The Working Man

January 24, 306 AC
The azure eyes of a certain bowtie loving blonde flicked open; with in seconds the man had slipped briskly from the grasp of the snoring red-head that lay beside him; doing similarly with the balled up hound by his feet. He'd grown a routine; which he tried his hardest to follow to the best of his ability..

Lazaruz's mind was full steam ahead to do work; the man would very quickly find himself in the sleeves of his Vigilant Sheild attire; a magnificient mix of purple, grey and gold..

He'd offer a smile to the two still sleeping, before trying his hand at silently making his way downstairs in his armour. Sigrun, the pooch on the bed would offer him a mere tilt of the head; questioning why he'd woken up far sooner than her beauty sleep required. With a pleading look from the blonde; she went back to sleep..

Lazaruz clanked his way down the tight spiral staircase to find himself making his prepatory tea, a necessity to the start of any /real man's/ day, he'd like to think! The knight inhaled at the smell of the sweet addictive substance he held; Oh and in his favourite cup? Oui.. He sipped, and in barely a few moments it was all gone.

The day had begun.


Right, out the door with the man-- Into the early morning; who too was in the midst of fully waking up.
A light breeze knocking against the man's fringe as he made his way passed the often bustling opera arena that lurked near his home in the direction of the Bastion..

It'd been a mixture of feelings for Lazaruz, setting eyes upon the great castle, the first time he'd returned since serving in the prior seige to rescue Du Pont; still fresh in his memory, in his skin.. Overall the man was just pleased to be able to get back to working to the fullest of his ability without setbacks..

"Err, anyone about!?" Lazaruz's voice echoed through the castle, searching for an answer.

He was answered by silence.

Lazaruz raised a hand to stubled chin giving it a brief rub as he thought to himself briefly. He decided to pretend Ania would see him working on his own as something to merit, grinning sheepishly to himself he'd clank on out of the Bastion on his usual route down the main street.


It'd been a few hours since Lazaruz had first set foot to the streets of Regalia; his day filled up mostly dealing with petty crimes, nothing the knight couldn't handle.
He decided to take a break at a nearby seat.

The man would shut his eyes briefly, sniffing the air, praising the moment of silence.
Yet of course this was cut short by a scream for a guard. They always came when he was settling...
Lazaruz got to his feet, and charged off to see what the comotion was.

back to work.

(@PurrPleh , @MiniPurrPleh , @Riyara)
- Sorry this one was kinda rubbish, compared to my normal writing..
I'm getting back in the swing of things; if this story didn't seem to really go anywhere.
I've been trying to write alot, but find myself getting anxiety and not posting them! xD
Thanks for reading ~
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Jitterbug [4X] You put the boom-boom into my heart You send my soul sky high when your lovin' starts Jitterbug into my brain Goes a bang-bang-bang 'til my feet do the same But something's bugging you Something ain't right My best friend told me...
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January 24, 306 AC
The azure eyes of a certain bowtie loving blonde flicked open; with in seconds the man had slipped briskly from the grasp of the snoring red-head that lay beside him; doing similarly with the balled up hound by his feet. He'd grown a routine; which he tried his hardest to follow to the best of his ability..

Lazaruz's mind was full steam ahead to do work; the man would very quickly find himself in the sleeves of his Vigilant Sheild attire; a magnificient mix of purple, grey and gold..

He'd offer a smile to the two still sleeping, before trying his hand at silently making his way downstairs in his armour. Sigrun, the pooch on the bed would offer him a mere tilt of the head; questioning why he'd woken up far sooner than her beauty sleep required. With a pleading look from the blonde; she went back to sleep..

Lazaruz clanked his way down the tight spiral staircase to find himself making his prepatory tea, a necessity to the start of any /real man's/ day, he'd like to think! The knight inhaled at the smell of the sweet addictive substance he held; Oh and in his favourite cup? Oui.. He sipped, and in barely a few moments it was all gone.

The day had begun.


Right, out the door with the man-- Into the early morning; who too was in the midst of fully waking up.
A light breeze knocking against the man's fringe as he made his way passed the often bustling opera arena that lurked near his home in the direction of the Bastion..

It'd been a mixture of feelings for Lazaruz, setting eyes upon the great castle, the first time he'd returned since serving in the prior seige to rescue Du Pont; still fresh in his memory, in his skin.. Overall the man was just pleased to be able to get back to working to the fullest of his ability without setbacks..

"Err, anyone about!?" Lazaruz's voice echoed through the castle, searching for an answer.

He was answered by silence.

Lazaruz raised a hand to stubled chin giving it a brief rub as he thought to himself briefly. He decided to pretend Ania would see him working on his own as something to merit, grinning sheepishly to himself he'd clank on out of the Bastion on his usual route down the main street.


It'd been a few hours since Lazaruz had first set foot to the streets of Regalia; his day filled up mostly dealing with petty crimes, nothing the knight couldn't handle.
He decided to take a break at a nearby seat.

The man would shut his eyes briefly, sniffing the air, praising the moment of silence.
Yet of course this was cut short by a scream for a guard. They always came when he was settling...
Lazaruz got to his feet, and charged off to see what the comotion was.

back to work.

(@PurrPleh , @MiniPurrPleh , @Riyara)
- Sorry this one was kinda rubbish, compared to my normal writing..
I'm getting back in the swing of things; if this story didn't seem to really go anywhere.
I've been trying to write alot, but find myself getting anxiety and not posting them! xD
Thanks for reading ~
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