Preserved Sheet Theodas Vamys

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Coffee addict
Aug 5, 2015
Reaction score
Deceased: September 12th
Cause of death: Drunkenness and Vampires

Basic Information

  • Full name: Theodas Vamys
  • Age: 45 Alorian years, Born June 9th. Looks like he's 27 years-old.
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Avanthar
  • Preferred Weapon: Light bow and One-handed axe
Skill Information
Proficiency points: 45 total proficiency points from age
  • +10 Light Bow Combat Skills
  • +10 Hunting Knowledge
  • +10 Athletic Training
  • +10 Axe Combat Skills(not included with combat points)
  • +10 Cavalry Combat skills(not included with combat points)
  • +6 Linguistic Knowledge
Body Shape
  • 10 Combat Points + 10x2 Athletic Points = 30 Physical Stat
  • Body Shape: Muscular Body
  • Body Fat: Low Body Fat
  • Common(learned from childhood)
  • Plains Elf(taught from parents)
  • Daendroque(Linguistic skill)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • None
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Bright Blue
  • Hair Color: Dark Auburn
  • Hair Style: Medium length, mostly straight.
  • Skin Color: Tan Olive
  • Clothing: Mostly drab green with leather finger-less gloves, brown boots and hints of gray on his shirt and pants
  • Height: 6ft 2in
Personality and Abilities
  • How would Theodas respond to Fear?
    • Theodas reacts to fear with a look of paranoia and would constantly be looking around. He constantly looks over his shoulder once he feels fear settle in.
  • How would Theodas respond to Stress?
    • Theodas would mostly be frustrated and easily angered by a slight annoyance. While he is angered he may use some vulgar words and/or may resort to using his fists to get rid of his problem.
  • How would Theodas express feeling Happy?
    • Theodas would have a smile on his face, speak cheerfully and would be nice, also he'd be a goof ball. While he acts as a goof ball, he would oblivious to anyone's social-economic standing.
  • How does Theodas view Law and Authorities
    • Theodas respects all authorities and when it comes to laws he see them as restrictive in some cases. He may seem to be like a rebel but sometimes rules are meant to be broken.
  • How does Theodas feel about Races other than his own?
    • Theodas respects all races despite being older than his own,only as long as he and his race is respected. He hates when someone calls him barbaric and would become rather angered and may resort to violence if words don't work.
  • How does Theodas feel about Religion for his self and other faiths?
    • Theodas really doesn't care for religion and won't go out of his way to denounce any faith. Although he isn't part of any religion, he is open for any religious values the people around him may have.
  • How does Theodas feel about Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • Theodas thinks Arcane and Magical are some-what useless but if it gets a job done then he doesn't mind it. Since he thinks this, he would think any mage or other type of Arcane or Magical being can be put down with a blow from his axe.
  • How does Theodas feel toward his Family?
    • Theodas values his family despite them not being with him in Regalia. Without his family, he is alone and will think of them at all times when in Regalia even though his parents kept to him from axes of any type.
  • What is Theodas' biggest insecurity?
    • Theodas' biggest insecurity is knowing that he nearly killed his brother by attempting to shoot a fruit off his head as a young child. Luckly his brother is alive and well. Since this has happened, Theodas dares not to try this trick again for he is worried that he may kill someone on complete accident.
  • What is Theodas most proud of about himself?
    • Theodas is proud that he can almost outrun a horse due to his intense athletic training regimen.
    • Theodas is also proud that he can keep a bowl or mug airborne then pinning it to a wall with a bow and a few arrows. With this skill, he will think that he's a marksmen and may brag about it while he is in a crowd.
  • What is Theodas' biggest fear?
    • Theodas' biggest fear is clowns, they just creep him out to where he can have prolonged nightmares if one is too close for comfort. With this fear he tries to avoid any carnivals that may be present in Regalia.
Life Story
As a young boy, Theodas has dreamed of exploring the world and all it's cities. While he had these dreams Theodas was trained in riding horses, hunting, and archery by his father. His relationship with his father is like any other Father-son relationship. With his brother, it was a competition at all times, no matter what the task was, the two would always make a competition on it. Later on in Theodas' life, his mother taught him to how to identify plants and speak Plains Elf and Common. Everyday, Theodas and his brother would go to the forest and explore it a bit before the nightfall. Later in life, Theodas decided he would learn Daendroquin so he can talk to other elves alike and be able to understand them in return.

At age 14 Theodas got lost in the forest near his village. Using his skills he had survived in the forest for three days before being found by a search party from his home village with his father leading the party. His father was grateful that Theodas was alive and well. When he returned home, nothing was the same for him. For Theodas had a been talented in wilderness survival which he was not taught by anyone. So this left Theodas to go camping quite a bit before turning 25. The day he turned 25 he gathered his belongings he knew he would need, said farewell to his family and set off to explore the world.

It seems Theodas' dream had finally come true but there was one thing he wasn't prepared for. Theodas had never gone out to sea. While he was out at sea, he almost was cast overboard in a heavy storm. Theodas didn't know how to swim very well so he would've drowned. This made Theodas never forget about this near-death experience. With this, he values his life and plans to live the rest of his life as planned with this past experience haunting him at every waking and sleeping minute. Once Theodas arrived in Regalia, he started looking for some work. As he looked for work, he'd been rejected from some jobs because of his race, leaving him with no income. Eventually Theodas would head north to explore the Highlands. This is where he adopted the Highland accent and his axe skills. When he aquired his axe skills he thought it too easy when he initially learned, so he asked the people in this Highland village about his race. They said that Avanthars are experts at wielding axes, riding horses and being fierce calvary members. With this in mind, Theodas initially thought his parents lied to him and kept him away from axes so he wouldn't become a soldier. When sitting in his inn room, he knew that his parents did this for his own safety. While in the Highlands, he began to become stronger and learned to battle with an axe and eventually gotten an axe of his own to which he carries on his belt to this day. Deciding to head back to the city, Theodas went and was running down the steep hills and mountains. While doing this he'd been running in the mountains giving him the speed he has obtained. When he got back to the city he started to become a lumberjack to generate some income with his newly acquired axe skills. Theodas has a lot to learn still and a lot of places to explore before the hour of his death, what he does with his time is up to him.

@MantaRey All changes are in red so that they can be noticeable for it's review, just in case they can't be seen or noticed.
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Here is my review:

Basic Information

  • If his Elven and Full Name are the same, you can just put his name under "Full Name".
Skill Information
  • Avanthar get a +10 Axes Combat Skill and a +10 Cavalry Combat Skill. These are Racial Proficiency Boosts so they will not count in the Body Stat section. You've currently only used 30 Proficiency Points.
  • The current Body Stat calculation is incorrect. The current total would be 10 Light Bow Combat + 10(x2) Athletic Training = 30 Total. Remember, Racial Proficiency Boosts do not count in this calculation, only points invested.
  • His languages would be Common and Plains Elven. If you would like for him to known Daendroque, you would need to invest +6 Points in Linguistics.
Personality and Abilities
  • This entire section needs expansion. I would add at least another sentence to each point currently.
What is Theodas most proud of about himself?

  • This section seems very powergame supportive. Given he only has a +10 in Light Bow Combat, I wouldn't suspect he'd be able to hit a sewing needle from 50 feet away. Instead of solely trying to make the character seem OP in his bow skills, I would replace most of these points with things about his personality or past accomplishments that he could be proud of, or anything that doesn't seem improbable. I would also make this one collective bullet point but a few sentences.
Life Story
  • Add one or two personal experiences in his Life Story that would impact him long-term. Think about how they might reshape his view on the world, on other races, or himself.
Make your edits in a legible red then tag me when you've completed them. @TonyBones
@MantaRey, I have made a few changes to this application. Changes are in red and 'hitting the sewing needle 50ft away' is removed, and the Elven name has also been removed.
Basic Information

  • Full name: Theodas Vamys
  • Age: 45 Alorian years, Born June 9th. Looks like he's 27 years-old.
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Avanthar
  • Preferred Weapon: Light bow and One-handed axe
Skill Information
Proficiency points: 45 total proficiency points from age
  • +10 Light Bow Combat Skills
  • +10 Hunting Knowledge
  • +10 Athletic Training
  • +10 Axe Combat Skills(not included with combat points)
  • +10 Cavalry Combat skills(not included with combat points)
  • +6 Linguistic Knowledge
Body Shape
  • 10 Combat Points + 10x2 Athletic Points = 30 Physical Stat
  • Body Shape: Muscular Body
  • Body Fat: Low Body Fat
  • Common(learned from childhood)
  • Plains Elf(taught from parents)
  • Daendroque(Linguistic skill)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • None
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Bright Blue
  • Hair Color: Dark Auburn
  • Hair Style: Medium length, mostly straight.
  • Skin Color: Tan Olive
  • Clothing: Mostly drab green with leather finger-less gloves, brown boots and hints of gray on his shirt and pants
  • Height: 6ft 2in
Personality and Abilities
  • How would Theodas respond to Fear?
    • Theodas reacts to fear with a look of paranoia and would constantly be looking around. He constantly looks over his shoulder once he feels fear settle in.
  • How would Theodas respond to Stress?
    • Theodas would mostly be frustrated and easily angered by a slight annoyance. While he is angered he may use some vulgar words and/or may resort to using his fists to get rid of his problem.
  • How would Theodas express feeling Happy?
    • Theodas would have a smile on his face, speak cheerfully and would be nice, also he'd be a goof ball. While he acts as a goof ball, he would oblivious to anyone's social-economic standing.
  • How does Theodas view Law and Authorities
    • Theodas respects all authorities and when it comes to laws he see them as restrictive in some cases. He may seem to be like a rebel but sometimes rules are meant to be broken.
  • How does Theodas feel about Races other than his own?
    • Theodas respects all races despite being older than his own,only as long as he and his race is respected. He hates when someone calls him barbaric and would become rather angered and may resort to violence if words don't work.
  • How does Theodas feel about Religion for his self and other faiths?
    • Theodas really doesn't care for religion and won't go out of his way to denounce any faith. Although he isn't part of any religion, he is open for any religious values the people around him may have.
  • How does Theodas feel about Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • Theodas thinks Arcane and Magical are some-what useless but if it gets a job done then he doesn't mind it. Since he thinks this, he would think any mage or other type of Arcane or Magical being can be put down with a blow from his axe.
  • How does Theodas feel toward his Family?
    • Theodas values his family despite them not being with him in Regalia. Without his family, he is alone and will think of them at all times when in Regalia even though his parents kept to him from axes of any type.
  • What is Theodas' biggest insecurity?
    • Theodas' biggest insecurity is knowing that he nearly killed his brother by attempting to shoot a fruit off his head as a young child. Luckly his brother is alive and well. Since this has happened, Theodas dares not to try this trick again for he is worried that he may kill someone on complete accident.
  • What is Theodas most proud of about himself?
    • Theodas is proud that he can almost outrun a horse due to his intense athletic training regimen.
    • Theodas is also proud that he can keep a bowl or mug airborne then pinning it to a wall with a bow and a few arrows. With this skill, he will think that he's a marksmen and may brag about it while he is in a crowd.
  • What is Theodas' biggest fear?
    • Theodas' biggest fear is clowns, they just creep him out to where he can have prolonged nightmares if one is too close for comfort. With this fear he tries to avoid any carnivals that may be present in Regalia.
Life Story
As a young boy, Theodas has dreamed of exploring the world and all it's cities. While he had these dreams Theodas was trained in riding horses, hunting, and archery by his father. His relationship with his father is like any other Father-son relationship. With his brother, it was a competition at all times, no matter what the task was, the two would always make a competition on it. Later on in Theodas' life, his mother taught him to how to identify plants and speak Plains Elf and Common. Everyday, Theodas and his brother would go to the forest and explore it a bit before the nightfall. Later in life, Theodas decided he would learn Daendroque so he can talk to other elves alike and be able to understand them in return.

At age 14 Theodas got lost in the forest near his village. Using his skills he had survived in the forest for three days before being found by a search party from his home village with his father leading the party. His father was grateful that Theodas was alive and well. When he returned home, nothing was the same for him. For Theodas had a been talented in wilderness survival which he was not taught by anyone. So this left Theodas to go camping quite a bit before turning 25. The day he turned 25 he gathered his belongings he knew he would need, said farewell to his family and set off to explore the world.

It seems Theodas' dream had finally come true but there was one thing he wasn't prepared for. Theodas had never gone out to sea. While he was out at sea, he almost was cast overboard in a heavy storm. Theodas didn't know how to swim very well so he would've drowned. This made Theodas never forget about this near-death experience. With this, he values his life and plans to live the rest of his life as planned with this past experience haunting him at every waking and sleeping minute. Once Theodas arrived in Regalia, he started looking for some work. As he looked for work, he'd been rejected from some jobs because of his race, leaving him with no income. Eventually Theodas would head north to explore the Highlands. This is where he adopted the Highland accent and his axe skills. When he aquired his axe skills he thought it too easy when he initially learned, so he asked the people in this Highland village about his race. They said that Avanthars are experts at wielding axes, riding horses and being fierce calvary members. With this in mind, Theodas initially thought his parents lied to him and kept him away from axes so he wouldn't become a soldier. When sitting in his inn room, he knew that his parents did this for his own safety. While in the Highlands, he began to become stronger and learned to battle with an axe and eventually gotten an axe of his own to which he carries on his belt to this day. Deciding to head back to the city, Theodas went and was running down the steep hills and mountains. While doing this he'd been running in the mountains giving him the speed he has obtained. When he got back to the city he started to become a lumberjack to generate some income with his newly acquired axe skills. Theodas has a lot to learn still and a lot of places to explore before the hour of his death, what he does with his time is up to him.
Looks good. Just apply the changes to the original post on the thread and you'll be good to go. Drop me a tag when you've done that. @TonyBones