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Played Character The Voids Bartender (Lloyd)

This character is actively played.


Ruler of the Abyss
Feb 4, 2018
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Some groups
\ Character Information
→ | Full Name: Lloyd??
↳ Nickname: Abyss, The Bartender, Nuvian, Demon Wolf, Jinn
→ | Race: Mystech (Unbound Spirit)
→ | Age: Unknown, suspected to be mid 30s though
→ | Gender: Male
↳ Pronouns: They/Them, Him/He, It
→ | Occult ???
↳ Attribute: Darkness/Shadows

\ Core Concept
→ | Religion: | The Eldertide (Broken Gods), Lloyd after spending a decent amount of time with Andria, learned more of the Broken Gods, and took a particular interest in the Eldertide, because he felt he related to the God to some level. Where he isn't yet a devout follower of the Eldertide, he does respect his power and influence.
→ | Behaviors: | Lloyd overall as a being, is very complicated, they have no one form, often observing others and how they act to learn how he too should act as well. And copies them, when he transforms to appear like that of rather races, he gets very into the headspace of whatever he is pretending to be. As to immerse himself into whatever persona he is fronting as. While in his 'true form' the Spirit tends to be very levelheaded, calm, and relaxed. He often tries to avoid conflict with others, preferring to more or less fight with his words rather than fists, unless forced to. He also has a heavy dislike/distaste for Nobles who look down on the poor and loves working as a bartender both of these things for reasons he does not understand or know the answer to even himself. Mostly, he focuses heavily on his own self-preservation and protection, or that of other spirits.

\ Appearance
→ | A Truly Broken Form: The Spirit's entire body is almost always shifting and changing, being made up of shadows. His form can be anything from a humanoid shadow figure to a distorted monster with multiple reaching-out limbs with sharp teeth and claws. To just being a small creature or bug formed from shadows. Their eyes glow an eerily red color but are still obviously an Unbound Spirit
→ | A Mimic: One of the Spirit's more enjoyable pass times is to leave his normal featureless form. To take on the forms, even the abilities of other people. Depending on how well he knows a person and how much understanding he has of them can determine how real his mimicked appearance looks to them. A low understanding of a person will result in him just looking like an obvious fake, shadowy version of the real person. A person he has a higher understanding of will result in a near-perfect copy of the person in almost all aspects

\ Proficiencies
→ | Strength : 0
→ | Constitution: 1
Mounted Evasion
- Free: Cavalry Summon
- Free: Carriage Summon
→ | Wisdom: 1
↳ Chem Berserk Pack
→ | Dexterity:: 0
→ | Magic: 11 (7 ATK 5 DEF)
↳ Shape Shapeshift Pack (Mystech Pack)
↳ Mind Control Pack (Mystech Pack)
↳ Magic Bolster Pack

Magic Isolate Pack
↳ Magic Cleanse Pack
↳ Magic Resist Pack
↳ Magic Snare Pack
↳ Magic Shove Pack
↳ Magic Warp Pack
↳ Invocation: Duelist
↳ Invocation: Monster

↳ Mimicry Pack
↳ Wardrobe Pack
→ | Charisma: 0
→ | Faith: 1
↳ Hex Apocalypse
- Free: Hex Stance

\ Abilities
→ | Mystech Traits:
  • Unbound Mechanic I: Unbound Spirits gain the Shapeshift Pack Magical Variant for free. However, they only count as Disguised while looking like a Normal non-spirit/monster person.
  • Unbound Mechanic II: Unbound Spirits do not need to make a minimum investment in Magic Point Buy to unlock Sinistral Variants, but must always use Sinistral Variants, they cannot use Radiant.
  • Unbound Mechanic III: Unbound Spirits gain the Mindcontrol Pack Magical Variant for free. Additionally, they are immune to Persuasion Thralling themselves (unless they choose to be Thralled).
  • Unbound Mechanic IV: Unbound Spirits can temporarily magically infest unwilling characters, hiding in their bodies, perceiving everything, "talking" in the person's mind, but are unable to use Abilities/take Actions. (Hidden)
  • Unbound Mechanic V: Unbound Spirits are immune to anything that would read/alter their emotions or conscience, and if killed/harmed, can always respawn in a different place 1 hour later, and repair any damage.

→ | Religious Mechanic:
  • Main Mechanic: All worshipers of The Broken Gods are granted the gifts of the Broken Gods. These gifts mainly aim at their spite and rejection from the world's status quo, in allowing them to choose one Mechanic of any Religion except Evolism, and add it to their own Mechanics. Additionally, The Broken Gods worshipers have a unique Mechanic related to Disguises or Monster Transformations. While these would normally be removed upon reaching 0 HP or being Knocked Out, Broken Gods worshipers who are defeated in combat or outside of it can never be forced out of any Disguise or Transformation. Keep in mind, this may cause problems with Knights, because a Monster that is not transforming back, may need to be executed, so use this judiciously.
  • Other Chosen Mechanic: All worshipers of The Deep Will are granted the gifts of the Deep Ones. These gifts mainly aim at overcoming losses. Any Deep follower who participates in an Event-Calendar noted Tournament that involves Combat Roleplay, and should lose, gains +2 Attack Stat (breaking cap up to 11) for the next Event-Calendar noted Tournament. This effect can stack (increasing the cap by 2 each time also), until they win, after which it is removed. Secondly, the Deep Ones allows all Deep followers to breathe and move quickly underwater but does not grant them underwater Combat Roleplay Mechanics or Abilities. The faster movement does not make them faster than those running on land, it just removes the drag from aquatic movement.

\ Languages
↳ Common
↳ Main Language of whatever he's mimicking

\ Life Story
↳ They are some kind of lingering essence of a person who died with works unfinished, and what little sentience was left made a deal with a theurgist to bring them back if they'd aid her in battle. They are driven by an indescribable urge to remember who they were and fix some unknown wrong while simultaneously fighting off insanity and holding onto what little identity is left, pushing them to do battle or bartending as it feels strangely familiar to
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