Archived The /walk Command

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Wallpaper Enthusiast
Aug 20, 2013
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The City of Sails
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Roleplay Guilds
As a small idea for roleplay purposes, a /walk command could be added so that people look like they are taking a casual stroll rather than a power walk like in normal minecraft by giving them a slowness buff. Also, the grey frilly things that appear when effected by slowness could also be removed.
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Good idea, I can't see any immediate cons or ways it could be abused.
Someone who's butthurt is going to complain, lol.
Maybe even allow you to set a distance to walk? It could make you walk in a direction for X amount of blocks, and that way you could type while walking. This would allow people to "walk and talk".
Doesn't everyone power walk all the time in real life? :^)

As a matter of fact I do, but it still seems 2 or 3 times faster then everyone else. So I would think that yes, most people don't power walk, or power walk very slowly, which is the same thing.

I support this by the way, and also the walk and talk idea.
As a matter of fact I do, but it still seems 2 or 3 times faster then everyone else. So I would think that yes, most people don't power walk, or power walk very slowly, which is the same thing.

I support this by the way, and also the walk and talk idea.

I was being sarcastic, but I'll go along anyways.. You power walk in real life all the time?
Pretty much...either power walk, or not move. Or try to power walk, but is inhibited by the environment, such as other (slower) people.

Oh, I guess I call power walk a different thing, when you walk as fast as you can and pump your arms but not run, one foot is always on the ground is what I meant. I had a weird picture of you in my mind :D
I don't power walk, I just casually walk VERY fast. I have not found a single person who walks faster than me at their casual pace.
I don't power walk, I just casually walk VERY fast. I have not found a single person who walks faster than me at their casual pace.

I challenge you to a...blast. Challenging you to a speed walk race will not work very well. Blast.
But I have also not found anyone who normally walks as fast as I do. At all. Fast walking forever!
Does anyone realize that this thread has gotten frightfully off-topic? It went from a /walk command to an argument over who walks the fastest. We should probably get back on topic...
Maybe even allow you to set a distance to walk? It could make you walk in a direction for X amount of blocks, and that way you could type while walking. This would allow people to "walk and talk".
That's an even better innovation that what I had in mind. You sir may have a like.
Thinking about the command when I had an idea:

Whole set of commands for the walk plugin, /walk will open up these following commands:

/walk m,manual (Lets you walk anywhere you want.)
/walk a,auto -100 100 (Type coords into the command to walk to that location in your current world.)
/walk v,version (Credits to the plugin maker, whoever it shall be.)
/walk c,cancel (Cancels walking, manual or automatic.)
Really the only problem with that from my view is the coordinate thing. Maybe just a command to set a person walking with slowness minus particles would be alright to code but the coords would require a person to go to the place and learn the coords and type them in. But yeah, I support this.
I support this idea!

I've experimented with slowness in the past and slowness I does equate to a steady walk. Also just a general auto run button would be nice regardless of walking or not.
I Support this idea but I think the walking and talking aspect should really be implemented. When you're showing a new faction member for instance, and you're showing him/her different buildings and sites, it looks more professional and neat when you slowly walk by a place and talk instead of just stand there motionless while typing. Also for Roleplaying it would add more dynamics and make it more interesting.
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