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Played Character Theodore Krieger

This character is actively played.


Life's a bitch and then you die, enjoy it.
Jul 22, 2018
Reaction score




    • CHOSEN NAME | Theodore Krieger
    • RACE | Wirtem Ailor
    • AGE | 23
    • GENDER | Male
    • SEXUALITY | Straight
    • Relationship Status | None
    • OCCULT | None
  • || CORE CONCEPT ||
    • | RELIGION |
      • | Overall Outlook | Theodore is a strong believer in Dogmatic Unionism, a Purist like his father before him and the father of his father, his belief is the source of his will and spirit.
    • | IDENTITY |
      • | Who am I? | Theo is a soldier, using whatever means he could to survive, born to a lowly standing he's been struggling against his fate every since he first cried out, he worked to eat, worked to sleep and worked to live. He has a hunger for everything better, but an even greater need for a purpose now that his service has ended, which has been found in the eradication of the afflicted, he doesn't bear true hatred towards them but thinks of it as his mission to cure, or kill those of occult origin.
    • | Oddities & Mutations | Looks sickly, just in general frail.
    • | First Look | Theodore is a freakishly tall man, with pale skin and a sickly complexion, his long raven black hair and grey eyes make him look rather bland, one could easily mistake him for a scholar if it weren't for the flintlock pistol he wears on his belt.
    • | Detailed Characteristics |
      • Height | 7ft
      • Hair color | Raven Black
      • Hair Length/Style | Long, tied up when casual, loose when hunting
      • Eye Color | Grey
      • Build/Weight | Skinny, sickly even, but closer inspection reveals he's trained, the lanky feel comes from his height paired with the malnutrition suffered in his childhood.
    • | Clothing Style |
      • [Casual] Black and white attire, typically Regalian, he looks sombre: as if dressed like a corpse ready to be buried, his complexion doesn't help either.
      • [Geared] Wears long garments, gloves, a hat and masks to cover up as much skin as possible, probably to ward off bites or mundane claws, will wear /some/ armor but it needs to be light and be well hidden. When hunting he uses either a dagger or a riffle, keeping a trusty flintlock on his belt just in case.


| Points Left | [0]

  • | 1 STRENGTH. |
    • > 1 Athletics | Steady Body
    • > Free Ailor Pack | Knockback Sweep (Melee PB)
    • > 4 Training | Rebound, Debuff Endurance, Rage Counter, Interception
  • | 1 ARCANE. |
    • > 1 Chem | Chem Bang
  • | 1 WISDOM. |
    • > 1 Tech | Tech Gravity
  • | 7 DEXTERITY. |
    • > 4 Firearms | Belt Shot, Critical Hit, Hookshot, Agonizing Shot
    • > 2 Roguery | Soft Landing, Sharp Reflexes
    • > 1 Cutthroat | Cutthroat Timer (+ Stance)
  • | 0 FAITH. |

  • | Native Language | Calem
  • | Learned Languages | Common, Ithanian
    • | Fluent | Common
    • | Proficient | Ithanian

  • | Abilities | Destined Familiar: Theodore owns a raven that follows him everywhere, he calls it Natch
  • | Alignment | Mundane
  • | Free Packs | Ailor Buff: One free pack of my choosing.
  • | Limitations | None
  • | Mechanics | Intuitive Ear: Because many of the Ailor languages, and even non-Ailor languages, share words and linguistic styling, Ailor tend to be culturally very attuned to language, especially when it is used to smack-talk. Ailor will always know when someone is talking ill of them, or talking about planning to harm them, if the people are speaking in a language the Ailor doesn't know. They won't know exactly what is being said, just that what they hear spells trouble.


    • His left hand is heavily scarred, a burn accident from when he was in service, he covers it up with a glove.
    • Looks frail, sickly, takes medication regularly to keep a cough away, but is surprisingly endurent.
    • Rarely talks about his family, or his time serving as a soldier, but is clearly disciplined.
    • Looks like a scholar but is a trained Squire of the Lothar order, being dispatched to Regalia to finish up his education to become a Confident of the Darkwald Chapter.
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