself through the war. After all was said and done, he had saved the lives of over a hundred of his fellow soldiers by stabilizing them enough for them to make it back to the camp. This almost seemed a hollow victory though, due to the handful he could not save.

Had a period where he returned to Galloy during the summer of 290, where he visited friends and family. He kept most of his war stories to himself. He'd return to Hadar to see the war through to the end, earning a medal in recognition of his services before returning home.

Mid Years:

Spent a few years at home, getting into distilling and brewing as a side project to busy himself. He also took up gardening in an attempt to help him fill his days. He also attempted to spend time with his family to make up for lost time.

After a few years of peace, the Ranger Crisis erupted, prompting Theo to re-enlist. He was promptly rushed off to Daendroc where he'd tend to the injured as they cut a brutal swath across the continent. He'd never forget these memories which would come back to haunt him later in life.

After returning home, he joined up with the local guard of Galloy to help defend his home while the Empire was at peace. That way, he could stay close to home.

Recent Years:

After years of serving in the Galloy guard, the First Songaskian War broke out and his unit was sent off to fight. He was eventually fit into the Regalian Fourth Army, which would become the First Army in time.

Countless times throughout this war, Theodric believed his time had come. Avoiding death several times inspired the battlemedic to believe the Emperor was watching out for him and built greater faith in the Empire.

After the war, Theodric made it home to Galloy where he stayed put for the next few years. He eagerly defended his homeland when the Bone Horror's attacked, but for the most part simply enjoyed the day to day tasks of helping to maintain Galloy while his brother played politics in the Capital.

After hearing that his nephew had taken over the politics, Theo had a dream showing a beam of light on Regalia. Whether this was simply due to some bad meat or an actual idea put in his head by his Uncle's ramblings, Theo decided to move to the city proper to assist his nephew as best he could, dragging his daughter along for the ride.
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Review time!
  • Where was he born? What was his familys wealth like as a child? Their trade? Don't assume we all know Howlester lore!
Make that one edit in a new color and tag me once done!
Added the few things in the first section of the Life Story. I also didn't write the app with Howlester history in mind, as I can't manage to keep on top of it myself half the time.