The Withering Flower

Saelethil was quiet, the usually smiling, and cheerful man was quiet. His eyes were red from crying, and his lip was red and swollen from biting. He couldn't help it, it was one of the few distractions he had, to keep his focus away from the pain.

He sat in an old chair, beside his Little flower's side. Gaelitur lay in the bed, oddly quiet, and still. The boy, that would never be able to sit for more than five minutes, without singing, or dancing, or jumping about. Gaelitur's cheery smile, was replaced with a pained expression. The boy was sickly pale, with bloodshot eyes, and sunken cheeks. His dry lips had cracked, and they didn't seem to moisten at all, no matter how desperately Saelethil tried, and Saelethil tried. He tried everything he could find, but deep inside, he knew that this disease wouldn't wither away. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't defeat it, he couldn't kill it. Every time it went away, it took a few months, before it flared up again, twice as powerful… twice as deadly.

"P-P-Papa..?" Gaelitur opened his eyes, staring up at Saelethil slowly. A weak yet brave smile curled up on the boy's face, in an attempt to calm his father.

"Yes, sweetie. Papa's here." Saelethil reached out, to clutch Gaelitur's hand. He wanted to hug his boy, to hug him, and never let go. Hugging Gaelitur was not an option… It would damage him further. So, Saelethil held his hand, hoping the contact would keep his little flower from slipping away.

"C-Can you sing a s-song for me?" The boy asked weakly. He seemed more distant than ever, his gaze could barely focus on Saelethil.

"S-Si.." Saelethil took a moment to ponder, before he began singing a soft tune.

"In the fields of green,
where the flowers bloom.
Under the grand tree,
we're shaded from the sun.

In the fields of green,
lit up by the moon.
We watch the stars together,
You and me and her."

"Y-You… and Me… And Mama?" Gaelitur muttered weakly. His eyes slowly shutting.

"Sí, mi Flor pequeña.." Saelethil choked up slightly, clutching the boy's hand tightly in his own.

"I'd like that…P-Please… Continue."

Saelethil nodded, his eyes filling up with tears. He could barely manage to finish the last verse.

"In the fields of green,
where we'll meet again.
T-this is where I want to be,
together with y-you…"

The boy's grip loosened, as his little chest slumped down. Reached forth, shaking him. Then he hugged the boy. He screamed, "Please! Gaelitur, Please!"

No response.

"Please! D-Don't go…"


"I-I need you!"

Dead silence.

"... Please…"

As with all beautiful flowers, Gaelitur had bloomed, lived, and now… Withered.

@Eccetra @BrammekeH @Inferno_Breaker @SlyChung @Miss_Confined @Raeris Saelethil began drinking shortly after this event
Saelethil was quiet, the usually smiling, and cheerful man was quiet. His eyes were red from crying, and his lip was red and swollen from biting. He couldn't help it, it was one of the few distractions he had, to keep his focus away from the pain.

He sat in an old chair, beside his Little flower's side. Gaelitur lay in the bed, oddly quiet, and still. The boy, that would never be able to sit for more than five minutes, without singing, or dancing, or jumping about. Gaelitur's cheery smile, was replaced with a pained expression. The boy was sickly pale, with bloodshot eyes, and sunken cheeks. His dry lips had cracked, and they didn't seem to moisten at all, no matter how desperately Saelethil tried, and Saelethil tried. He tried everything he could find, but deep inside, he knew that this disease wouldn't wither away. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't defeat it, he couldn't kill it. Every time it went away, it took a few months, before it flared up again, twice as powerful… twice as deadly.

"P-P-Papa..?" Gaelitur opened his eyes, staring up at Saelethil slowly. A weak yet brave smile curled up on the boy's face, in an attempt to calm his father.

"Yes, sweetie. Papa's here." Saelethil reached out, to clutch Gaelitur's hand. He wanted to hug his boy, to hug him, and never let go. Hugging Gaelitur was not an option… It would damage him further. So, Saelethil held his hand, hoping the contact would keep his little flower from slipping away.

"C-Can you sing a s-song for me?" The boy asked weakly. He seemed more distant than ever, his gaze could barely focus on Saelethil.

"S-Si.." Saelethil took a moment to ponder, before he began singing a soft tune.

"In the fields of green,
where the flowers bloom.
Under the grand tree,
we're shaded from the sun.

In the fields of green,
lit up by the moon.
We watch the stars together,
You and me and her."

"Y-You… and Me… And Mama?" Gaelitur muttered weakly. His eyes slowly shutting.

"Sí, mi Flor pequeña.." Saelethil choked up slightly, clutching the boy's hand tightly in his own.

"I'd like that…P-Please… Continue."

Saelethil nodded, his eyes filling up with tears. He could barely manage to finish the last verse.

"In the fields of green,
where we'll meet again.
T-this is where I want to be,
together with y-you…"

The boy's grip loosened, as his little chest slumped down. Reached forth, shaking him. Then he hugged the boy. He screamed, "Please! Gaelitur, Please!"

No response.

"Please! D-Don't go…"


"I-I need you!"

Dead silence.

"... Please…"

As with all beautiful flowers, Gaelitur had bloomed, lived, and now… Withered.

@Eccetra @BrammekeH @Inferno_Breaker @SlyChung @Miss_Confined @Raeris Saelethil began drinking shortly after this event
I gotta be honest, I'm glad this story went over well. It's been gnawing at the back of my head for some time, I guess this is the "Official" start of My Saelethil backstory month.
Idk what to call it

Alcoholism month?